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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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She doesn't know but I'm guessing she has an incling. Obviously if she's agreed to marry him in exchange for the intervention of the Knights and Cersei makes it out of the final episode there's every chance it'll pop up. 


I'm hoping for at least a mass gathering of Whytes at the wall for a cliffhanger next week. At some point I'm hoping they use their adventure time ice king magic to bring the wall down.  

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The Wall has to come down at some point, that will probably be Bran's fault somewhere along the way. That means the first thing the people of Winterfell need to do is burn all those people killed in the battle. If the Night King turns up and raises them all then things will be even worse.

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Loved that episode. Although somehow I didn't feel like Ramsey got enough of a comeuppance.

Same here, I was hoping he would be kept around for a season being tortured, a quick (albeit painful) death just doesn't seem good enough for him.


So anyway theory time, is Sansa up the duff? If so I'm predicting Littlefinger will propose marriage, if she says no he will threaten to reveal she is carrying Bolton's child.



One minor frustration I have this season is that Bran featured so heavily at the start of the season but now his story has really disappeared, I wish they paced out his story a bit better through the course of the 10 episodes. The Tower of Joy storyline was really building momentum, it's a bit disappointing to think the reveal wont come until episode 10. And if it isn't revealed I was so p*ssed off.



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