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Does that mean there would no overrun? Meaning a return for Schiavone and his "we're outta time!" Much like Professor Farnsworth inventing The Finglonger, a man can dream.

In all seriousness though, a return to two hours could be beneficial. Gives them a chance to cut some of the deadwood and moveĀ the 205 Live guys off completely and just have them on their own show or have one match a week on Smackdown as a lead in to it.

Onviously it's just speculation at this point, and the rights arn'tĀ up for renewal until September 2019 are they?

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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41 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Meltzer's pointedĀ out on Twitter that, were WWE to go to FOX, it would likely go to two hours due to news programmes being broadcast at 10pm.


That's how we got onto this subject in the first place, see the last page.

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5 hours ago, PunkStep said:

Interesting, not sure if Disney would stand for that. Isn't a big reason why Murdoch is buying up the rest of Sky so it can be included within the acquisition from Disney?

They are trying to buy it and have been for years but Murdoch owns too much media over here, Disney or Comcast don't.

Disney want a Netflix or Amazon Prime alternative plus the rights to the original Star Wars, Xmen and more their movie business and Regional Sports Networks (a ESPN version of Netflix for cord cutters) while Comcast wants to expand their pay TV business which is maxed out in the US.

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Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle make a right pair. Both of them are in the hottest program in WWE despite being some of the worst promos in the business. Kurt has lost it completely inĀ terms ofĀ timing, constantly mumbling, stuttering and talking over people, and Ronda may have even worse timing than him. That bit where Steph asked for a drum-roll and Ronda blurted out her line before they'd even played it? Fucking hell. For someone who's obviously such a huge fan of this, her instincts are absolutely terrible. Didn't she live with Shayna Bazler for like a year or something? They couldn't be further ends of the spectrum in terms of knowing what to doĀ and more importantly when to do it. Shayna is a complete natural and Ronda is anything but. Still, if nothing else, the success of this program has really highlighted what incredible performers Steph and Triple H are. It's almost entirely thanks to them, Hunter in particular, that this angle is clicking so well. That segment should've been a car crash, yet it somehow worked and I'm all in on this match.

It took them one week to, "Summer of Punk," this Roman vs. Brock thing. You knew it was going to happen. They can't help themselves. Roman gets more cheers than normal by, "shooting," last week, so they immediately go overboard and start doing extra wanky, insider shit. "Afa Wrestlemania, Reigns can Sika a new title to challenge." Fuck off. Honestly, if they keep this up, I'll look back at them on the go-home show before Mania 31, playing tug-of-war with the belt like a pair of five years olds, as the glory days.

Sucks to be The Revival. When they announced this match I suddenly realised that The Revival and The Bar could probably have some cracking matches if they allowed the Revival to build some momentum. It's a fresh feud that, in time, could probably be awesome. Then they got pinned clean. Oh well.

It took them far longer than it should have, the (dilapidated!) ship has probably sailed, and I'm convinced they'll still find a way to ruin it, but thank fuck someone's finally realised that Broken Matt Hardy works a hundred times better in stupid vignettes at the compound than just endlessly laughing in one-note promos and having shit matches in the ring. Hopefully this Deletion thing is produced by Jeremy Borash andĀ they turn the daftness and stupidity up to the max. Maybe throw Bray into the lake only for him to re-emerge as Broken Husky Harris or something. His character sure as fuck needs that type of drastic change. Ideally they should also save it for Mania. A twenty minute stupid video where Matt's allowed to do whatever he wants to amuse himself would be the perfect way to break up the nineteen hours of in-ring wrestling matches we'll likely see at Wrestlemania.

I love Bruan Strowman so much. I love Elias almost as much. I'll never get over the improvement those two have made. Imagine thinking that either of them would ever amount to this. So much fun. I want Elias to host a concert from his hospital bed next week, only for Braun to show up and smash the whole hospital to bits.

That Nia and Alexa post-match promo was really fucking good. I feel like that's going to really click when Nia eventually turns on her. Alexa plays the bitch perfectly.Ā I'm not sure a babyface Nia Jax as champion post-Wrestlemania really works though. Plus, I don't know if she was just having a bad night or I've never noticed before, but Nia was absolutely awful in that match with Asuka tonight. Sloppy as fuck, she looked a genuine danger in there.

Can't believe Seth has gone back to thoseĀ geek-in-CZW-from-2004 tights from the Royal Rumble. Awful.

I laughed at Coachman's, "nobody likes to be accused of things," line in the Miz match, during a show in which, in the midst of it, news broke that Coach was accused of sexual harassment. Surely that had to be intentional?!


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I love the idea of the Symphony of Destruction match - silly little gimmick matches like that happen so infrequently these days that theyā€™ve got a nice novelty value about them now.

In a way itā€™s a shame they couldnā€™t drag the Braun-Elias build out a bit longer - a match with that concept could have made for a really fun WrestleMania undercard match.

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Iā€™m guessing Braun is winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royale. Maybe he can eliminate every single opponent. Maybe he can eliminate them all in one go by tipping the ring over.

