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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Really looking forward to this.


On the subject of clapping at movies, I saw Bowling for Columbine at Screen On The Green and the entire audience (except me and nfc90220 because we are not tools) gave the film a standing ovation.

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I'm sure I've heard about them booing villains, but I can't think of where or what films specifically. Possibly Star Wars, but I may be confusing that with something else.

The story goes that 1977 audiences booed Vader when he first appeared, despite not having heard of or seen him before.

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It was also reported that in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, many people cheered when Nurse Rachet got attacked.


I was in a Coventry cinema when everyone chanted for Rocky during Rocky 4, but that's the best Rocky so it's expected.

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It was also reported that in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, many people cheered when Nurse Rachet got attacked.


I was in a Coventry cinema when everyone chanted for Rocky during Rocky 4, but that's the best Rocky so it's expected.

The perfect ending to the quadrilogy!

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I know I'm late to the party but I've just binge-watched all four seasons of Game of Thrones in the past week or so and fuck me, season four was outstanding I'm glad I don't need to wait so long for the fifth now.

Few thoughts and speculations.  
I hope and don't think we've seen the last of The Hound, the fight and the scene with Arya was incredible but the fact we never actually seen him die just doesn't sit well, every other main character has went out by beheading, throat cut, poisoning, etc, can't see them killing him off with a broken leg. They're also reviving The Mountain and I can only imagine that's for The Hound to get his revenge on him.

From that stare over the fire at the end, I'm pretty sure that we're going to find out that Mellisandre is Jon Snow's mother, we know that his mother was a peasant or low-born or whatever they call them and she's mentioned that she was quite a few times for not much reason.  Also, didn't King Robert say something to Ned in season one about her having red hair? I could be making that up to convince myself that I'm right.

Bran's story has been pretty shitty so far but I'm sure that the "learn to fly" thing is a reference to the dragon so I'm guessing he'll be used to control the dragon to kill the white walkers but then I'm wondering where that would leave Danaerys' character? Her story has been pretty dull recently and would be even more so without a dragon, is she just going to sit about and rule in Meeren? 

I'm glad Varys is heading off with Tyrion, always like their scenes together but is there any reason for this?  He gave a testimony against him in the court case seemingly to keep in the good favour of the Cersei and Tywin then decides to leave after nothings changed?

Can't wait for April 15th now, does it air in the UK the same week as it does in America?

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