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In his first run, I had a soft spot for Booker T on commentary - he was absurd and came out with complete nonsense, but he was enthusiastic and gave a bit of life to the announce team. This time around, he just sounds so forced, can'tĀ figure out whether he's working heel or face, and comes across like he has barely any product knowledge whenever he tries to talk about anyone, he's awful. I don't know about worst, but Corey Graves is running rings around him.

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Do we think that WWE are building towards Rollins and Ambrose helping Reigns against Miz, Axel and Dallas?

The Shield vs.Ā Miz/Axel/Dallas at TLC doesn't really sound all that great as the first match for a reformed Shield. It's five years since they debuted at TLC 2012 as well.

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12 minutes ago, DJM said:

Do we think that WWE are building towards Rollins and Ambrose helping Reigns against Miz, Axel and Dallas?

The Shield vs.Ā Miz/Axel/Dallas at TLC doesn't really sound all that great as the first match for a reformed Shield. It's five years since they debuted at TLC 2012 as well.


They debuted at survivor series actually so that might be an option. They've tried to make survivors a big deal the last few years.

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14 minutes ago, DJM said:

Do we think that WWE are building towards Rollins and Ambrose helping Reigns against Miz, Axel and Dallas?

Are you kidding me? They had the Miztourage stand in the middle of the ring doing the frigging Shield fist pose! Even Ray Charles can see where they're going with this! Of course they are.

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3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

The rest of the show looked alright but lacking massively in star power.

This is a serious problem in WWE at the moment and has been a problem for a while.

Watching Rollins/Ambrose vs. Sheamus/Cersaro at No Mercy, I was thinking that theseĀ four should be main event stars but have lacked momentum or good booking for a long time. Most of the roster have the same problem.

Everyone is pretty much at the same level and treated the same, so that a win for Wrestler A over Wrestler B does nothing for Wrestler A. Even a win over Cena doesn't really mean as much as it should anymore.

Lesnar is the only protected wrestler at the moment and the only person with "star power", which is no use then he will not wrestle again until around the Rumble. Strowman is the only other person with a little momentum behind him, but I expect thatĀ they will manage to screw that up really soon.


8 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Are you kidding me? They had the Miztourage stand in the middle of the ring doing the frigging Shield fist pose! Even Ray Charles can see where they're going with this! Of course they are.

Ok,Ā I should probably have said are they really thinking of doing Shield vs.Ā Miz, Axel and Dallas?Ā AreĀ we at the stage where that is the best they could come up with for The Shield?

Edited by DJM
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I don't know if they are going for the Shield reunion just yet, think it was more of a get at Reigns then inviting a Reunion of the Shield, If anything I'd say the set up was done for a Chairs Match between The Miz and Roman Reigns at TLC






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Wasting The Shield reuniting on the Miztourage would be ridiculous. So they'll probably do it.

Agree on the above too, it does feel like a setup for a chairs match. I fucking hate this time of year. No-one has been through a table all year but they'll start appearing everywhere for a month. If they want to to feel even slightly organic they should call it Announce tables, ladders and chairs.

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47 minutes ago, DJM said:

This is a serious problem in WWE at the moment and has been a problem for a while.

Watching Rollins/Ambrose vs. Sheamus/Cersaro at No Mercy, I was thinking that theseĀ four should be main event stars but have lacked momentum or good booking for a long time. Most of the roster have the same problem.

Everyone is pretty much at the same level and treated the same, so that a win for Wrestler A over Wrestler B does nothing for Wrestler A. Even a win over Cena doesn't really mean as much as it should anymore.

I was thinking this watching what little of No Mercy I was able to watch with the Network playing up. You had Michael Cole saying that three out of four men in this match had won Money In The Bank, three were former WWE Champions, Sheamus has won the Royal Rumble, Money In The Bank, King of the Ring and every title going...on top of that, Cesaro won the first Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, back when that could have meant something. So what are they all doing dicking around in a midcard tag match? With those sort of accolades, why isn't this your main event scene?

On The Shield...for a couple of years I imagined that the pop of those three stood in the ring together, finally reuniting at long last to take on a common foe, would be one of the few big "moments" WWE could pull off relying solely on the full-time roster. But now? You've had Ambrose and Rollins palling up already, so two thirds of the reunion has already happened, and Roman Reigns never stopped using the music or wearing the gear, so we don't even get the, "oh man, it's great to hear that music again!" at their entrance a la the DX reunion, as we hear it every week anyway. I've always thought a Shield reunion is the only way to get Reigns over as a babyface at this point, but he's still going to get boos when he tags in, unless they really pull it off - and nothing suggests to me that they will.

And as for what monstrous threat could finally bring The Shield back together after all this time? Miz, Dallas and Axel, who I'm surprised Roman Reigns hasn't already beaten in a handicap match three weeks running. I can see it working purely as giving them an expendable trio to steamroll through en route to facing someone bigger and badder - but then they're throwing the Intercontinental Champion under a bus in the process, it raises the question as to why The Shield would need to reform to beat these scrubs, and there would need to be someone bigger and badder, and who is there? Fantasy booking, I'd say it'd be pretty awesome if they have a match at Survivor Series, and get jumped by Sanity in their debut, in an echo of how The Shield debuted in the first place. But I don't see it happening.

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