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With Enzo being turned on by the cruiserweight division maybe a Gauntlet match could/will be set up for the title and Enzo being no. 1 entry. Then have Neville last. possibly go over Enzo. The only reason Enzo is champ is because he has great mic work IMO. But the Gauntlet match is just a thought. But it could work.  

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11 hours ago, Rosler28 said:

it makes sense they are aiming for reigns vs lesnar at wrestlemania with the way the two have been booked. unbeatable champion vs unstoppable challenger

I get the unbeatable champion in Lesnar but where is the unstoppable challenger? I know WWE like to think that the fans have very short memories and will forget anything that happened previous to their current plans for someone, but Reigns has looked anything but unstoppable, losing every time he has fought Samoa Joe and losing most encounters with Strowman.

He will obviously be built up to look strong for the next 6 months or so leading up to 'Mania, and he did look laughably unstoppable against Cena on Sunday, but at the moment he does not really feel like someone who can give Lesnar much of a challenge for the title. That said, Lesnar's next opponent at the Survivor Series or Rumble is rumoured to be Finn Balor, who looks even less like a realistic challenge for Lesnar than Reigns does.

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19 hours ago, sj5522 said:

So every cruiserweight got a shot in on Enzo after Raw went off the air right? With the no contact clause Enzo asked Kurt for it'll be interesting to see if that comes into play or if it's just for Neville as he was the only one to deck him on TV.

It's gonna be like the 74 Lions '99 call' ("The ref can't send us all off if we all pile in") I think - Kurt will have to say he can't enforce it because they all got involved, at risk of rendering the division obsolete.

I've not seen 205 Live yet but apparently they showed the full-division beat down footage (which led to Enzo suggesting he'd retire as champion as no-one was allowed to challenge him now) but no resolution was offered. I assume that'll wait til Raw.

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Sucks to be Bo and Curtis. Completely fucked off in favour of the far more appealing trio of Miz, Cesaro and Sheamus.  I loved their beatdown of Roman and the tease at the end of the show. Whilst I'd have much preferred a Shield reunion if it was built up for longer, and if they'd changed Roman's music enough to where it felt novel when the Shield music eventually hits, I'm still like a little kid on Christmas with this angle. I was genuinely disappointed when they didn't bump fists at the end and that's exactly the reaction they should want. I just hope they save the riot gear and the entrance for the pay per view. Six man TLC match with that level of talent, combined with the entrance and riot gear as the icing on the cake and they'll probably end up having match of the year.

Fucking Kalisto though. What a let down. The way Angle built it up I was expecting Rey Mysterio or something!

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I am not even going to pretend I didn't pop fucking massively for that shot at the end... I don't care who they're facing, or for whatever reasons it's happening, it is happening and that is all I care about.

Tiny, tiny thing, Corey Graves "Ugh" when Enzo appeared was absolutely note perfect. You'll have to listen closely for it. Ruined it with his follow up line "Enzo is the reason adoption exists" but never mind.

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11 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Tiny, tiny thing, Corey Graves "Ugh" when Enzo appeared was absolutely note perfect. You'll have to listen closely for it. Ruined it with his follow up line "Enzo is the reason adoption exists" but never mind.

What is Graves? Another knob from the JBL school of utterly confused colour guy. His "Thank God" when Titus interupted Elias was shit too. He should be all over Elias. It's not a knock on the guy because I think he's really good now but I just hate this wishy-washy bollocks.

Speaking of shit heels. What the fuck was Nia Jax doing in that breast cancer segment cheerleading? She's supposed to be the monster of the division. Same for the other heels. What is this utter garbage?

Pop for the closing scene was insane. Wasting this on Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro is slightly better than wasting it on the Miztourage but I still think it should be a bigger deal. At the same time you've got Strowman killing them on his own and they don't seem that fussed.

Enzo. What a guy.

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So hang on, if Sister Abigail is supposedly alive (if I took from that Wyatt promo what I was supposed to take), whose remains did Randy Orton torch in that hut when he did a bit of arson earlier in the year?

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Genuinely, that was the best booked Raw in forever. Very rare, nowadays, when they leave you with such a brilliant cliffhanger.

The whole Shield angle is so simple, but brilliant. Why did Cesaro/Sheamus help The Miz? Find out next week. Are The Shield back together? Find out next week.

Also, Enzo is a bloody superstar. In two weeks he's made the cruisers relevant in my gaff. If he was bigger/stronger he'd be the biggest thing going, brother.

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Hopefully a Shield reunion won't lead to fans shitting on Ambrose & Rollins by association. It's got the potential to be a great match, but smacks of desperation. I think they may keep teasing it until Survivor Series as the Reigns/Miz feud hasn't really had much time to feud, has it? Also who'd get stuck with the Shield to take on Miz/Miztourage/Sheamus/Cesaro in a classic Survivor series match if it was to happen? 

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10 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Hopefully a Shield reunion won't lead to fans shitting on Ambrose & Rollins by association. It's got the potential to be a great match, but smacks of desperation. I think they may keep teasing it until Survivor Series as the Reigns/Miz feud hasn't really had much time to feud, has it? Also who'd get stuck with the Shield to take on Miz/Miztourage/Sheamus/Cesaro in a classic Survivor series match if it was to happen? 

It was always their last move to get people to cheer Reigns. It's a logical one too. Give the people the old act they liked Reigns in.

I hope it works.

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