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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I have no problem with Bryan feuding with Kane, it seems crazy that someone who just won the title wouldn't have a wealth of new opponents to face but it's the case here, he's done HHH, Orton, Batista and Wyatt and no one else other than Lesnar is on a level higher than Kane. The storyline's been a bit hokey and Bryan and Brie are awful actors but the match at Extreme Rules was fun.


I'm pretty much done with Bray Wyatt at the moment as I've been mentioning in a couple of threads, I love over the top gimmicks and storylines but his schtick is annoying me, I loved his promos at first but now he's just rambling for 7 minutes on every show with no focus on the match that's coming at the end of it, for me he's on the same level of talking nonsense as the Warrior but without the naivete or nostalgia. I'm not saying every wrestling promo should be as basic as "I'll fight you this Saturday at the Izod centre" but if someone who loves over the top gimmicks rolls their eyes when Bray waffles on about being god then singing a hymn then he must be doing something wrong. I think he'll pick up if he goes after the title, when you want the belt that becomes the focus and I can see Bray doing well with that concept.


I was expecting a lot from Adam Rose (I don't watch NXT) but he didn't really deliver on his debut, hopefully he'll pick up some steam but it seems forced, like they're desperate to get everyone singing to his music like Fandango. Also people in bunny costumes doing the conga only looks like a party to someone under 10.


I loved the 20 man battle royal, I had no idea it was coming and it was a great way to kick off the show, it makes sense taking the title off Ambrose as the Shield really don't need it, the fact that they basically put him in an impossible match and he lasted til the final 2 really made him look strong too and Sheamus is one of the only people you could've put the title on with no buildup. Ambrose worked that great 6 man at Extreme Rules then the next day lasted til the end in a 20 man battle royal then wrestled in the main event on Raw too, what a workhorse, I hope he gets to the very top, I can easily see him up there.


I still hold out hope for Ryback, I'm glad Rybaxel have been on a bit of a roll but Ryback needs to break out on his own again now he's done his time in at the bottom of the card.

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I think it's redeemable if, now they've established Kane is scary, they leave the lass out of it and let Bryan stand up to the monster.

Already saw that on Sunday night.

True but they've taken a backward step now so they have to do it again.


I thought Wyatt's promo was really good this week. Crowd seemed to get into it too. I've no idea what the blow-off is for this though. Genuinely feels like whoever loses the feud suffers irreparable damage.

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Just to pause on the Adam rose debut a bit, I must admit I got a little worried about this debut a week or so into his vignettes. This is partly because they were crap, but more because there were only like three of them over 6 years of raws, so everyone got bored.

The other thing is its a great example of A) an entrance that works in small arenas not working in big ones and B) what happens if you tinker with it. Giving the party people their own entrance that for some reason isn't his music is completely bloody stupid and ruined it all.


He's in trouble.

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Obviously it worked very well in the small arena, but this is one that could have worked in a larger arena too. It looked too 'small' - the movements were too small. If they're party people, they should be going mental like lads on a Saturday night on the way to a club. They were too sensible. It looked too choreographed. I can't see it getting better for him though - it's just an entrance really. His character in the match should be more flamboyant to match his character - not throwing lariats.

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The main problem for me with Adam Rose is he he just seems like a twat. Hopefully he can develop a ring style more relevant to his character as well. I'm guessing that Bryan is gonna end up giving Kane an almighty hiding that gets him off screen for a bit so that might redeem his character somewhat. The Bray Wyatt vs Cena feud will be a big disappointment for me if it doesn't end in some major character development for Cena. He can eat another loss but he needs to take something from it. Yeah, not getting my hopes up .

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If Rose would have came out like he did the first night on NXT, people would have been so surprised at this act they'd never seen before, it would have got over. You dont expect a bloke coming down the aisle with all his mates dancing like a loony. They got it right with Paige. She popped up out of no where and beat the star of the womens division. Instantly established her. With Rose, they built him up and he didn't live up to it. 90% of his initial appeal was "fucking hell, look at this bloke". His debut was like seeing a nice toy in Argos and getting it for Christmas and the paint is different and you cant move his arms. You really do these people no favours when you throw them out there like this. Its a no win for a character that you can only get the best out of if you protect it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Agreed. There always seems to be thousands of rumors of what matches / results were meant to happen and never come to pass. Usually half start out as someone saying "I think Bryan vs. Sheamus" would be cool, and that then evolves over time into a "fact" that something was meant to happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they had options, but that isn't the same thing.


Bryan vs. HHH was always on the card in my opinion ever since Summerslam, and that WWE did a great job of building up Bryan for that match. However I am worried about where he goes now.


Annoyingly (and in contradiction to my earlier point) I feel WWE do fail to make long term plans sometimes. If they had known they needed Kane as a serious contender, they should of built him up accordingly. Ah well...


They set the wheels in motion at the Royal Rumble. Punk eliminated Kane and Kane later returned the favour. Presumably this would have led to Punk vs Corporate Kane at Elimination Chamber with the intended proviso that if Punk wins, he gets HHH at Wrestlemania. I'll look through observers later but Meltzer had said numerous times that this was the plan with Bryan vs heel Sheamus. Just because it seems ridiculously stupid, doesn't mean that's not what the plan was. Just at look at the turd they've served Bryan with lately.

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Raw was average. Why does wrestling always drop off after a wrestlemania. Theres so much hope for the wwe, theybve got the wyatts and shield. superstars of the future. cesaro is talent. the nxt is a good idea as its grooming future wwe superstars.


I think bryan is a good champion and the reason hes scared of kane so far is because hes meant to be a ormal person like us, hes a average man on the street so hes acting like wed re act.


The Russian bird is fit beyond fit too.

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I wouldn't put too much faith in Meltzers Punk info from this period, his source proved somewhat unreliable didn't he?


That was post punk when he got stitched up, I think. And even after he'd been fed the line, he said he wasn't convinced. When has Da Meltz ever been wrong?

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Is there not the quandry that WWE have to in some way rebuild the aura and mystique of Kane as a credible monster challenging? Granted the way they are doing it is somewhat hokey and churned out, but to allow Bryan to come good in the end, there needs to be a slight build of Kane's transition from corporate, suit wearing Kane, to unwielding monster of evilness, unhinged by not getting his way even after donning a tie.


It could have been handled a hell of a lot better, having Kane struggle with the corporate ways and sliding back into the mask with a dissociative identity disorder, where he outright can not control he urges to get to Bryan through Twin #2, with fear setting in for Bryan and suffering beat downs to then come good with the plucky underdog win again at a PPV.

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