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It's been obvious for over a year, but the last two weeks has confirmed it. Dean Ambrose is the guy. He's the one who should be getting pushed as the number one babyface. That he's as over as he is with all the losses he's been given since the Sheild split is a testament to how great he is and how much they're complete missing the boat by stubbornly going with Roman.


If Ambrose got even half of the push they've given to Roman he'd be a massive star by now. It's so fucking obvious that he's got it. You have to wonder if they'll ever figure it out.

Edited by Supremo
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I'm going to be massively in the minority here but I don't see Ambrose as a viable threat to the likes of Lesnar, Triple H etc and therefore can't see him as 'The Guy'


His moveset and general attacks just looks incredibly weak.  Like the recent flurry punches on Lesnar.  He looks scrappy generally and the bounce from the middle rope never looks to have enough momentum to lead into the clothesline that comes off it.


He's fantastic on the mic but despite his popularity with the older fans I don't see the kids walking round in his merch in the way they do Cena or Roman.

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Part of me hopes that there are still twists and turns, imagine if Dean went over Triple H and won the title and then faces Roman at Mania and you then have Heyman demanding that he gets a title match and Triple H tells him where to go and then you have Brock vs Triple H.


It's never going to happen but would be a cool twist that they've announced matches but a title switch changes things. 

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I'm going to be massively in the minority here but I don't see Ambrose as a viable threat to the likes of Lesnar, Triple H etc and therefore can't see him as 'The Guy'


His moveset and general attacks just looks incredibly weak.  Like the recent flurry punches on Lesnar.  He looks scrappy generally and the bounce from the middle rope never looks to have enough momentum to lead into the clothesline that comes off it.


He's fantastic on the mic but despite his popularity with the older fans I don't see the kids walking round in his merch in the way they do Cena or Roman.

I'm with you.


I can't get into him at all, I just can't. Said it before he needs to hit the gym, somebody put a picture up on here of him in The Shield vs now, he looks like he's had a long illness or something. None of his moves have any impact. I don't dislike the bloke, I'm just sort of indifferent. He gets a decent response though so fair play to him.

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Well...people can slate it all they want. I really enjoyed skimming through that Raw before work.

Stephanie was incredible. Absolutely, 100% the greatest baddie I have seen in fucking decades!

Nope. She's not even the best baddie in the past decade. In fact she's probably the worst because she doesn't get any babyfaces over or draw any money.

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Ambrose is brilliant, but he's also a loser. I can't figure out if it's a curse or a blessing to have the ability to remain over despite being booked to lose all the important matches to the proper stars, because WWE will exploit that to its fullest. He's very much the go to for Road Dogg's company line "it's about Billy Gunn getting his 4 incher out and not if he wins or loses".


Ambrose beating Lesnar clean is about as good as they can do if they fancy rehabbing him for a proper title charge.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Dean's basic strikes don't seem to have much impact, but he has three solid moves (the cross body press, flying elbow and Dirty Deeds) that he can chuck while getting fucking handled, and that's what keeps him over. That he's turned getting murdered by Lesnar into a character asset is win-win for him - if he wins, it'll be through being tough AND smart, and if he loses, well, IT'S FUCKING LESNAR, so no shame in that.


Will Taker vs Shane end up in a twist on the night? I thought this was old regime vs new, with Taker representing the old, but like people have said, Taker feels more like a face so it's odd having him represent a heel, regardless of his Lesnar-based mood swing, and especially in his home state. If he is the conscience of WWE, will he give Shane a bloody kicking, but then appreciate Shane's toughness and his passion to change, decide to turn on Vince and lay down for Shane? Vince gets screwed, and Taker leaves the hero opening the way for a new era, or something.

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He's very much the go to for Road Dogg's company line "it's about Billy Gunn getting his 4 incher out and not if he wins or loses".






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He's very much the go to for Road Dogg's company line "it's about Billy Gunn getting his 4 incher out and not if he wins or loses".







What a load of shit! Of course win/loss matters. We don't believe it's real anymore but at the same time we need to buy into a character. If they constantly lose why should you invest? 

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Ambrose is brilliant, but he's also a loser. I can't figure out if it's a curse or a blessing to have the ability to remain over despite being booked to lose all the important matches to the proper stars, because WWE will exploit that to its fullest. He's very much the go to for Road Dogg's company line "it's about Billy Gunn getting his 4 incher out and not if he wins or loses".


Ambrose beating Lesnar clean is about as good as they can do if they fancy rehabbing him for a proper title charge.

I think Ambrose is more comparable to Foley than Austin, as some people like to make that comparison. Foley could lose without it hurting him as he was relatable.

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Ambrose to foley comparison is a good one. Doesn't have the physical gifts of an Austin or reigns, but willing to push what they do have to its limit to over achieve

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So they're teasing some in ring competition with Lana once again. Maybe she's been training while she's been away from TV for the last few weeks.


Stephanie's promo was good this week. It was like one of those worked shoots.

Edited by The Clint
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Is it not all a good balancing act before they find out if Cena is ready? If he's healed his injury, then Vince can feel worried for Shane and take him out of the match but let Shane pick his own representative (Cena). If Cena is still injured, the match can just go ahead. I just took it as placing a seed they may not need.

People need to forget the idea that Cena is going to come in and take over. No point even suggesting it anymore, Shane is wrestling all because Cena can't make it nothing else.


IF is the word you seemed to have missed out of my post. Also, why can't people speculate about what may or may not happen?

It's pointless speculation that people keep putting out there. The only reason they decided to confirm the match is because Cena ain't making it. Shane McMahon is going against The Undertaker.

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I think some people are over thinking the whole "why would Taker do this"? thing.

You ask "why?" And all I can think is "why not?". Frankly the character dosent care for such trivial family disputes. He's not pro Vince, but he isn't anti Shane either.

The Taker dosent care if his opponent is Lesner, Barakus, Lita, Mark Henry, Savio Vega or Shane McMahon. He's been put into a match and he's going to go wrestle it. He's too proud to go and throw a match for a family squabble that dosent concern him.


On the other hand, Undertaker has been referred to as the "conscience of the WWE" on numerous occasions and it strikes me as bizarre that somebody described as such would be fighting on behalf of super-heel Vince McMahon.

Takers has a long history as Vince's henchman. He's the guy that stayed loyal when everyone was jumping ship, he obeyed the higher power and fought for WWE against the Invaders. For 20+ years he's been by Vince's side to protect the WWE now when it's under threat again he steps up to protect it.


That's my take on it but it's not really been mentioned. Perhaps they should get that max dude to do one of his videos

Might end up with Steph begging Vince not to or something. I got the whole "you don't know what you're asking" vibe but can see some Steph/Shane collusion to get the company off Vince.


That raises more questions though so yeah, no further forward in terms of storyline.

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