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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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I'd like t to hear NoUseForAUsername's opinion on A Ghost Story. I'm yet to see Three Billboards, but I'm willing to bet it didn't need to resort to padding out its runtime with a 7 minute single take of someone eating a dessert

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57 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I want to hear NoUseForAUsername's option on A Ghost Story. I'm yet to see Three Billboards, but I'm willing to bet it didn't need to resort to padding out its runtime with a 7 minute single take of someone eating a dessert

The rest of the film wasn't up to much either, but that scene was painful to watch!

As for Three Billboards, I thought it was a great film with some exceptional performances. Unfortunately, Rockwell's was not one of them! Saying that though, I've never been a fan of his so at the time I wondered if it was my preconceptions of him that soured said performance.

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@NoUseforaUsername I didn't see Rockwell's progression like that at all. I don't think it's as simple as him going from unsympathetic to sympathetic. By the end of the film, he's still a simple racist hick. It evens ends with him and McDormands character planning premeditated murder! (Whether they go through with it or not is another debate)... It's just that he's shown a glimmer of humanity and proved that he can do the right thing. The film shows the first step to him becoming a better person, but to say he turns from a racist hick into a stand-up member of the community is false.

Secondly, you ask about McDormands motivation for putting the billboards up in the first place? She's blinded by anger. She's not thinking logically, she is consumed by anger and this guides her every move in the first half of the film. Her reaction when Harrelson's character tells her he's dying is another example of this, she responds horribly due to that anger.

I do agree with you on some points though. The age-gap thing you mentioned is weird (not sure why Harrelson's character gets off the hook there!) and I'm still not sure of the point of Peter Dinklage's character. Overall though, I loved it.


I liked A Ghost Story and the pie scene :(

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I watched The Witch for the first time last night. Although I was disappointed that Finchy didn't throw his shoe over any buildings for a bet, it very much lived up to the hype. Genuinely unsettling and downright scary but a very well made film with superb performances all round. 


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42 minutes ago, Guy Bifkin said:

I watched The Witch for the first time last night. Although I was disappointed that Finchy didn't throw his shoe over any buildings for a bet, it very much lived up to the hype. Genuinely unsettling and downright scary but a very well made film with superb performances all round. 


Yeah, I loved it.  The one who let her kid sucked her tit in Game Of Thrones was her usual creepy self as well.  Also, just to echo the love for The Foreigner, far better than it should have been.

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2 hours ago, NoUseforaUsername said:

Watched Wind River. Was curious about why there were two gratuitous butt shots in the movie. Then I saw Harvey Weinstein's name in the credits. Case closed.

So you've decided to ignore the Three Billboards debate you set off and now turned your attentions to being wrong about Wind River instead. You do know that Weinstein didn't direct the film, don't you? You are far and away the worst poster on this forum. 

Went to see You Were Never Really Here and it was brilliant. Probably the best Joaquin Phoenix performance I've seen and he's almost always great. It was like a more depressing Leon. Jonny Greenwood's score was possibly the best I've heard since Sicario too.

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30 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

So you've decided to ignore the Three Billboards debate you set off and now turned your attentions to being wrong about Wind River instead. You do know that Weinstein didn't direct the film, don't you? You are far and away the worst poster on this forum. 

Went to see You Were Never Really Here and it was brilliant. Probably the best Joaquin Phoenix performance I've seen and he's almost always great. It was like a more depressing Leon. Jonny Greenwood's score was possibly the best I've heard since Sicario too.

Yeah, he produced it. Maybe you don't understand the remit of a producer. Maybe you've been under a rock and haven't noticed the several dozen stories about Weinstein using his position as producer to influence the direction of movies/suggest scenes i.e. nude scenes.

Saying "I'm wrong" about 3 Billboards is a bit subjective, no? It's an opinion, mate. Ever hear of one?

And how have I ignored the Three Billboards "debate"? One poster disagreed with what I said and I reiterated my position on it. Another poster differed on some things I said and agreed on others - I don't recall him pulling me up on anything and demanding a response.

Maybe someone challenged me on something and I missed it? Or maybe your just jumping down my throat for no reason.

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1 minute ago, NoUseforaUsername said:

Yeah, he produced it. Maybe you don't understand the remit of a producer. Maybe you've been under a rock and haven't noticed the several dozen stories about Weinstein using his position as producer to influence the direction of movies/suggest scenes i.e. nude scenes.

Saying "I'm wrong" about 3 Billboards is a bit subjective, no? It's an opinion, mate. Ever hear of one?

And how have I ignored the Three Billboards "debate"? One poster disagreed with what I said and I reiterated my position on it. Another poster differed on some things I said and agreed on others.

Maybe someone challenged me on something and I missed it? Or maybe your just jumping down my throat for no reason.

Absolutely no evidence has surfaced suggesting that Harvey Weinstein was responsible for the bum scenes in Wind River. If he was then we probably would have heard about it, no?

Two or three posters responded to your second post about Three Billboards, and you have pointedly ignored their comments. Mind you, I don't want to be seen to be encouraging you to post more, I'd rather if you didn't at all.

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8 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Absolutely no evidence has surfaced suggesting that Harvey Weinstein was responsible for the bum scenes in Wind River. If he was then we probably would have heard about it, no?

Two or three posters responded to your second post about Three Billboards, and you have pointedly ignored their comments. Mind you, I don't want to be seen to be encouraging you to post more, I'd rather if you didn't at all.

Pointedly ignored what comments? The one that mentioned "A Ghost Story", a movie that I've never claimed to have seen? Most of the comments were simply putting forth their own opinions of the movie, they weren't demanding responses from me. Not sure what your beef is there?!

My Weinstein comment wasn't really a serious comment. It was a joke comment based on seeing two gratuitous butt shots in a Weinstein produced movie that I based on the copious news articles over the Harvey Weinstein/My Week with Marilyn controversy. Not my fault it sailed over your head.

Yeah, you don't want me to post at all, which is why you keep mentioning Donald Trump in off topic threads to try and get a rise out of me.

Whatever, mate.

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7 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Racists are imbeciles.

All racists clearly aren't imbeciles, though. Unfortunately, lots of intelligent people hold racist viewpoints. Like people high up in business who prevented minorities getting jobs and attaining career advancement in the past. If Adolf Hitler, and other despots like him, were "imbeciles" they wouldn't have been able to rise to power and influence millions of people with their rhetoric.

The movie's portrayal of race issues IMO was imbecilic and simple-minded, just like the writing and direction.

I watched a movie directly afterwards, Wind River, that put forth a much more interesting, thought provoking and subtle treatment of race issues.

Less Oscar baity, though.

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