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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm hoping that, post-WrestleKingdom, Jericho knows his own worth well enough to tell Vince to do one if they just want to bring him in as fodder.

Who's the comedy heel du jour? Surely someone's going to take a kicking from a bunch of "legends" before the night is through?

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1 minute ago, BomberPat said:

I'm hoping that, post-WrestleKingdom, Jericho knows his own worth well enough to tell Vince to do one if they just want to bring him in as fodder.

Who's the comedy heel du jour? Surely someone's going to take a kicking from a bunch of "legends" before the night is through?

From reading the results on the WWE app, it sounds very much like they're setting up The Revival for that next week...

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1 minute ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

From reading the results on the WWE app, it sounds very much like they're setting up The Revival for that next week...

Ugh, that's disappointing. I know they've been held back by injuries and whatnot, but The Revival should be the baddest heel team on the roster, and they've just done nothing.

Their whole gimmick and style lends itself to a confrontation with legends, but they should be the ones coming out on top - actually get some bloody heat on them, and make them look dangerous, rather than getting a pop for the New Age Outlaws or the APA or whoever, that aren't going to be around next week to make good on it.

They could get some decent heat, and build to something worthwhile, if they did their old knee injuring schtick on - looking through the list of announced guests for RAW 25 - Shawn Michaels, or Chris Jericho, or even just someone like Road Dogg. Hell, have Chris Jericho announce that he's entering the Rumble, only for The Revival to injure him and write him out for the hell of it. Do something.


A beatdown on Hawkins I'll take, though, as he's just a comedy jobber in the first place. I'll be very surprised if he hasn't taken a Stunner by the end of the night.

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I think they missed a trick with firing Strowman, he should definitely have stayed "fired" and made the Lesnar/Kane match one on one, that way Braun doesn't look weak when he doesn't win the match.

I'd have kept him off TV for a couple of weeks and not mentioned him, he could have come out during the title match and destroyed them both, or he could have come down in the middle of the Rumble when nothing is really happening and eliminated a load of guys for the hell of it, could have leaned back into the HHH fued with him vowning to be the man to stop him or something.


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They were on dicey ground after the first injury, but the second one's done it for them. Doesn't matter how good they are or could be, they're getting the League Of Nations style APA/NAO/Michaels/Austin squash treatment next week and will fade into Ascension-esque obscurity thereafter. 

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Interesting the Revival was allowed to call themselves "pro wrestlers" though, you don't hear that on WWE tv much.  I really hope they're not going to get jobbed out to Legends next week, they're young and have a ton of upside.  Good promo there too.

My favourite part of Raw was Booker T pushing Michael Cole in front of Strowman and then doing a Carl Lewis out of the area.

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3 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

"oh my god, they are worth twelve million dollars" might have been the most poorly delivered line in the shows history, Kurt Angle is a terrible actor. He adds nothing as GM does he?

I'm so disappointed in how straight-laced he's been. In his first or second week as GM, he had the "that's not how you spell soft" with Enzo & Cass, since then they've barely even tried to do anything funny with him, which is baffling to me because that's surely his best attribute now.

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  • Awards Moderator
3 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

"oh my god, they are worth twelve million dollars" might have been the most poorly delivered line in the shows history

I was howling at that delivery. I hope it becomes a meme for all time. 

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