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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Like C-Rock these days I can only realistically watch the Raw highlights myself, though I don't then come on here to comment on the show from a viewer's perspective. Sometimes I'll say "it LOOKs like a good show" or "reads well" but I agree with the majority that unless your watch the whole 3 hours it's unfair to judge the show in its entirety.


But in all seriousness how do you guys find the time to watch Raw every week?! 


I'm just too busy these days to sit down and watch all three hours (five if you include Smackdown). If I'm lucky I squeeze in Main Event every week, and the occasional Network special, and I always make time for the PPVs... but Raw and Smackdown is strictly reserved for the rare occasions I'm ill on a Monday morning sadly. :(


I haven't watched Raw since the Raw after Mania. Mostly because nothing that's going on, from a spoilers standpoint, has interested me.


However, I could watch it. I work ten hour days but usually have two days off a week. It's not three hours with the adverts cut out and I almost always fast foward Divas stuff. Just means I'm not playing Xbox, watching Netflix, writing or hanging with my friends for a couple hours one day.

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Not a bad show overall. Like most recent shows I think if it they trimmed the fat and went back to 2 horus they would be really really great but nevermind.


The opening Kane/Reigns match was a fun TV hardcore match. Though I've always found the kendo stick being under the ring annoying. Logically there could be a reason why a table, chair, ladder or trash can is under the ring but why would a kendo stick be there? The promos from The Authority before this were good too.


Dean Ambrose continues to be completely wonderful. He's such a breath of fresh air.


No Uso's or New Nation but time for Rybaxel and Gold-Stardust? Crappy. Also Cesaro has either been completely forgotten about by the writers or pissed someone off. Makes no sense to put someone over so huge at the biggest Wrestlemania ever and then treat them like this just a few months later.


Another good Brie/Steph segment. Though putting them on last is almost giving a womens match a main event feel which is strange. Triple H sitting on the table smugly holding Brie back was great.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Yeah, Vince thinks Cesaro is a boring shite again.


Triple H showing a bit of cheek for Brie was brilliant of the man. Sold it like a champ too. This heel run is the best thing he's done since 2000/01. Every other week he's either doing some great promo, or selling like prime Flair. Of course, Stephanie is an odious creature and gets how to be a proper heel more than anybody in the company not called Triple H. I wish a full time wrestler could get it as much as this pair.


The videos for Cena/Lesnar are what WWE do best. Great productions. That's 3 for 3 in great segments now, for this feud. I like that the build for this is so different from anything they do. Basically promising you'll get to see a wrestling version of a Saw movie, if you spend $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99... $9.99...

Edited by ColinBollocks
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The opening Kane/Reigns match was a fun TV hardcore match. Though I've always found the kendo stick being under the ring annoying. Logically there could be a reason why a table, chair, ladder or trash can is under the ring but why would a kendo stick be there?


You see, I've never understood why people say this. There are loads of different kayfabe ways to explain why there are various foreign objects under the ring, such as the company always keeps a choice of weapons under the ring in case they need to announce a hardcore match/match that needs different foreign objects, or perhaps a wrestler put it there/paid an official to put it there before the show started etc. You could even argue in kayfabe terms that it's simply a hangover from the attitude era when weapon use was widespread and the company hasn't changed the rules on what's allowed to be stored under the ring.


Out of anything in the world of wrestling logic, I find this is as easy to explain as any.

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Chalk and cheese from last week, this show. Endless amounts of filler. That Adam Rose segment was fucking dire. John Cena makes Cesaro look like a superstar last week and someone undoes it this week. Not even Dean Ambrose can make Del Rio interesting for 15 minutes. What was that Natasha stuff about?


Opening match was a fun brawl with Kane in his element ruined by that Network bollocks and an awful finish. Any worries about Reigns' work should be eased though. He's doing great.


Cena and Lesnar promos were excellent. Lesnar's line about leaving him in a pool of "blood, urine and vomit" was terrific.


Steph stole the show again. And even though Brie's delivery is wooden as hell, her and her sister took those pedigrees brilliantly. Two of the best I've ever seen.


Me buying the Network for the content is an absolute given. The only thing that would stop me is more of this overbearing overselling shit.

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Steph and Triple H were gold again,Layla's chest looked fantastic and the Lesnar/Cena video was perfect.Everything else was filler.


Paige's promo was decent too.

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I watched that Adam Rose segment with the missus who was up with the baby. I just sat there cringing as she asked me if this is what I watch wrestling for :/


Why does that always happen ? sort of like how the moment the soft sex kicked off during something i was watching in my room also happened to be the moment my dad popped his head around my bed room door ...


my missus only ever seems to 'have a look' when hornswoggle is running through walls

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I know this is giving WAY more of a fuck about Adam Rose than WWE do but there was a moment during that cringewirthy mirror segment where I thought Rose would look in the mirror and see the Leo Krueger character he did in NXT, leading in to some kind of split personality gimmick with the happy-go-lucky Adam Rose and the maniacal, sadistic Leo Krueger.

Mind you, they didn't do the Bo Dallas/WMXXX crowd response thing either so they clearly don't give a fuck about my ideas. :) 


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Trim some of that fat and you've got a really enjoyable Raw this week. Reigns vs Kane, Ambrose vs Del Rio and Jericho/Harper were all good matches and the last match with Slater getting the upset over Rollins was a great match/segment in its own right. The Steph/Brie contract signing was brilliant WWE soap-opera tomfoolery and there's a clear direction or Summerslam with the card almost fully booked up now. For once, we have a clear picture of almost an entire card a fortnight before it's on. You don't see that as often as you used to. The Cena/Brock promo was first class too. 

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I watched that Adam Rose segment with the missus who was up with the baby. I just sat there cringing as she asked me if this is what I watch wrestling for :/

Adam Rose is one of the worst gimmicks of all time, its one of them ones where you can't even say it's so bad it's great...it just plain fucking sucks. I wouldn't even class it as Wrestlecrap, it doesn't deserve that title.


When he came in i gave it a go because a fair few on here were saying it was one of the best new gimmicks in years, what were you people smoking?

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A lot of things that seem good in NXT are shite in WWE proper. Small hall to big is a massive move to make, they don't fail just because Kevin Dunn is a dick. NXT has the same small building and same fans every week who are more hardcore than the average WWE Raw crowd. It's just one of those things.

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