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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Here's a thought.....


Have Reigns cost Ambrose his title match, for stepping into his spot while he's away injured, turning instant heel. HHH is getting cheered at Mania anyway, so he may as well go against a heel Reigns. Have Reigns go over.


Whatever the outcome of the Shane v Taker match you can conjure up a scenario to keep Trips away from the title (either he sides with Shane and turns on the Authority to keep busy, or Shane doesn't let him anywhere the near the title picture).


Then you have super over Ambrose chasing Reigns to Summerslam. With Rollins returning aswell you have a Shield triple threat dynamic building.


Only thing is what to do with the Lesnar v Ambrose match...

Edited by stevestryka
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Whatever the outcome of the Shane v Taker match you can conjure up a scenario to keep Trips away from the title (either he sides with Shane and turns on the Authority to keep busy, or Shane doesn't let him anywhere the near the title picture).


"The Authority" is essentially him and his wife. How does this work?

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If Bullet Club debut before mania to give Roman a kicking we can get The Shield reunion at mania to help Roman over come the odds and then do a program with them into Summerslam.

This would detract from Hunter being the big deal, ergo he won't do it. Also, I don't see Rollins coming back to get involved in the title picture to do anything other than just focus on whoever has the belt because he'll want it back, he's got no reason to help anyone else win it. Also, there's zero time for Doc and Karl to do enough in NXT to warrant a call up before Mania, much less be inserted into a main event program.

Yeah there's all that like but The Shield standing tall as Mania goes off air is about the only way I see the crowd not shitting all over Reigns going over. But yeah, all thst logical stuff probably needs condidering as well.


Is Rollins so injured he couldn't weild a chair or something?

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Whatever the outcome of the Shane v Taker match you can conjure up a scenario to keep Trips away from the title (either he sides with Shane and turns on the Authority to keep busy, or Shane doesn't let him anywhere the near the title picture).

"The Authority" is essentially him and his wife. How does this work?

Fair shout....I was thinking Trips/Shane on one side with Steph and Vince on the other

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If Bullet Club debut before mania to give Roman a kicking we can get The Shield reunion at mania to help Roman over come the odds and then do a program with them into Summerslam.

This would detract from Hunter being the big deal, ergo he won't do it. Also, I don't see Rollins coming back to get involved in the title picture to do anything other than just focus on whoever has the belt because he'll want it back, he's got no reason to help anyone else win it. Also, there's zero time for Doc and Karl to do enough in NXT to warrant a call up before Mania, much less be inserted into a main event program.

Yeah there's all that like but The Shield standing tall as Mania goes off air is about the only way I see the crowd not shitting all over Reigns going over. But yeah, all thst logical stuff probably needs condidering as well.


Is Rollins so injured he couldn't weild a chair or something?



He was off crutches back in December so four months on you would think he can at least interfere in some capacity. 

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Shane will probably turn and side with the Steph and HHH as part of a plan to get Vince out of power. That way the Authority can continue to run Raw for another two years, only with Shane bouncing around while Steph castrates the roster

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decide to turn on Vince and lay down for Shane? Vince gets screwed, and Taker leaves the hero opening the way for a new era, or something.





There is (Pardon the Pun) No chance in Hell Taker just lays down at Wrestlemania for Shane McMahon no matter what twist is in the story

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The alternative is that the New Day pay off is losing the belts to a relatively newly formed team on free TV with one week build. Which they are just retarded enough to do.

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Well...people can slate it all they want. I really enjoyed skimming through that Raw before work.

Stephanie was incredible. Absolutely, 100% the greatest baddie I have seen in fucking decades!


She was absolutely phenomenal on this show. Best baddie promo in the business by far.

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Did Triple H and Ambrose seem to get lost at one point or were they just pausing for chants? I was watching a crap stream on an iPad without great sound, and it looked like neither of them could remember their lines after the "that unfamiliar smell is clean clothes, tramp" bit.

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With the way their writers have so clearly been watching episodes of RAW from 1997 to 2001 on the Network, I wonder if Ambrose vs. Triple H will cleverly rip off that Bret Hart vs. Sid cage match prior to Wrestlemania 13.


I've always thought that was a really cool, clever match, with each guy's respective Wrestlemania opponent (Austin and Taker) helping their nemesis so as to make their match the Title match on the big show. It'd be really cool and could perhaps sow the seeds of an eventual heel turn for Ambrose or Roman if we saw Brock helping Dean and Roman helping Triple H, both attempting to ensure they're fighting for the belt at Wrestlemania.


I just think that if you're going to blatantly rip off stuff from the late 90s you might as well rip off the good stuff. Someone needs to figure out how to redo the Summerslam 97 main event finish too, because that was fucking awesome.

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So I'm guessing Owens runs-in during the tag title match next week, puts Jericho on the shelf (hooray! He misses Mania!) and sows the seeds for a WrestleMania match with Styles.


Where did that come from? Sadly i think we're more likely going to get Owens vs. Big Show (though perhaps they are just building that up for the March to Mania special).

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I wish they'd just pull the trigger on Zayn vs. Owens. I reckon they could make it "WrestleMania worthy" with 4 weeks of TV. I reckon with most modern day WWE crowds, if they are over with the vocal internet fans, it can translate to the rest of the crowd. Definitely helped the likes of Punk, Bryan and more recently Ambrose in recent years.


Chuck in a big US Title Ladder Match and some how get a situation where it's New Day vs. Wyatt Family and I'm a pretty happy camper.

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