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3 hours ago, Daaaaaad! said:

Roman Reigns said this in an interview to Inside the Ropes apparently:




In Romans defense when DX reunited it was over 10 years after their original inception and both HHH and HBK were in their early 40's where as The Shield are all in their primes and The Shield have only split up a few years a go.

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I am completely pissing myself at the fact that Sister Abigail, an entity they've been hinting at and hyping up for over four years now is simply Bray Wyatt dressed up like a woman. They've had four whole years to conjure up some sort of idea for the big reveal, and it's just him cross-dresskng. I can tolerate his shtick a lot more than most, but I think this is the breaking point. Fucking hell.

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I don't know how much input Bray has on his character, or whether he's a Kane-type personality who accepts whatever creative they give him, no matter how terrible. Equally, surely there;s no coming back from this now, proper wrestlecrap. This makes that shit with the weird singing kid, or even the hologram look perfectly reasonable. Utter, utter stupid shit. Captivating for sure, but ultimately terrible. Poor Bray. 

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It'll probably just end up like when Kane was originally unmasked and he had all the scars on his face, only for the following week for it to be completely ignored. I reckon the actual sister Abigail unveil will look nothing like what we've seen. 

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Those Shield t-shirts don't even look particularly good. Braun being on the losing team in a 4 on 3 handicap match with his three partners is really going to help reestablish him as a monster. Still, if it helps get Roman over then it obviously doesn't matter.

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Love thinking that the Bray Wyatt thing came about because Psycho was one of the most recent films Vince has watched.

How does that bollocks make it out of the original brainstorming session? Actually, I can see how it could be pitched well and make it to the original design of the idea. But then how does Bray Wyatt not turn it down and say it sounds shite? OK, I can see how he might not be prepared to do that. But surely he raises the question about it being shit when he's in the veil and make up infront of the camera? Again, maybe he doesnt feel comfortable (Despite being there what? 4-5 years in this character? And even longer before that. But after all that, once its filmed and they watch it back after editing, how does somebody not say 'yeah, this isnt really what i pitched' or someone else says 'yeah, this is going to be terrible' or even just 'the idea could work, but lets hold fire and see if we can think of a better way of pulling this off'.

I dont even really mind the idea of Bray being Sister Abigail, but theres got to be a better way of doing that than a morphing camera and hes suddenly slap bang in front of you in a veil with a hokey voice changer on. I cant really see where this goes where it doesnt shit on atleast one character, probably minimum two. I can only see it being rescued by an actual reveal of an actual sister Abigail, but there's no trap for it, so what would be the point of that? At best it'll be Bo Dallas.

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Broken Matt Hardy was terrible at first too, until they embraced it being terrible and made that work. That could happen here too, but Bray's general shitness suggests it won't. It seems like proper make or break for him - if it's a giant turd, does he just turn up the next week ignoring it ever happened? I feel like he has to go away for a bit if this one goes badly. Although every time he has a few months off, he seems to come back and be the same bore again within a few weeks, same as Orton. 

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As big a fan as I've been of Bray Wyatt, I just can't see what he does next after this garbage. I like the guy and think he's hugely talented but this constant stream of nonsense does him no favours. A shame because the Orton stuff at the start of the year (until the "turn") was so good.

Agree that he needs to go away. Then they need to do something else with him. Something based in reality. This spooky bollocks is killing him.

They deserve a fucking beating for the mess they're making of a guy who actually has something. If it's true he has as much input as roumered then he needs a kick in too.

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They'll just put him back with Harper and Rowan, won't they? I could see them feuding with Braun for a bit. I think the best shot Bray has now isa face turn. He's been wishy washy as a heel most of the time anyway, and I think a turn is the only thing that'll break the cycle of his shitty repetitive storylines. The Authority would've been the perfect heel enemy for him though, I don't know that it'd turn out as well against the Miztourage or Samoa Joe.

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