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I might be imagining it as I can't find it but I'm sure Reigns had some neat music in NXT as 'The Thoroughbred' which had the sound of galloping horses or similar.


Reigns is probably the trickiest on the post Shield clobber. He's perhaps the one who could get away with keeping his Shield gear (as it suits him so well and looks so badass) but he probably will have to change and I can only really think trunks for him. Definitely not tassels though and I think he needs to keep away from jackets and shit too. Probably Goldberging him is the way forward - no-nonsense taking care of business style. I wouldn't mind him adding some nod to his Samoan roots though. Agree with Goosh he should keep those sweet wrist pads. Really, I'd like him made up like Khal Drogo. I'd watch Raw with a ferocious boner every week if that was to happen.


Rollins will be alright, he had nifty gear in FCW and NXT and I imagine will revert back to similar. Which suits him, especially as an IC level baby face which I think will be his natural position initially post Shield. I still think Rollins will be the real surprise, he's got just as bright a future as any of them. I can't see Ambrose going to much different than his FCW clobber either. Leather jacket/trench coat and trunks. Definitely shouldn't stay with his current stuff as some have suggested though. Not a fan of that at all and hate that he's ditched the flak jacket when the others still rock it.

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I wouldn't want him full on Samoan like that! He'd look class in a Nation of Domination style outfit I reckon, like black but with some Samaon tribal. Tights in a similar vein to how his current outfit sits. But I suppose Nig E (unintentional typo but i'm keeping it) already has similar and as I'm sure they're destined to have a long history together against each other that probably isn't the best option.

Edited by ShortOrderCook
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Fuck colour they would be black


Black tassles are what strippers wear.


Also, Reigns should have pyro in his entrance too. I'd give him something similar to Booker T's old pyro. The flames bursting out of the stage when he roars.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Reigns NXT Debut go to 27mins in you'll see him in trunks oo-er and hear his music.


I'd keep it simple, trunks, wrist cuffs and boots either like in the video or what Lesnar and Batista used to wear


Ambrose I'd keep in the shield gear but theres also the danger he would be like Marty Jannetty and not move on from gimmick and look left behind


Rollins had nice gear in nxt/fcw but might end up looking like Justin Gabriel but I like the idea of him wearing Hardyesq combats and topless

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So the consensus is that all the Shield guys should go to trunks, knee pads and boots? Then everyone can complain that everyone looks the same.


Ambrose would look best in bare basics. His best-up denim jacket in NXT made him look like he'd rolled in off the street, and for a guy that looks like he does, I think showing he's not a ripped Adonis would actually complement his nutso persona.


Reigns needs to look like he's wearing armour without Conaning up. Add some metal to his wrist pads and do a similar look for his boots with Batista-style boot guards. No explosive sparkly pyro though. Horsemen-style music, Edge-style dry ice. Simple. Anything bigger would diminish his aura. (For the record, I hate pyro. Every fxxxer's got fxxxing pyro.)


Rollins I couldn't give a toss about.

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So the consensus is that all the Shield guys should go to trunks, knee pads and boots? Then everyone can complain that everyone looks the same.

Yeah, that's the consensus. I mean apart from the suggestions that one of them keeps the same gear. or discussion about long tights, jean shorts, tassles, denim jackets, robes, hats, blade jackets...

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If they go with the 3way at Mania they should have Michael Cole do pre taped sitdown interviews with each of them to flesh out there characters so fans know more than 3 militant soldiers


Reigns- 'former defensive lineman (or something) for x, a member of the legendery samoan family etc and any other stuff they wanna stick in


Rollins- 'avid fan of thrash metal and extreme sports' or whatever his traits will be


Ambrose- 'unhinged nutter that lives in a teletubby style bunker and likes anarchy'


Just 5mins each just to show more of who they are


Also Reigns needs to sort his hair, it seems to long everytime he hits a move he has to pull it out his face, dunno what though a bit shorter? tie it back?

Edited by The Cutting Edge
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