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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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It might, but considering both of them are essentially shit, the shorter the better. Unless they've got something big planned to do in the match with Alicia's meltdown gimmick, which would mean it's more interesting than the midcard title match repeats.

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After the past few weeks of Raw these are my thoughts...


The WWE writing staff must be filled with the laziest bastards in human history. They appear to do absolutely fuck-all all week inbetween shows. Anyone know who/how many of them are currently on it? With 5+ hours of TV each week and a cast of about 40 characters it's amazing how little they do with any of them. The JBL & Cole show does more to get over guys with 5 minutes each week than Raw and Smackdown do. Matches on Raw should rarely last longer than 5 minutes IMO. The rest should be angles and promos.


It just blows my mind that for a company desperately trying to get people to buy the WWE Network they put little to no effort into writing their weekly TV shows. Who wants a 24/7 streaming channel of a wrestling company where nothing happens nine months of the year? And it depresses me how people have got used to the "post Wrestlemania lull". Fuck that, WWE should be awesome all year long. They've got no excuse.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I think its a case that all the chefs are working on different meals. There's so much going on in WWE right now from NXT to the Network to the shareholders being pissed off to Vince apparently showing signs of aging by falling asleep in meetings that nobody is focused on the television. It seems like all the power players are off doing different things. Triple H did a conference call yesterday and he's so deep in developmental and his on screen role, he seems to have his hands full. The mentality seems to be that the "special events" mean absolutely fuck all so the TV writers are on their dinner break because there's nothing to build to. In their minds Payback's going to do the same whether they have Brock headlining or bring back Mr Fuji and put the belt on him. Which is a shit mentality since the Network isn't doing as well as they need, but that seems to be their thinking.

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Interesting post that Ian. Vince is one of those people you think's been 60 years old for the past 3 decades and will be for the next 3. I think Raw and the other shows have so few promos and so many matches now because it's easier for them to sell the show to international markets. It'll be interesting to see what happens now they have the network. It'll be ironic if every wrestling fan's dream turns out to be WWE's biggest nightmare. It's like being able to drink unlimited amounts of Coke for a fiver a month. You'd drink gallons for the first few months but by the end of the year I'm guessing the novelty would have worn right off.

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And it depresses me how people have got used to the "post Wrestlemania lull". Fuck that, WWE should be awesome all year long. They've got no excuse.

It's not so much a post-WrestleMania lull as it is a pre-WrestleMania whatever the opposite of lull is.


I think the lack of story development has been partly due to them chasing the sports money contracts. If they just did long matches and less storylines, it seems more sporty. Of course, it doesn't, and they still pepper in the usual wrestling nonsense whenever there's a celebrity or midget to hand so perhaps I'm wrong on that being a reason. I can't think why else they'd do it. The 50/50 booking and too much wrestling is a cancer on the show really, and it's claimed Miz, Sheamus and Del Rio now. All guys who have been WrestleMania title contenders in the last three years or so. Now, they're no better than Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler.


I'm curious about what the writers do all week as well. The story is that the writers are constantly just trying to come up with stuff for the main guys and so everyone else gets ignored. If they go in with a great idea for a Jack Swagger, Vince will just ask them "What have we got for Cena?" I don't think there's a 40-hour workweek in crafting anything that Cena, Wyatt, The Shield, Evolution, Kane, Bryan and Stephanie have been doing... Let alone a 60-hour workweek for half a dozen people. I'd love to see a shoot interview eventually with an ex-writer where they have a script for an episode of Raw, and talk through the process and the week that led to each segment on that episode of TV. I just don't know how you'd justify that much work going into it, it can only be because there are so many egos and counterproductive bullshit going on that gets in the way and makes a bland, simple thing take ages.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I believe that the current thinking is that they really keen on growing their international markets and the biggest and fastest growing ones aren't English speaking nations. Therefore, in-ring action is seen as a more effective use of airtime because less is lost in translation than in promos and backstage segments. Of course, you still get those things happening with the top guys, but I think that's the reason they seem to only focus on actually writing stuff for two feuds at a time.

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Well I didn't see that one coming at the end. Always thought it would be Ambrose that would turn.


Sad the Shield in it's original form are no more but happy for Rollins because he's been a star for a while now.


Hope they take away his Shield gear and give him a new look.

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Does this mean Evolution has evolved and Rollins is in and Batista is out? As soon as Seth went to get them chairs I knew what was about to happen. But those chair shots were BRUTAL!



That's what im thinking.


Rollins as next world champion

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Internet is currently exploding with that Rollins turn news.


As some guy on WrestlingClassics.com said, everybody thought Ambrose or Reigns would turn. Nobody had Seth Rollins on their radar.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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WWE breaks up its hottest act. Can't see this ending well. Hope I am wrong.

Where else was there to go with The Shield? It was always going to end up with one or two turning. Now Rollins is aligned with the top heel in the company, which will probably lead to matches with the likes of Bryan and Cena.


You wonder what they'll do with The Shield. Maybe they'll call up Sami Zayn to become a third member; it'll seem odd with a 3 v 2 dynamic. I'm still up for Reigns v the World.


Stephanie is in the form of her life, at the minute. She's repulsive and is the star in all her segments because of that. I get the feeling Bryan would be struggling if it wasn't for Stephanie, as his promos aren't much cop.


Hopefully Rollins shows up next week in a great suit and maybe a beardless. There is a lot of potential in this Rollins turn and it's made me excited for WWE TV again.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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