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Speaking of indy wank spots, how about Cena no-selling a powerbomb into an STF?


The "we are awesome" chant was started by a bunch on the floor by the ramp facing the hard cam. That 80% of the crowd joined in was an embarrassment. Also, if you're going to boo Cena, do it properly. Don't cheer when he sucks up to you and says you're the best crowd of the year, keep booing.

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It wasn't a powerbomb, it was a powerbotch. Every fucker in WWE refuses to sell everything now anyway, it's the house specialty because of the WrestleMania classics that did it. They work loads of matches as if they're WrestleMania matches, when really it's Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler #6802 on SmackDown. Cena vs Ambrose and Bryan vs Ziggler were both guilty of it. Cena elevates his throwaway TV matches with midcarders a bit closer to that WrestleMania status because of his aura and the novelty of it, but it's dreadful how Bryan's lost his aura so quick. Flash in the pan. It's also not great how Cena vs Ambrose came off as Cena wrestling a midcarder like those times he carried Cesaro to some little crackers, when Cena and Ambrose seemed like near equals during their interactions in the autumn.


Was Cena praising the crowd and getting cheered on TV or just for the arena? I don't remember it from his promo, but I have forgotten all of it besides the excellent "champ is here" trolling.

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They shouldn't be having guys kick out of the attitude adjustment (or other established finishers) on free TV, especially not in throwaway matches like Cena vs Ambrose was. Makes no sense, and only devalues it for proper matches.

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Was Cena praising the crowd and getting cheered on TV or just for the arena? I don't remember it from his promo, but I have forgotten all of it besides the excellent "champ is here" trolling.


It was on TV as well.


I know the spot was botched, but even if it had been done correctly, he'd have been no-selling the sunset flip powerbomb. Silly sausages all round. I only remember Harper no-selling big moves with Ziggler a few times, it's not become that common has it?

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They shouldn't be having guys kick out of the attitude adjustment (or other established finishers) on free TV, especially not in throwaway matches like Cena vs Ambrose was. Makes no sense, and only devalues it for proper matches.


I have no real problem with this. From a storytelling standpoint, the top guys are the ones that hit hardest, take the most punishment and can withstand the most pain, which makes them the top guy as its near impossible to beat them. Cena kicking out of a Dirty Deeds, or Ambrose out of a AA works because it proves they can't just be put down.


Its why character development is so important. You can build guys up as being canon fodder for the top names to being legit by explaining that they're training harder than ever, making sure they can withstand the punishment etc. Cena got beat by Angle in his first match, could've been pinned with 1 Pedigree back in that time, yet he got bigger, stronger and took beatings and kept coming back, meaning when it came to the 'super' finishers he was able to take more than one and just kick out before he came back fighting and fought through the wall.


It works in the alternative way too. Look at Big Show, most AA's, F5's or Spear's keep him down first time now. He's a giant and a bully but you put him against the top names and once they find a way around his size and strength he's easily dispatched, its just working smart around the size and strength. Look at most chicken shit heels. You can keep them down with one AA, but its getting to that stage to hit it emphatically rather than just a off the cuff moment of desperation when you get a break from their cheating, cheap shots and evasion.


Its why there's a place for no selling for me too. Cena's taken numerous Batista bombs in the past and come back fighting, one sunset flip powerbomb from a guy half his size without his power won't hurt him as much. Adrenaline can pull him up and put a desperation STF on. Same with Harper no selling Ziggler. Get kicked as hard as you can in the jaw by him but he's a mountain of a man from the back woods, he's probably been clocked harder than that before, he can come back and hit a clothesline with the momentum coming forward. Same for Ambrose and his rebound clothesline, if someone who they've alluded too has done deathmatches and been hit by some of the hardest guys, if he gets a chance to shake it off as he's taken worse punishment before and come back fighting then he's going to hit you hard.


I'm probably chatting rubbish to some people, and others just won't agree, but in terms of story telling entertainment, the big moves don't have to keep the big names down.

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Has Michael Cole been written off television from last weeks angle, or is the company STILL going through the process of bringing back guys who've taken a beating, then returning one week later?


I personally feel that nearly one week on, they may have screwed up a golden opportunity the night after Wrestlemania on Raw having someone like Renee Young do something out there on commentary. This echos the mainstream content prior to Mania on various news and sports outlets. A deer in the headlights strings to mind sending out Saxton to the wolves. Who knows what level of preparation he had prior to walking out there taking over for two hours.


The moment Lawler joined him was proof in the pudding that they had problems. Strange, very strange.

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Has Michael Cole been written off television from last weeks angle, or is the company STILL going through the process of bringing back guys who've taken a beating, then returning one week later?


An article on WWE.com has them already returning on Monday.
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From Gerweck.net


Vince McMahon is reportedly furious at Byron Saxton over his commentary during last Monday’s post-WrestleMania 31 RAW, according to Reddit user and former WWE backstage worker MetsFan4Ever, who has broke numerous stories in the past. The report notes that the rest of RAW after the angle with Brock Lesnar taking out Michael Cole was supposed to just be Saxton doing commentary but as we saw, Jerry Lawler was sent out to assist. Lawler was in the building due to it being the night after WrestleMania and Vince reportedly called Lawler to the gorilla position shortly before 10pm and told him to go out and “breathe life into Byron.” Despite Lawler going out to help, Vince apparently thought Saxton didn’t improve and stayed upset at him.

The report also states that Vince reportedly ignored Saxton as soon as he returned backstage. After the angle with Lesnar, Cole was said to be in the gorilla position also and tried coaching Saxton through the broadcast. There is no heat on Cole for not being able to fix things from backstage as both Vince and Kevin Dunn reportedly feel that when Saxton was given a major opportunity, he did not “grab the brass ring.” As always, some of this report should be taken as a rumor unless we hear more.

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter was asked by a fan on Twitter if Vince really was upset with Saxton, mentioning the MetsFan report, and Meltzer said Vince was.

On a related note, both McMahon and Dunn are said to be very high on Renee Young right now but they want to keep her doing backstage segments and pre-shows for the time being. However, there is serious talk of bringing her to the RAW announce team sooner than later.
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