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Watching TNA is like getting back with an ex who broke your heart. I loved her once and a part of me still does but she hurt me too many times and I'll never truly forgive her.


I like TNA but it's only a matter of time before they fuck up again and let me down.

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We need to, as a forum, get over the mindless criticizing of TNA.


It's a decent enough alternative to WWE and you could argue a better TV show at the minute.


I'm sure most of the negativity comes from people that read the results but don't actually watch the show.


I actually sought out the spoilers for this week. I only found a bunch of listed matches they taped in god knows what order (apparently) with the results which i've kinda already forgotten. It all looked very uninspiring so i was very pleasantly suprised. I will continue not reading spoilers.....

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I've probably seen more TNA than probably anyone on TNA Mecca put together sadly. Its had my support a lot over the years, and its had me rolling my eyes at it. TNA currently is just TNA. Some weeks its pretty good, some weeks its mindboggling. Some weeks you'll get ECIII vs Matt Hardy having a great match and some weeks you'll get Al Snow feuding with Grado which will make you consider watching old episodes of Indoor League on Youtube when Impact is on in the future.


Personally, its hard to support a promotion when you pretty much have to tell yourself that your favourite wrestler on the show will no doubt leave soon because they cant afford to pay them. TNA's shows are decent. But the roster is so middle of the road and uninspiring. I can watch everyone on the TNA roster elsewhere in better matches if I wish to. Its a name indy group with small TV outreach now. Its hard to get into other than watching the odd episode of Impact once a month. When you build the whole company around a stable of MVP, Homicide, Samoa Joe, Kenny King and Low Ki, and then none of them are on the roster soon after the angle starts, its shit like that why you cant get behind them. Or when they get Beer Money back together and then they wont up the pay of one of them and they fuck off. You sort of have to look at the bigger picture rather than "its good this week."

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On the downside I think the loss of roode will be a big blow although AMW was sort of teesed last night so maybe Harris is coming back in for storm to work with


Please, no no no no no no no.


Storm is my favourite wrestler of the last decade, I think. It was bad enough to see him back in the old TNA rut, but then they stopped that dreadful Wyatts-lite gimmick, then put Beer Money back together, and that was actually kinda ok.


But saddling him with Braden Walker, who's pretty much been retired for ages? That would be the biggest insult of all.

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Shit because it's not full of people saying TNA is shit every 2 minutes???

Shit because its filled with TNA Mecca posters type who havent got a clue what they're talking about and . People slag WWE off all the time on here but its hardly a forum of WWE bashers. This is one thread and there's not many people who actually post in it. 90% of the forum just ignores TNA on here.


Let's look at the topics in TNA's thread.


-Kurt Angle Explains Why He Left TNA

-Morale bad at the tapings - Meltzer

-Roode & Young Gone From TNA

-TNA partner with Al Snow's Wrestling Academy

What a forum that looks like.

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There's nothing bizarre. This place just isn't the "mindless sheep" sort of forum. Enjoy that other place if you want three pages of people agreeing with each other.

Best thing about this place is that you'll probably only agree with about two other people and you just want to argue with everyone else. For instance your posts vary from brilliant to awful in my opinion, Ian is always right and Pitcos must either trolling or absolutely mental. That's what makes this place intersting, and even when you don't agree with someone they will at least put up a good/great argument about why they are right.


Say what you like but the last thing the UKFF could be called is a bunch of sheep

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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