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LOP is saying Reigns vs. Orton. Hoping that's just them talking shit, Hunter vs. Reigns is box office, especially alongside Brock vs. Cena. I re-watched the Extreme Rules 2012 main event earlier today, and it is just masterful. I was originally annoyed at Cena winning with two moves, but I have a new appreciation for how the match is structured in making both men look great. Brock for beating the shit out of WWE's top guy, and Cena for rallying from one of the biggest beatings (if not the biggest) of his career.

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Yeah but that's LOP. LOP is for cretins as has been shown on here many times.

Meltzer said it too. Reigns hhh may be kept for October maybe?

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It may of been the plan to have Reigns vs Orton but Plans can change


The ending of Raw with the fans chating this is awesome at the staredown between HHH and Reigns may have given them something to thing about.

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Wow I was no fan of Paige's Title reign but that was pretty harsh. Based on her expressions it looks like a heel turn is coming but wouldn't it have been better to have a frustrated Paige walk out or get DQ'd instead of just dumping the Title back on AJ?

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Hopefully they send Paige back to NXT for a while, because she was as far from ready for the main roster as they come. She couldn't talk, she had no personality and in-ring she was sloppy. I think this will be like when "Husky Harris" or similar came up or Bo Dallas came up, wasn't ready, went back and improved.

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I'm not sure I've ever seen a worker more out of their depth on a big show than Paige. Atrocious on the mic, no personality, poor in the ring and she stands out physically, for all the wrong reasons, when stood next to any other Diva. She has no upside at all and promoting her from NXT was a mistake, and I don't think she's good enough to be there either. Hopefully her heel turn was purely to help AJ's return get more of a reaction and we've seen the last of Paige.

Edited by Smokin'
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Really good Raw. Steph singing Cna's theme was the highlight of a brilliant opening.


Dean Ambrose being the anti cash-in is a great idea.


Jericho looks fucking shit. The hair and the tats are awful. Glad he got battered. Couple of interesting glimpses into the WWE foodchain. Miz gets beaten up by Jericho who in turn is food for the Wyatts. Also Ziggler, who loses to everyone, beats Fandango. Not great career prospects for either of those.


Looking forward to the Battle Royal for the IC title. Pity they just released half the lower card though. Hopefully they fill it out with tag teams. Cesaro winning?


Like the SummerSlam card posted earlier. However, Reigns vs. Orton would be ok.


Rusev CRUSH.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I haven't enjoyed Paige's run so far, but I don't think she's been brutal. In ring, as far as Divas go, for a first run she's actually been pretty decent. Think back to the first few months of almost any Diva's career and the matches are almost always pretty rough. Worse is that she's lacked a character, but maybe now that can change? If that was supposed to be a double turn, maybe this is the opportunity for Paige to kick into the "Anti-Diva" thing everyone was talking about. It'd be understandable if WWE didn't want their new babyface Divas champion to try and get over by running down what their whole female division stands for. For a newbie to come in and say "all these women are bland clones, I'm different and better!" diminishes every other babyface Diva. If she's a heel, though, she can do that, ham it up and show a bit of personality. It'd be a much easier assignment.


Bo Dallas for IC Champ, please. Easily my favourite thing in WWE right now and his gimmick seems like it'd suit some gold. I don't watch NXT though. Was he in this character when he won/had the title there?

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I wish Orton would piss off. He bores the shit out of me. He has a knack for instantly making me not care about a match. 100% boring bastard.

Edited by Loligan
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It's about bloody time they turned Paige. The shrinking violet act wasn't working and now she can work like she did on NXT, with the mean streak. The glare she gave the crowd when the AJ chants started was the best things she's done on the main roster. Just don't give her a live mic. Babyface AJ is gonna be fucking horrible mind.


The Swagger/Rusev confrontation was magic.


Ignoring Stephanie, the awful Authority are draining my interest in the show at the minute. I can't believe they're still in a position where Orton and fucking Kane are needed to headline every show while guys like Ziggler, Cesaro, Ryback etc. have spent the last several months treading water or doing sod all.


They royally take piss with these rematches. Hopefully the Int battle royal is an opportunity to bring up Sami Zayne.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Really good Raw. Steph singing Cna's theme was the highlight of a brilliant opening.


This was brilliant. This and Ghetto H.


It was a strange Raw for me as I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. It's been in a real lull for the most part since WrestleMania so it was good to see a show that mixed things up a bit. Still not interested in Cena as champ though. I understand he's the best placed person on the card to hold the belt over the summer, but he's been in this position for so often now it just bores me. Again, not a knock on Cena or his work, just the fact that the prospect of him fighting for the title just doesn't interest me, until him and Lesnar start feuding post-Battleground. In fact the title match at Battleground can completely fuck off. Orton and Cena should never be allowed in the same ring at the same time over again.


Also, what the hell happened to Cole after Cesaro threw Kofi over the announce table? It looked like Kofi barely caught him, but Cole was down for a while.

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Paige's exchange on the mic with AJ is the most personality and competence she has shown thus far.The loss will give her a storyline,and the heel turn means Paige will get some semblance of a personality from creative too.Can't be worse than her being an afterthought in the feud between Cameron and Naomi anyway.


Overall,an unexpectedly cracking episode of Raw!

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Forgot all about Swagger/Rusev! I've always been a fan of Swaggers, so hopefully this face-turn brings back the Swagger Soaring Eagle and everything.

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