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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Was odd that they showed Bryan hugging his Bella twin,maybe Randy will crap in her handbag next week or something to mess with him.


Not really, its now wide spread knowledge on TV they're dating and they consistently are using Total Divas for storylines with them so makes sense they'd be seen on TV. The thing with the Bella's is they're heels in the sense they hate the other diva's and think they're better, just because they're bitches to women doesn't mean they're not nice to the guys in their life. Plays up a much more competition feel around the diva's rather than just gimmicky hate.

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The ending was weird for me, as a sometimes-watcher. When I saw Ziggler I thought "wow, he's really been demoted, look at him running in with the rest of the midcarders". I wonder, with Ziggler being used as a high-profile challenger to the US title recently (which in itself is not a bad idea) - have they given up completely on him as a main eventer yet? I mean, they turned him face effectively in the match where he was losing the World title, so he was already in the box seat as number one contender for subsequent rematches with Del Rio. If they're patient with him, could the fans be conditioned to root for him getting back into the hunt and chasing the title again? Not soon, admittedly, but I think if he spends a couple of months learning to be a proper babyface (as discussed in other threads) and you get more people liking him for him being likeable (if he has it in his locker) on top of the fans that cheer for him already because they like him for (ugh) his workrate, then he could chase Sandow in the spring, once he's cashed in. The intolerable smug git heel being pursued by a fiery energetic face with the crowd behind him is a pretty easy story to write.


They'd probably get it off to (in my mind) the wrong start though, by having Dolph be the one to transition the belt from Bertie to Sandow in the first place. I'd be more patient with it and have RVD be the one to fill that gap, and a couple of Sandow/RVD rematches to establish Damien as champion before pointing Ziggler at him after he's got some momentum and support behind him. I know I'm probably in the minority here and most think they should just turn him back heel, but thought I'd throw that out there.

Edited by air_raid
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I hope Ryback continues to get mic time and we have a bit less of Heyman (who's great but has been overexposed lately). This could be magic.


Mostly enjoyable Raw. I hate that they've turned Sandow into a fast forward segment, dragged Ambrose into the awful tit for tat pointlessness of the midcard and made Big Show unbearable for me. The Dusty segment was good otherwise though, especially Steph. She can relate to the son of a plumber's plight and upbringing what with her being a daughter of a . . billionaire.


The closing segment played out perfect and Bryan now truly looks like a folk hero. Orton's been a class bastard and I loved him legging it at the sight of the babyface brigade. With the holding up of the belt and the impending Rhodes invasion they've got me hooked.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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I wonder, with Ziggler being used as a high-profile challenger to the US title recently (which in itself is not a bad idea) - have they given up completely on him as a main eventer yet?


Supposedly he said something (for real) that pissed people off and is now paying the price.

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Blood is thicker than water you power hungry cowards! @WWE #WatchThemAllFall @StephMcMahon @TripleH @VinceMcMahon


Triple H ‏@TripleH 17m


. @DUSTIN_RHODES1 Pride will not put food on the table, it'll only cost you more than you've already lost @WWE @StephMcMahon @VinceMcMahon



I'm looking forward to The Rhodes Boys being back in town. Dusty and Dustin knocking promos out of the park, Cody dying his hair blonde like a real man.

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Dusty won't be a regular part of programming, surely. He looks like he's on death's door and sounds like he's got a mouth full of marbles, clay and jerk chicken. He doesn't seem a well man. He's lost loads of weight or something as well, which could be a good sign, but could be a really bad sign. Somehow, as he gets older, Big Dust is looking more like Dustin.

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Well... NXT Spoiler


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Dusty is fired as NXT GM by HHH at the recent tapings for JBL. Dunno if that'll mean anything, but it looks like he'll be on telly a few more times to me


[close spoiler]

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Big Dust has a few health problems. One of them being that he's got circulation problems in his legs. He can't spend to much time on an plane. Becoth hith legth thwell up like big bowlth o' jellah, baby.


I suppose if you can do something where he doesn't have to take bumps, he'll be alright. Do his little dance and big elbows. He's got two sons who can do the rest of the work for him. I suppose having a massive heart attack halfway through Raw isn't what they need at the minute. I want to see more of Dusty. He's just great to have onscreen. He's like wrestlings version of Noddy Holder. When he pops up around winter time, it gives you a good feeling.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Was odd that they showed Bryan hugging his Bella twin,maybe Randy will crap in her handbag next week or something to mess with him.

The thing with the Bella's is they're heels in the sense they hate the other diva's and think they're better


They're faces now, aren't they? Since AJ's "shoot", anyone appearing on Raw who is on Total Divas is a face at the moment, anyone other girl left on TV who isn't is a heel. Think that's why Kaitlyn & Eva Marie have been held off as of late, for opposing reasons.


On the subject of Dusty's health issues - looked to me like the Dream was losing the eyesight in one eye? Looked very cloudy.


I have to say, to my mind the "dilemma" Dusty was posed with was pretty cut & dried when you think about it. I know Steph tried to muddy the water with the "You've always neglected Dustin" line, but Cody is a clean-living newlywed in his mid-20s, his wrestling career (which seems on strongly on the upswing, even in kayfabe) still stretching way out in front of him. Dustin is a self-confessed fuck up, past his prime, who only last week fought selflessly to get his brother's job back, nothing else in it for him. Logic suggested Dusty should pick Cody in a heartbeat, and Dustin would have gone "Yep, fair play dad. I'd have made that choice too. Looks like we accomplished our goal of getting Cody back into work. Fancy a beer?"


And on the subject of dads... Miz Sr. no-selling his son's destruction was indeed a thing of beauty. He's not even over as a sympathetic babyface in his own immediate family.

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I have to say, to my mind the "dilemma" Dusty was posed with was pretty cut & dried when you think about it. I know Steph tried to muddy the water with the "You've always neglected Dustin" line, but Cody is a clean-living newlywed in his mid-20s, his wrestling career (which seems on strongly on the upswing, even in kayfabe) still stretching way out in front of him. Dustin is a self-confessed fuck up, past his prime, who only last week fought selflessly to get his brother's job back, nothing else in it for him. Logic suggested Dusty should pick Cody in a heartbeat, and Dustin would have gone "Yep, fair play dad. I'd have made that choice too. Looks like we accomplished our goal of getting Cody back into work. Fancy a beer?"

Dusty's a man who has been fired in his 40s, so he gets where Dustin is at right now. Dustin has also been through divorces and has kids who he has to support. One of his sons is a young man trying to make it and the other is an old veteran who has been through the mill and who doesn't have as many breaks left in him as Cody. So Dusty taking away probably Dustin's last chance of success would be a hard choice. I'd say its still a hard choice, because Dusty has always been portrayed as a proud man. Making him choose between his kids, is probably the worst thing you could do to the son of a plumber.


Would have loved to see him pick Cody, and then do a backstage skit with a crying Goldust: "Go ta TNA, Duthtin. Rethurrect tha Black Reign gimmick, brother" and then Dusty hands him the pet rat that he carried about in TNA for some reason.

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I loved the segment and thought it was a cracking twist to try to make Dusty choose between his sons. I thought The Dream played it wonderfully too. I'm hoping they have big plans for the Rhodes family with this storyline. It will be nice to see Cody get a big push out of it and anytime we get Goldust and Big Dust on TV I'm a happy man.

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