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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I don't have an issue with them at all. Having the guys name show up all in caps before the promo is pretty goofy and pointless, but they're essentially an updated version of the inset promos wrestlers used to cut while making their entrance. Except better, because those inset promos were always always terrible.

Plus Snapchat/selfies are still incredibly relevant to the yoof generation. It's not like they've started using dubstep theme music eight years after it was popular, or whatever. 

The other alternative is they carry on with the Renee Young 'my guest joining me at this time' shit for every single interview.

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2 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

The other alternative is they carry on with the Renee Young 'my guest joining me at this time' shit for every single interview.

It's classic wrestling fan behaviour though - the only thing we despise more than the same old shit is any kind of change whatsoever. We've moaned about those shitty interviews for years, and as soon as they change it, we complain about what they change it to. UGH I FUCKING HATE THESE SELFIES, WHY CAN'T THEY JUST GO BACK TO DOING INTERVIEWS WITH RENEE AND STARING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE FOR 30 SECONDS AT THE END OF EVERY ONE.

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43 minutes ago, Supremo said:

It reeks of Vince or Kevin Dunn suddenly discovering Snapchat or something. Done sparingly, it can give promos an edge and make them stand out, like when The Shield used to do it. Everyone on the roster doing it makes it pointless though. 

Agreed. I was wondering if I'd missed something, like the Facebook mixed tag stuff, where these were for something other than the show. The Cena one particularly looked low budget and shaky as fuck.

This could actually be something if they did it out and about. Doing it in the arena where they have actual cameras is daft.

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The one Miz did before his match with Corbin at Survivor Series was great. Better than the match anyway. Also the ones Ziggler used to do that got inserted into Zack Ryder's True Long Island Stories about a hundred years ago.

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Is Coach still doing his ESPN gig?

I mind he had that mini meltdown on twitter, when he had a go at Meltzer and the IWC, saying he was done being involved with WWE not long after it.

I wonder if he's taking Michael Cole's spot soon enough. IIRC, there is talk Cole is looking to take a bigger backstage role in the near future. Rumours and what not.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Enjoying Cena showing signs of the fans getting to him.

Stick a fork in Wyatt, He's finished imo. He needs a good six months off TV just for a chance to get the losers stink off.

Three women's matches on one show was a nice change of pace, gave more room to get individuals over. Also more than one story going on within the division.

If Elias doesn't sing throughout the Chamber, I'm going to be gutted.

Bit of a shit crowd though tbh. They didn't even make much of an effort to boo Reigns or Cena.

Looking forward to the second chance match next week. Has to be Finn going over surely?

Looks like The Revival are going the way of the Ascension. Fucking criminal.

Edited by The King Of Swing
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Wyatt needs a complete gimmick overhaul. He can vanish for 6 months, but he's just going to be the same old rubbish and the fans will lose interest in him again after a few weeks, unless he suddenly turns into Daniel Bryan level of bloke that can turn shite good.

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Was thinking of how Cena's star is today after watching Raw then came across this from Meltzer this morning on WOR: 


"In trying to phase John Cena down, they've phased John Cena down. In the sense he doesn't feel special at all anymore. He use to feel like a big superstar, tonight it felt like 3 guys in the main event.

John doesn't come across as a big star. Before if you beat John Cena, it was a big deal. It didn't feel like a big deal, it felt like meh he's just another guy now.

They should have done a better job protecting their biggest star. Not that Cena should never lose, but should lose when it's important he loses.

Elias was a nobody after the end of it, even after beating Cena. The idea was to get Braun over, they were focusing on him and putting him over strong. The problem was the time between the powerslam and the pin, people were flat with the finish. There was no expectation or booking in this to get Elias over, if there was they wouldn't have done what they did at the end."

They didn't need to sacrifice both guys, they could of had Elias get the win, roll out of the ring and have Braun powerslam Cena twice. That would be abusing John Cena but they're abusing Cena anyway. They're so intent on getting Braun over that they're sacrifacing everybody for him, part of the problem is he's not winning at EC. They don't want to hurt him.

