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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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2 minutes ago, Loki said:

I miss Rick Moranis.  

He's time-locked inside the 80s and early 90s. He can't exist outside that era. Steve Gutenberg managed it briefly, but then he disintegrated.

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When Harry Met Sally

No idea why I'd never seen this, but what a film. Easy to see why everyone raves on about it being the best example of how to make a rom-com. Great performances, an amazing, water tight script with realistic dialogue, the best formula, and the perfect length. A bloody delight. Meg Ryan is gorgeous as well. Billy Crystal not so much, but he has so much charm, it's easy to see why someone would fall for him.

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City Hunter - Jackie Chan's first film that he handed over the directing reigns not named Sammo since he became a superstar. Unfortunately it shows. It's extremely loosely based on a Manga and Anime of the same name that apparently is nothing like it. But basically it's a nonsensical Die Hard clone on a boat with extremely cartoony slapstick.

Now I go a long ways with City Hunter. It's possible it was the first Jackie Chan movie I ever saw. It's because of this maybe I'm a little more tolerant of it than others would be. It's a bit of a mess. A fun mess but to some I'm sure it's a tedious fun mess.

It doesn't feel like normal Jackie comedy which is where I think it really seems off. It's much more cartoony and nonsensical.

It helps that I love Gary Daniels as he has a notorious Street Fighter 2 fight scene with Jackie as well as an all too brief traditional fight scene as well. There's a pretty cool end fight with Richard Norton too. None of it's up to proper top notch Jackie standards but I'm still fond of it.

The new Eureka Blu-ray is top notch. The picture is excellent thanks to a 2k restoration and it chocked full of audio options and special features.


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I’ve been on a Korean movie diet all week and this was in my recommended so this morning I gave it a watch.

Its about a woman who returns from the city to visit her friend in a small village on vacation, her friend is subjected to physical, sexual and mental abuse from most of the people on the remote island and will do anything to seek a way out for herself and daughter how so? With extreme violence.

Korean film makers really have a way with making you hate characters and the way they treat women can be really hard to watch.

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Mother is fantastic, as is Bedevilled. Two of the better examples of Korean thrillers of recent years because they don't overdo things and drag them out to bloated running times.

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One Korean film I can definitely recommend is 301/302 - about two women who live next door to each other meeting and chatting about their lives, which are horrendous. One is near-anorexic and can barely eat anything as a result of being sexually abused and force-fed by her father who was a butcher, and the other is obsessed with making food for people, mainly because her husband constantly humiliates and ignores her, and even goes so far as to refuse to eat her food when she cooks it.

Harrowing and bizarre, but it draws you in.

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Korean film from 2013, an airborne virus infects the population of a city in South Korea less then 20 miles from Seoul.

It focuses on 3 characters with a little girl being the main stand out, made you smile and upset whenever she was, she played an absolute whopper in this movie, I went into it being told it’s like Train To Busan (it isn’t) 

Still I wasn’t disappointed.

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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