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Bearing in mind this company still employs Jeff Hardy I’d love to have seen that Eric Young/Mr Anderson match out of morbid curiosity of how bad a state you have to be in for TNA to notice. Imagine it must have been a bit like:


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When does Jeff Harvey's contract finish? He's far too good to be slumming it in TNA and the timing is sort of perfect for him to return to WWE seeing how they value part-timers and their lack of genuine stars.


Is he though?  He was excellent in 2009 just before he left WWE, but I can't remember him being anything beyond ordinary in TNA.  He's just a fucking weirdo when he's allowed to do his own thing.  And let's be honest, his most memorable moment was that match against Sting.

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When does Jeff Harvey's contract finish? He's far too good to be slumming it in TNA and the timing is sort of perfect for him to return to WWE seeing how they value part-timers and their lack of genuine stars.


Is he though?  He was excellent in 2009 just before he left WWE, but I can't remember him being anything beyond ordinary in TNA.  He's just a fucking weirdo when he's allowed to do his own thing.  And let's be honest, his most memorable moment was that match against Sting.



Agree with this really. Never liked him and was a bit gutted when I heard he'd re-signed. I imagine he must be popular with some demographic but he seems to be injured all the time these days anyway (I don't mean the fake injuries he conveniently seems to sustain in the week before the UK tours.)


I wish he'd fuck off to the WWE for a nostalgia run or something.

Edited by garynysmon
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Granted, I've not watched him in a couple of years, so he may be terrible, but my point is he's a decent name that can make a difference in WWE doing a part-time gig. He was one of the few blokes that made a difference to TNA business when he rejoined, but "because TNA" they decided to turn their ticket seller into a heel; followed up with the wrestling equivalent of Trainspotting v Sting.


Personally, I thought his chase for the title and eventual run on top was one of the best stories they've told over the last 8 years. In TNA he's their biggest name doing nowt of note.

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Tna is this wonderous, magica; thing, or a promotion dying on it's arse depending on who you look towards on here or elsewhere


I take it as thus. I'm interested enough to read this thread and see what's going on, but im not interested enough to watch the product on offerr. No matter how good it is, I think the last thing i watched was the Destination America Debut.

However I dont have time always to watch LU and that's by far my fav promotion at the moment.


What does that does that tell us about TNA. Well rather than try and judge it by it's past glories, I just take it as a MLW style thing from Promo Wars orEWR that has TV, I dont hold and sutre the past, because that's not where it is. It's no competition to anything else and if it finds a niche on a new channel then fair play to it im not and havent considered it a major for eons and wouldnt.


That shift is good because it delfates  this unimaginable thing where where everything isnt Taco Bell (WWE) is shite. However WWE is where the money is at..


So, Indy with TV putting out half decent stuff is a start, lets hope TNA can solidfiy that..It's akin to A brit wres TV show.. rather than some unimaginable number 2 despite what it was in the past. It's no longer that , and in an age where TV is itself dwindling then that's something. More wretling is goodm even if it;s a joke 


Ps Sorry if the Grammar is shit, im pissed, but  I think that makes some kinda sense

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Okies, point taken. I've sobered up now.


Basically what I was trying to say is that TNA still holds enough interest to follow this thread, rather than actually watch it, each werk.


Instead of it being considered the 'failed' number 2 promotion as if there is still some promotion wars on going.


I see it as an indy fed that has TV, much in the same way as LU or ROH.


More wrestling on telly can only be a good thing, but I'm not comparing it to WWE NXT etc, when it's basically a Britwres show with TV and better production values.


It's easier that way as not not get caught up in Dixie's hype and doom mongering figures.


If it's going to exit this world it can idle out at least putting together some consistent stuff, more than which can be said for a lot of it's history.


At this point it's seemingly a tribute show to it's self. Viewing as that rather than a wannabe, is alot easier to stomach and means can take or leave it, without stepping on it's walking corpse or being caught up in the battles of what it could have been.


There, that make more sense?

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Arguably the best feud of any promotion last year was ECIII and Spud. Leading to that tremendous match and angle that followed it in England. Yet few talk about it. Few watched it. Sort of shows me that you can have a excellent thing going on and it wont make much of a difference. Their audience seem to have totally lost faith in them. Pop is in something like an extra 15/20 million homes than Destination America. And a significant number of people watch less TNA than they did in 2015. Its well past putting on good TV. I dont know what they could do to generate buzz.

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