Anyone else struggle to watch Paige on TV now without being completely distracted trying to see how theyā€™ve covered up her shit tattoos on her hands?Ā 

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I still think Elias and Strowman will end up in the IC title match.

Does anyone else see Hardy and Wyatt potentially becoming a team after there ultimate deletion match? They teased it a little bit in the Rumble.

Could see The Bar vs them pair for the Raw belts at Mania, with maybe Brother Nero interfering, and them three becoming a weird trio.

Edited by The King of Old School
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Maybe just me, but I quite like how unpolished Rousey is. It adds a little of the old school, where they have a destination but it can go a bit wrong now and again. Anyway, I thought their segment was grand. Granted, you can moan about Stephanie showing arse this early, but it's proper nit picking because it was good work. It will be interesting to see how the next few weeks go, because if Triple H and Stephanie are showing too much arse then there is a pretty good chance Kurt is taking the pin at 'Mania - which isn't terrible because it means they can prolong a feud that's working and will hopefully be working after that. So long as they protect Rousey.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle make a right pair. Both of them are in the hottest program in WWE despite being some of the worst promos in the business. Kurt has lost it completely inĀ terms ofĀ timing, constantly mumbling, stuttering and talking over people, and Ronda may have even worse timing than him. That bit where Steph asked for a drum-roll and Ronda blurted out her line before they'd even played it? Fucking hell. For someone who's obviously such a huge fan of this, her instincts are absolutely terrible. Didn't she live with Shayna Bazler for like a year or something? They couldn't be further ends of the spectrum in terms of knowing what to doĀ and more importantly when to do it. Shayna is a complete natural and Ronda is anything but. Still, if nothing else, the success of this program has really highlighted what incredible performers Steph and Triple H are. It's almost entirely thanks to them, Hunter in particular, that this angle is clicking so well. That segment should've been a car crash, yet it somehow worked and I'm all in on this match.

It did work and it's probably the right match but I'm struggling to give a shit. I'm interested in Rousey but not against Steph. Not even a tiny little bit. My interest in Angle is at an all-time low and considering there were literally years of his run in TNA I didn't care about, that's saying something. Trips is wasted being in this. Him and Strowman would be worthwhile, assuming Strowman wins. I wouldn't mind seeing him giving a rub to Elias or Balor. He's a big name, his matches are rare, they shouldn't waste it on this tosh.

2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Sucks to be The Revival. When they announced this match I suddenly realised that The Revival and The Bar could probably have some cracking matches if they allowed the Revival to build some momentum.

No. What the fuck were they doing wrestling in the first place? Putting two heel teams in so one of them can be psuedo-babyface but expecting us to care next week when they're heels again is the sort of shit they do all too often now. No-one is really a heel (except the Miz). No-one is really a face. Wins and losses don't matter. Blah, blah. Still, if they have some cracking matches eh? Revival were going along nicely. They should have built momentum until the either turned Sheamus and Cesaro or they transitioned the belts onto them.

Also puzzled by Strowman's role at WM. He deserves something big. Really hope it isn't anything to do with the IC title though. Another thing that really annoys me now is how utterly devoid of proper tiers the roster is. The way people just drift between challenging for the mid-card titles and what should be the main ones really irritates me. It's enjoyable every now and then. John Cena having a run with the US title despite being a bonefide headliner because of the feud with Rusev made sense. Roman Reigns holding the IC title doesn't. He's above it. WAAAAAY above it. Rollins and Balor go from challenging for the Universal title match at mania to the IC Title match. Strowman is also above it. He needs to be nowhere near it. He should have been murdering Trips, Cena or Taker. Anything else is a waste of time now they've blown through Elias.

Nia Jax and Asuka told a good story. Bliss was really good afterwards too. Not sure what they're going for though. They keep doing this with Jax, teasing stuff when it's never her turn. Weird.

IC Title triple threat looks a good addition to the WM card. Waiting for Balor to explode though. Been smiley for too long.

Can the Hardy compound save this tedious rivalry? Maybe. Something needs to.

Cena and Goldust? Nice. love it when they occassionally do stuff like this for no reason just because it's different.That fucking heel/face thing again though, eh? Vinny Ru's cornucopia right now.

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I'd rather Strowman not be at Wrestlemania at all than put in a throwaway match. Have him flip on an official/Vince in the run upĀ and ban him from appearing on the show. Crowd will be chanting for him through the WM show hoping he'll be a surprise addition to main event. If the fans are gonna Steve JusticeĀ on Lesnar/Reigns anyway, then they may as well use it as a way of getting more support behind Strowman.Ā Then he can turn up on Raw the following night to a massive pop and smash everyone/thing up Nexus style, and keep him hot through the summer and have him take the belt off Reigns at Summerslam.Ā 

You could get three big PPV matches off this with Strowman and Reigns in the summer for the belt. The first Strowman can get DQ'd, the second he smashes Reigns up and he gets stretchered out to a no contest (like Rey/Sabu), and then have the Summerslam match in Hell in a Cell or No DQ.

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