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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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What's different about the house show audiences? Do they typically attract a different demographic than TV tapings?


The internet makes up a miniscule population of the fan base, and the crowds at a few raws (and it has only been a few) don't necessarily represent a majority at all. It's a tens of thousands versus millions.

Is that really true these days? Fucking eveyone's on the internet. At the Chamber a large section of the crowd were chanting 'Boo-Tista', which started life as an r/SquaredCircle meme:



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Which would be fair to say if it was one or two audiences, but it's been every audience since he returned, on every show and PPV. Plus everyone on the internet that isn't at the live shows slating him, that's a good majority of the fan base.

Because its cool to do what the other towns do. Its a vocal majority. WWE put the fans over when they said how amazing the Fandango fans were last year, so other towns tried to copy it. Its how it goes. Its how most of the fans chant "Cena sucks", yet he's by far the biggest star. Its how Dolph Ziggler seemed to be the most over man in the company, yet nobody would think about paying to see him. What you hear is way different from the reality of it. The idea that people are booing Batista because they dont want him around is ridiculous to me. This is a vocal fan backlash. No different to Hulk Hogan in 1996 (who's matches were far worse than Batista's in that era). We are in a world where its one extreme to another. Seeing a babyface get booed is a detriment to the shows. But that doesn't mean those fans dont want him around. If he turned, those crowds because his resource.


Its the whole presence of the camera also. Knowing your on pay-per-view or on TV is way different to when you are at a house show. You cant get yourself over if you're a fan at the house shows.


It really isn't just because everyone else is doing it. People genuinely don't want him around in my opinion. I have no interest in his matches or the segments he's involved in and the majority of people/friends who I talk to about wrestling (granted, there isn't many) have no interest in seeing him either.

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I don't think everyone was copying a meme, the 'BOO-urns' is a pretty well known Simpsons reference

Aye wrestling crowds are always spontaneously co-opting decades old Simpsons jokes. I remember when they chanted 'You don't win friends with salad' at Shane McMahon on the last Nitro.

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It really isn't just because everyone else is doing it. People genuinely don't want him around in my opinion. I have no interest in his matches or the segments he's involved in and the majority of people/friends who I talk to about wrestling (granted, there isn't many) have no interest in seeing him either.

Some people said that about the Rock last year. And Hogan in 1996. And John Cena in 2005. He had a huge backlash and people were saying they should put Christian over him. Not everyone is going to want the same person around. Rock was dull as fuck at times last year, but people still liked him. Just because you know a few people that share your view doesn't mean that's the reality of it. Its why they still have Sin Cara around. The gimmick is over with people we may never bump into in real life. Just look at the formula. Its so ridiculous. He showed up on his first night, the people popped, he did great numbers, people were glad he was back. He showed up at the Royal Rumble because he was the obvious favourite and everyone wanted Bryan to win. Poor Rey Mysterio even got booed. But Batista won it, he has the title shot their hero wants and in reaction WWE haven't done half as much with Batista as they wanted to do because they are trying to hide him from the boos. Its a backlash because he's returning to take the top prize which people think Daniel Bryan should have. Not because nobody wants him around. Its because people don't want him on top nudging their favourite out. The fan base isn't just the people you see shouting at the arenas. They are just fad merchants. Like chanting "We Want Ryder" when the Rock was in the ring at MSG.


It boggles my mind that people dont see Batista vs Bryan or Punk as blockbuster matches. Those type of dynamics are what you never get. A true divide between a bloke who knows he's a star and acts like it and wrestlers who people go nuts for because they come across as accessible. You dont get those sort of matches every week.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Pretty much anyone seemingly coming in out of nowhere, winning the Rumble and main eventing Mania over Bryan would get booed but Batista hasn't helped himself. He's been fucking terrible.


Him turning heel should lead to some decent stuff though after Wrestlemania, I don't think there's anything that could get me interested in the Batista/Orton feud, as whatever else you think about him he really is a great heel.

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Plus everyone on the internet that isn't at the live shows slating him, that's a good majority of the fan base.
That's not true though. The internet makes up a miniscule population of the fan base, and the crowds at a few raws (and it has only been a few) don't necessarily represent a majority at all. It's a tens of thousands versus millions.


I don't know the ratings either, I must admit, but people booing at shows doesn't mean a huge amount. It can become a huge amount if the TV audience start to associate him with that stuff, but it doesn't yet


I was saying the large amount of fans at shows plus the internet community is a large majority, not just the internet fans alone.

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Sweet fucking hell.

This is a contrived version of the "we want Bret" chants. Chanting irrelevant shite during shows isn't new. I love how clowns like them actually believe this is a movement. Putting money in the till isn't a movement. If you dont like it, dont watch. Because they always react when the ratings are down. Business is great right now, though.

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