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Cena pointing out Reigns couldn't pass a drug test is the most bizarre part of this feud so far.

The saddest thing is that the graphic for No Mercy with Cena vs. Reigns popped up and I realised how much of a stiffy that match still is on its own. Then they started talking again and it went down like a fart during oral sex.

The build for Strowman continues to be excellent. The whole show was good, I thought. Felt like it had stars at the top and end of every hour and the midcard stuff interspersing it was interesting. Particularly Miz.

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4 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

Miz's promo for me was outstanding, you really felt there was genuine pissed off feeling inside him and the line about Enzo having talent but making mistakes was a real emotion. Probably the best talker they have. Pregnancy announcement was pretty sweet too. 

I didn't really understand that bit from the Miz tbh. Yeah, Enzo's a great talker, but when it comes to the physical part of wrestling, he's pretty hopeless, isn't he? Not in a "oh he can't have a 5 star match" kind of way, but he's legitimately a danger in the ring, mostly to himself, and he has zero credibility physically- even him beating smaller cruiserweights seems ridiculous because he doesn't appear in any way tough or athletic. So, the idea that Enzo could be great if he didn't shoot himself in the foot seems like a weird approach to take.

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26 minutes ago, Shane O' Mac Version 2 said:

I didn't really understand that bit from the Miz tbh. Yeah, Enzo's a great talker, but when it comes to the physical part of wrestling, he's pretty hopeless, isn't he? Not in a "oh he can't have a 5 star match" kind of way, but he's legitimately a danger in the ring, mostly to himself, and he has zero credibility physically- even him beating smaller cruiserweights seems ridiculous because he doesn't appear in any way tough or athletic. So, the idea that Enzo could be great if he didn't shoot himself in the foot seems like a weird approach to take.

Enzo sells great. The fact you think he's a danger to himself from one injury is evidence. The rest is acting.

He's not a super worker but he's good enough alongside being a great talker. Mix is out there cutting one of Vince's favourite promos. The public telling off. Enzo needs to evolve the act. It's current but is divisive like any of those bollocks reality TV shows. He has potential though. If he can avoid being fired because they don't like him.

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So the Reigns/Cena storyline is basically just "Roman is upset that Cena tells him how bad his promos are", right? I don't understand the logic going into this at all.

I'm really hoping for a Braun win against Brock. And they keep the title on him for the next 10 years or something. How can the booking for Braun be so perfect and just classic simple pro wrestling booking at it's finest but be so terrible for Roman and Cena?

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I dunno, I don't think they're that stupid. Even if he loses, they will book him as strong as possible- so I don't think another Ryback rug-pull is on the cards.

There were negatives to Ryback that do not appear to be there with Strowman (clumsy in the ring, being bitched about by other top guys, not having very good matches). Strowman is knocking it out of the park in the ring. Good to great matches against a wide range of opponents- Roman Reigns, Kalisto, Big Show.

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I just worry that Lesnar vs. Reigns is THE PLAN and they'll ruin Strowman by refusing to deviate. It's not like Ryback because The big guy was a babyface and it's hard for them to come back from failing to win the big match. It wouldn't kill Strowman to lose but if he does, I can see him tossing about afterwards as there isn't really anyone for next.

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The match is just a standard singles, eh?

They can maybe just have Braun obliterate Lesnar and Lesnar retains via some sort of DQ bollocks. I'm talking proper "he just killed Brock Lesnar" finish. At the very least Braun maintains his monster aura and they can play it up big time that Braun was the man that mauled the beast.

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The mark in me wants Braun to no-sell the first German, then just destroy Lesnar and pin him clean. The smart me knows WWE will screw this up due to either Vince's whim a couple of hours before showtime, or the usual blind booking "plan".

I think the best we can hope for is either a ref stoppage KO/No Contest (giving Heyman the chance to claim Braun never beat Lesnar/early stoppage/inept referee/bias against his client), or Lesnar retain via DQ when Braun puts him through the announce tables, or throws a chair and hits "someone". 


I have been really impressed at Lesnar's selling for the most part, I can't remember the last time he showed that much arse for anyone. Does he have the pull to push for Braun? Or is his parttimer contract negating that?

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It won't happen but for me Strowman needs to come out this with the belt.

If he's not champion, with Cena & Lesnar going away until next year after No Mercy where does Strowman go from there?

I think the "unbeatable" Strowman as Champ against Cena looking for a record 17th World Title would be the perfect main event for Mania next year. You could still do Reigns/Lesnar as non-title in a loser leaves WWE match or something if Brock isn't sticking around.

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The match between lesnar and strowman will end up with lesnar still as champ and Lesnar will carry the belt to wrestlemania and drop it to maybe Reigns. Strowman won't get pinned it will end up with a countout/DQ  result. for lesner. If Strowman does get pinned it will just kill all his momentum. Hopefully after NO MERCY they will book Strowman right and maybe put him with Reigns for a program and not lose him in the shuffle. 

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He just got off a massive months-long programme with Reigns where he won almost every match they had, and this week he demolished Lesnar and Cena. He's probably the best booked talent in the company so yet again you have no fucking clue what you're talking about you odds-on dribbler.

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