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The problem is, what other options do they have? NXT wrestlers don't make much by all accounts and it's only recently that WWE have really opened their doors up. It's such a tricky situation for them - fucked if they do, fucked if they don't. Not a great position to be in. Anyway, it's TNA. I'm guessing by 6-figures, they're including the decimal. They're probably owed $1000.00 each. 

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They should bring back the inescapable penis cage x-cape match. That'll be a surefire ratings hit. Watch a load of (now massively undercapable) cruiserweights once again get blown up before realising they have to try and ejaculate themselves to freedom. That or more segments involving Matt Hardy's baby, who will be wearing TNA gold before the year is out.

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Heyman owed money left, right and centre when ECW went bust. Some were owed a little, whereas others had 6 figures as well. And they didn't have much assets to cover anything near it.


But that’s the thing: you don’t want to be in a position where you’re owed lots of money and the company’s at a point where it’s easier for them to just file for bankruptcy and shut up shop and leave you out of pocket. Damage limitation and all that jazz.



The flip side of that, I guess, is that you don't want to walk out and risk harming the company's chances of ever being in a position to pay you back again. Young and Roode have been there for ages. It must haven taken a lot for them to accept that things are never going to improve, and they'll never get what their owed.



TNA's total debt has got to be massive hasn't it? If they're that behind on pay for guys like Young and Roode then I can't imagine they've bothered squaring up the likes of Daniels and such for what they were owed. Panda cut them off years ago and the fact that they've mortgaged control of the company just to get through the next tapings suggests that they've exhausted any proper lines of credit.

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Even if it's six figures between the pair of the them, that's $50,000 each which equates to around £34,300. That's a years salary to some people. Loyalty should only go so far. RVD disappeared from ECW towards the end because he was owed so much (around $100,000 depending who you want to believe) and was right to do so

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Could be insentive based as well. Like if Roode and Young were promised 30 house shows by May, and TNA havent run any. It all adds up, when you consider they may have had PPV bonuses for those ONO shows that they were probably lucky to even get their payday for. They may have signed deals that they offered AJ Styles, where its like "well you get $100,000 a year BUT you're bound to make triple that with your house shows and PPV money."


On the Van Dam front, I know he mentioned years ago that the bankruptsy statements didnt include how much he was owed for the PPV bonuses he wasnt paid, how he wasnt paid for the video game with him on it, how he wasnt paid for the figures they released. He really got fucked from ECW, because he was by far their biggest name in that last year.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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After hearing about it on a podcast I had to watch the Shelly Martinez vs Rebel match. It's truly a strong contender for the worst match of all time, from the vagina-based submission spot to Martinez botching EVERYTHING. It has to be seen to be believed.

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The bit I like about ECW owing money is when they were in the hole to Jerry Lynn. As soon as he had won the belt he asked about the pay he was owed. He didn't see Hayman again until he had him drop the belt a month later.

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The new Botchamania (306) has a blindingly mentally "why did they release this horrendously botched that they should have edited" match from the most recent ONO Knockouts PPV thing. Can't say I know whose in the match, but it's mental that someone said "yeah, release that"

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Tell me you saw Martinez pre match promo too? 


People with mutism are better talkers than she is.


Yeah, unfortunately I did. Cringe worthy.


The new Botchamania (306) has a blindingly mentally "why did they release this horrendously botched that they should have edited" match from the most recent ONO Knockouts PPV thing. Can't say I know whose in the match, but it's mental that someone said "yeah, release that"


The longest of the Knockouts clips is indeed the infamous Martinez vs Rebel match. In trying to work out what the fuck happened with that suicide dive spot the only thing I can come up with is that Martinez suddenly became self-aware and decided to actually try and kill herself.


For anybody who wants to see it here's the entire thing in all its "glory".



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OK, so I got about 7 mins into the video and was thinking "it's not that bad", then Martinez (who is wearing the most unflatteringly revealing outfits in wrestling history) starts selling by screaming "MY VAG!  MY VAAAAAG!!" :blink:  Everything after that is horrendous.  That finish...just wow.

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Seemed like Rebel, being Rebel, was out of position to stop the dive so Shelly just went with it anyway and hoped for the best.


Thus ending her chance of ever being re-signed. And cementing Rebel as worst pro wrestler of all time. as I regularly know her.

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