It's mental to think people out there are still probably on a Super Cena trip. 

He's felt like a guy that comes in, smiles and gets beat for AGES now. Even if that's not always strictly the case that's been the impression. And so that's what's come across. It's changed the whole aura of his character. Even his ring gear now just smacks of somebody whose back from the film set to play himself and have a bit of a laugh, even though it's more or less the same garb he's always had.

His star has diminished huge, I think. At least his value to what that character means to TV. Really rings home how Brock's been their main star for years now, even if he doesn't matter nearly as much to the amount of markets and cross promotion metrics as Cena does.

It would be interesting to hear some different opinions, though. 


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32 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Was thinking of how Cena's star is today after watching Raw then came across this from Meltzer this morning on WOR: 

It's mental to think people out there are still probably on a Super Cena trip. 

He's felt like a guy that comes in, smiles and gets beat for AGES now. Even if that's not always strictly the case that's been the impression. And so that's what's come across. It's changed the whole aura of his character. Even his ring gear now just smacks of somebody whose back from the film set to play himself and have a bit of a laugh, even though it's more or less the same garb he's always had.

His star has diminished huge, I think. At least his value to what that character means to TV. Really rings home how Brock's been their main star for years now, even if he doesn't matter nearly as much to the amount of markets and cross promotion metrics as Cena does.

It would be interesting to hear some different opinions, though. 


I'd agree, but the thing is, Roman Reigns is edging dangerously close to being in the same spot, and he's about 15 years behind Cena in the top dog position. 

Yes, there's usually been shenanigans involved, but he's most likely headlining Wrestlemania, yet the week before and the day after the Royal Rumble he was jobbing to The Miz, before that he was losing on RAW to The Club, and before that he's lost plenty to Braun Strowman, or neither winning or losing in a multi-man match. He's still getting fans complaining that he always wins and has to be protected all the time, but he's losing way more than the figurehead of the promotion should be, surely? I'm sure they'll have him win constantly after Wrestlemania, but at the moment they're moving into the same worst of both worlds situation with him as they're in with Cena, where half the fans are going to think he's over-pushed no matter what the reality is, and the other half are going to see that a win over him is meaningless - so you end up with him winning or losing being meaningless either way.

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Send Revival back to NXT for a little bit then, let them find their spunk again. Easily enough room for them.

If they were singles they’d have been plonked in 205 by now.

Letting them rot, or not giving them an entrance etc, is absolutely terrible. 

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Problem with Reigns is that they've gone hot and cold with him so many times that when the time is right (in their minds), they still don't want to commit. Three years after his Rumble win and first Mania main event build, and they're still not ready or unwilling to go all in. The first title win was aborted, so he spent nearly a year treading water. After an admirable go by Hunter to use himself to put Reigns on the spot, he had his run on top, but then they dropped him again and other than cleanly beating the Undertaker at a WrestleMania (ffs) he's been just another guy in the pack on Brock Lesnar's brand for another 18 months. SINCE beating the Undertaker at a WrestleMania, he's been just another guy, how maddening is that?

When Cena got moved up, he got moved up, he was virtually unstoppable forever and beating him was permanently a big deal. Since Roman had his first proper run as champion he's been pinned cleanly by Balor, done all manner of jobs for Owens, Strowman, Miz and others in TV and ppv mains and finished runner up in two Royal Rumbles seemingly designed to make the winners popular winners by the virtue of not being him. There's been no conviction to portray The Big Dog as just that for most of his run since the Shield first split up, partly due to the Lesnar factor but honestly for me, with some of the losses he's experienced and especially being the last out by Nakamura in the Rumble, I feel a little like they've become obsessed with not repeating the "Super Cena" factor and hoping that by NOT pushing Roman as unbeatable, the vocal masses might not resent him as much. It hasn't worked.

Hogan, Austin, Cena... once they were on top, they were booked as such. They could do with treating Reigns as the top guy NOW. No more false starts.

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