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They couldn’t turn Zayn heel, could they?



Hey, it did wonders for Daniel Bryan. He'd be over more than ever when he finally turned face again.


*Fantasy Booking Alert* *Look Away Now* - Have Zayn spend a year as a heel and start teasing a face turn in time for Wrestlemania 33. At the same time, start teasing a Kevin Owens face turn too. On the post-Wrestlemania Raw, have Zayn get beaten down by a team like the League of Nations. When Kevin Owens finally makes the save the roof would blow off.

So have two of their most promising wrestlers form a tag team in a division that means nothing and throw away years of material for a blistering feud....just to pop the worst fans in wrestling?

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Undefeated Steak's fantasy booking is hilariously bad. 


At least he's contributing.


I don't know about a babyface tag team of Zayn & Owens per se, but as an extension of their feud they have to get on the same page for some reason, some common goal. They do that, it begins to appear that Owens has changed for the better and then BAM- he flips and turns back on Zayn again. Thus creating another chapter in their rivalry. Trying to think of an example where it has been done before, exactly along these lines.

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Undefeated Steak's fantasy booking is hilariously bad. 


C'mon. It's called 'fantasy' booking for a reason. At no point am I saying, "Here's what I think WWE should do". I'm fantasising about the huge pop you'd get at the end of it. Do I think WWE should turn Sami? No. Would I turn him heel on WWE 2K16? Yeah.

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Because they needed something for Mania and went crazy. Do have to wonder if this was their plan with Shane all along or a response to the reactions he's been getting.

I wonder whether Undertaker was contemplating retirement and then went 180 on it... or Vince just blurted it out on stage that night. Then they've had to make the booking fit the result.



I lost all interest in The Undertaker the minute Lesnar ended The Streak. His matches since just haven't really mattered without The Streak hanging in the balance. I'm still not convinced having Lesnar end it was the right way to go either. Cena vs. undefeated Undertaker could've been colossal but it would be just another exhibition match now. Added to that he's lost his aura as he's aged.


Time for the Hall of Fame and ride off into the sunset.

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In hindsight, there's a school of thought that they should have definitely held off that cell blow-off with Lesnar, especially given how anti-climatic Brock's Mania appearance was this year. But then on the other hand, if Shane McMahon being in the match added 40,000 to the gate... not sure you can massively argue against what they ended up doing, as thrown-together as it came across.

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