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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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So how many matches do we think we are looking at for Mania. Pre show to main event? You'd have to have the following. 

1. Universal Title 

2. WWE Title 

3. Smackdown Tag Titles

4. Raw Tag Titles

5. Intercontinental

6. US Title

7. Raw Women's

8. Smackdown Women's. 

9. Cruiserweight

10. Steph/HHH v Rousey/Angle

11. Cena v Undertaker. 

12. Andre The Giant Battle Royal

13. Fabulous Moolah Battle Royal. 


Obviously I'm not suggesting that's the order but that is a shit load of matches. Have I missed any? This is going to be a long show. 

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I reckon we might have Bayley VS Sasha at Mania, perhaps on the pre-show. Fuck a Moolah battle royal. Nobody likes the Andre the Giant battle royal as it is, so giving the women their own version is a waste for them and our time. But as Bruce would say, 'gets them on the card'. Fuck it, make Bayley VS Sasha a LumberJill match in that case.

They are clearly having a Raw tag match after all, and given the way they are building it, it should be a good team/big name/surprise team challenging. Authors of Pain would be the logical choice, but rumours abound that it could be the Hardys. Meh, they wrestled each other a thousand times before Jeff was injured, so that would be a comedown.

What on earth are they going to do with Zayn/Owens? Chuck them into the tag title picture? I hope to god that Shane isn't wrestling.

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9 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Winning the Universal title!

Oh you. Trust the Gooner to know how to make me laugh.

4 hours ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

Fully on board with these personally - do we think we’ll see a Sasha v Bayley match as well?

I talked about this with a mate at work today and in theory it's a great idea. Hammer how much weight they're putting behind the women getting more chance to shine by as well as two title matches putting on a match that logically has long-term story/slow build for it which while has the title involved in the story, doesn't need to be FOR the title to have intrigue. The kind of match that the womens roster has never truly had the depth before to present without the belt also being involved. In practice, we weren't sure there will be time on top of everything else they've got planned and it will probably end up on the pre show. Sad panda.

6 hours ago, Undefeated Steak said:

I'd rather Strowman not be at Wrestlemania at all than put in a throwaway match.

You mean fucker. Who deserves their Mania cheque more than Braun?

9 hours ago, Supremo said:

I’m guessing Braun is winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royale. Maybe he can eliminate every single opponent.

This was also discussed at my gaffe today. Shoving Braun in the Battle Royal because there's nothing else for him, on the face of it, would be highly unoriginal. However, having him go full on Miley Cyrus at the opening bell and SMASH every Tom, Dick and Jinder out of the ring within 5 minutes would be an original twist. Which is why they won't do it, sadly.

As an aside if Braun does get shoved into the battle royal I'd love to see him get to obliterate Dolph "SI says $1.5m a year" Ziggler at the end. To underline what a main event player the latter truly isn't.

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The Rousey tag match is not something I’m opposed to (though I’d rather have Braun than Kurt on her team) but I’m dreading it just because I know it’s going to take up about 45 minutes of the show. With the amount they have to cram in, it’ll be even more frustrating watching this bit drag on and on.

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I'm not convinced Angle makes it to the Mania match. Seems like they're testing his ability to go, with the easy out of HHH 'injuring' him if need be, thinking that he and Steph have got one up, only for Braun to be announced as the replacement. 

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Was quite heartbreaking during Heyman’s promo seeing the father and son behind him in the crowd; he was talking about Brock and the young lad leant in to ask his dad a question and you could see the dad say ‘no...next week’ and they both started booing.

It’s alright though, because then the dad worked out where he was on the screen and started using Heyman’s bald head as imaginary bongoes to cheer the kid up. So it all worked out.

They’ve goosed that feud already. Utterly goosed it. Why did you need to heat Brock back up by pointing out the inconsistencies in Romans argument? Or talking about his sacrifices? If the idea is to get Roman cheered (it won’t work) then surely have Brock live up to that. Don’t even have him show up on Raw. Have Heyman send a postcard and then leak pictures of the two of them sipping margheritas on a beach after a hard MMA training session.

Also, the WWE have no clue how to run a shoot angle, because their instincts are to turn everything up to 150%, which completely strips it of its credibility. It’s now just a feud, but a dull one with swearing that no one will take to.

Oh, and the gender revolution probably wasn’t helped by Heyman referring to the title as ‘Brocks bitch’, then referring to it as ‘she’ and using some pretty outmoded phrases to talk about it.

Besides that though, guys... pretty terrible.

The Miz, Elias and Braun. That’s Raw’s money gang.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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The prevalence of multi-man matches at this Mania speaks volumes to the overloaded WWE roster at the moment.  Just trying to cram their "top" stars onto the card is proving to be a logistical nightmare, with guys like Cena and Strowman still without matches!

I appreciate everyone wants a payday and nobody wants a dozen Willy The Worker Twitter posts but for me, I'm less interested by 6 man matches for a title than one-on-one.  It's those matches that really are significant in the long-term, the culmination of big feuds or fantasy matchups finally taking place.

I'm not sure there are really ANY marquee matches for me this year.  The Ronda/Kurt v HHH/Steph match is the closest mainly due to the novelty factor of Rousey and of Kurt.  Mind you, and I say this as a huge Angle fan who thought he maintained a fantastic quality even through the TNA years... he looks completely done.  The year off from wrestling seems to have calcified his joints or something, he moves like a man in a Kurt Angle costume.

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Okay, I know you shouldn’t post ideas online when fucked but I genuinely think this is amazing so I’m gonna go for it anyway.

Have Lesnar refuse to show up on Raw unless the whole show is done with an Octagon instead of a normal ring. All night wrestlers are clearly pissed off at this, but go with it anyway. Then at the end of the show the do a standard pull apart brawl but instead of everyone pulling Reigns and Lesnar apart the lot of them lay into Brock. Between now and Mania, Roman is built up as the guy who has to defend wrestling’s honour against the MMA guy. HHH and Steph get a bit of abuse for allowing Lesnar to call the shots like this, Ronda and Kurt throw some digs in about it too. Strowman has a rampage a bit and fucks the cage up a bit. Tag matches go to shit as people can’t tag in from outside the cage. 

Okay this idea is shit but I spent ages typin it so I’m sticking with it 

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With how busy this card is, I do think it’s only a matter of time before we get mania over two nights. Could cut this show in two easily and have enough for two decent 3+ hour shows, and you coujd have the men and women’s battle royals as the preview match each night 

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1 hour ago, Loki said:

The prevalence of multi-man matches at this Mania speaks volumes to the overloaded WWE roster at the moment.  Just trying to cram their "top" stars onto the card is proving to be a logistical nightmare, with guys like Cena and Strowman still without matches!

Could Wrestlemania be spun out into a 2 night event in future?

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