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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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Just got home from seeing San Andreas, as the wife didn't want to just stay in.

Ridiculous beyond comprehension as I expected it would be, but worth seeing for Alexandra Daddario who is just lovely

Seeing San Andreas tomorrow, but I do hope you've at least watched Alexandra in True Detective...

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Finally got round to watching Looper, which has sat on the hard drive for months.



It's alright, but it's just so blatantly derivative of other films. It's like someone pitched the film with no preparation and vomited thoughts out. "It's like Timecop, but from the villain's perspective, but it'll look like Blade Runner, and he'll leave messages to his future self by cutting them into his skin so he can read the scars - like that bit in the Red Dwarf book that was a bit too deep for a British sitcom - and then ..... and then he'll go looking for the child that'll kill them all in the future, like in Terminator, but he's not a robot, and they'll be on a farm, like in Signs, so we can do that running through the crops sequence, and it turns out the kid has super powers and can make things around him explode, like Akira".



Spoilered it, just in case.

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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  • 2 weeks later...

So we went to see Jurassic World last night. Huge fan of the series as a whole so a highly anticipated one this was, obviously only been out a day so spoiler tagged, and these are just the key points, if I was to do an analysis of the full thing we'd be here for ages:


First off, takes an absolute age to get going and, as seen in the first trailers and as everything is in Hollywood blockbuster in 2015, it is CGIed to shit. When you watch the first film back, even after 22 years the effects in that still look great and is a testament to the work that went into that at the time.

You're introduced to two boys who are going to visit Jurassic World, which has been open for 10 years at this point, but your quickly given a side plot of family dissension. The parents are not getting along and the sister of the mother, who runs Jurassic World and hasn't seen the boys in 7 years, don't get along either. It's just something that wasn't needed. You could have easily just joined two random park visitors as they arrived to the park, as the boys are just there to facilitate scenarios for Chris Pratt to get to.

Speaking of Chris Pratt, he is really good in this and his star will continue to rise. He has a look of a 1950s TV adventure serial almost like a sexy Indiana Jones. And unlike other things that he is in where he is force fed half a dozen slightly comical one liners, he plays it very straight but is still likeable. He has such a natural charisma about him.


The park designs a new hybrid Dinosaur, a method they use to keep attracting visitors and, more importantly, investors. And they do so by making a massive fuckoffasaur whose name I can't remember, which has been engineered from T-Rex DNA and another, which is only named as "classified" (more on that later). Obviously it was going to tits up at some point and it escapes ("this is the one thing we didn't want to happen ").

From here the action does pick up as it turns into a great monster movie. They decide to evacuate the island's 20,000 visitors, but they get attacked by some escaped pterodactyls and the end up being stranded on the island until more ferries arrive.

The twist of the big fuckoffasaur (the 'classified DNA) was very predictable if you know anything about dinosaurs. And when all hope is lost, one of the boys for some reason says "we need more teeth". This causes the park operator to go to the T-Rex enclosure. Rex (who is now full on babyface) is like an old gunfighter at a saloon and is coaxed out for one last shoot-out/ fight bigfuckoff, who proceed to have their battle in the main park. Bare in mind this is all happening with 20,000 people still nearby, although conveniently far away enough it would seem.

I'm sure you've guessed by now who wins, and they all get back to civilisation and the parents of the boys are all sorted.


The product placement is ridiculous. Beats headphones, every car & van are Mercedes which is made clear by shoots either starting on the logo and panning out or the logo drives drive up to the camera. Pratt and his bulging bicep takes a massive swing of Coca-Cola, in it's trademark green bottle, and might aswell have turned to the camera and gone "AH, that was nice and refreshing". eBay gets a mention by an annoying prick wearing old Jurassic Park merchandise.

Most suprising of all is the body count, I'm not sure of the exact number but I can think of at least 12 people meeting a grizzly end.



All in all, enjoyable if a tad predictable. I'd give it a solid 7/10

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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That sounds just as fucking terrible add I thought it would be. I'll give it a miss, thanks.

You'll miss out. I don't think the product placement was that bad at all actually. The same as in the first one with the jeeps, you see Starbucks and Ben and Jerry shops like you would in most major theme parks and I actually thought the CGI was much better then the trailers suggested. I was actually impressed with it and the final 10 minutes I loved

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Supposedly the product placement was less of a studio thing and more of a director thing to tie into the theme of everything about the park being overly commercialised. Which is probably bullocks but as excuses go its not terrible.

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I just saw it. It was entertaining for what it was but it wasn't great. I'd give it 5.5 out of 10. The CG for the most part was really quite bad and some parts of it that they played totally straight were just fucking ridiculous. The parts I actually enjoyed the most were showing the park up and running. That was really fun and really captured my imagination. But when the shit kicked off...it was really lacking in the memorable set pieces that the first two movies excelled at. The much hyped Indominus Rex is basically a shit T-Rex really. 

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I thought it was pretty entertaining. Daft, of course, but I don't mind and I expected as much.


Chris Pratt is a great leading man, in these big blockbusters. He has a certain charm that makes you route for him. Wasn't a huge fan of the other main characters, not that they were terrible, just a bit forgettable. It meant that anytime the kids and the girl were in danger I wasn't all that bothered or gripped.


As others have type, you can see the ending coming.

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You lost me when you said 5.5 out of ten, where the fuck did it either lose or gain half a point?


Slightly above average. It's pretty commonplace for people to rate something out of ten with "and a half".

Edited by LaGoosh
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Dallas Buyers Club was a bit of a mess wasn't it. After all the hype it kinda meandered and went nowhere. Can see why Matthew McConnaughey (spelling) won an award but Jared Leto was not as good as hoped. The 'made up' Doctor character with Jennifer Garner was kinda pointless too and it was more about one performance than the film, which was pretty dire, despite the interesting subject matter. Disappointing.

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I've just sat and watched waterworld, again.


Its not a totally awful film as such, but its far from a good film. It feels like its about 8 hours long too, and some sort of bad parody in places.

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