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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Quick summary, that was an awesome show and the best Raw since Raw after mania. I'm loving the new day at the moment, and their continued celebrations backstage were great. Dean Ambrose v Seth Rollins was amazing ppv quality stuff. Cant wait for the Fatal 4 way at Payback. Loving the tease of Lana breaking away from Rusev, but thought it overstepped her character when she started fandangoing, still though, Lana. Canadian crowd annoyed me at first, especially doing stupid chants for the sake of it, but felt good for them during the Cena open challenge. Bret Hart on Raw again! Sami Zayn was inevitable at that point. Another great match, and good way to cover him with the fake shoulder injury. Good display though and the pops from the crowd just added to it. King Barrett! Gonna enjoy the next few weeks of him rubbing it in, gold on the mic. Also good to see Tamina back, her and Naomi will make a force of a team. The Ambrose push is finally here, making the save on Raw, good spots to finish the show. 


Wish the UK Raw's could be this good when they aim to target the audience and make it special for them. But yeah, top show, glad I stayed up and awake. 

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Anybody else pick up on the massive facepalm moment when Booker was comparing Neville to former KotR winner Owen Hart?


"Owen did not defy gravity". Indeed.


Even then, Booker should have realised what he was saying. Booker might be in a lot of trouble here.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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The Ambrose push is finally here,making the save on Raw, good spots to finish the show.


You do realise that he's likely only just been put into the match so that Reigns or Orton don't get pinned, right?

He'll be right back to doing bugger all straight afterwards

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I think adding Ambrose to the title match is a fucking daft and short sighted idea. A Shield triple threat is a big match, really it should be the title match at next years Wrestlemania. But they've basically tainted it now by throwing it in with Randy Orton on a meaningless B show.

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I liked how Cena turned 80% of the crowd back on his side during his promo before his match.

I wonder if Cena really does want to be loved like Rock/Austin is.

I liked how Cena turned 80% of the crowd back on his side during his promo before his match.

I wonder if Cena really does want to be loved like Rock/Austin is.

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Anybody else pick up on the massive facepalm moment when Booker was comparing Neville to former KotR winner Owen Hart?


"Owen did not defy gravity". Indeed.


Even then, Booker should have realised what he was saying. Booker might be in a lot of trouble here.



Surely this is a mountain out of a molehill in that Booker was simply referring to the fact that there have been great high flyers in the past, but none as good as Neville. "The Man Who Gravity Forgot" being Neville's nickname seems to have been missed by some people from how it reads to me.


It's like in some interviews following Eddy Guerrero's death in which his friends & family said he had such a big heart. We know they meant he was a bloody nice bloke, not having a dig because an enlarged heart is what killed him.

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The first hour was some of the most boring TV I've ever seen. Boring talky segment, long & boring match, ace Kane bit, boring and excruciating The Ryback talky... and then Cesaro single-handedly woke the show up. From there on it was a good show, great at points, until the main event, which got boring again. A curious show.

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For good measure why not have Lana lose her accent

Rumour is that is where that is headed.

Not before some hilarious speech therapy sessions before her association with Cena leads to subtle nod feud with the Bellas and a Total Divas role mind.

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I liked how Cena turned 80% of the crowd back on his side during his promo before his match.

I wonder if Cena really does want to be loved like Rock/Austin is.

Cena is loved. The chants are all just a fun thing to do rather than people actually meaning them these days.

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