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They were paying a small fee to rent it each month. And they left Universal without much notice and went on the road.


Are you sure? I can't remember where I read it but I was always under the impression that Universal actually paid TNA a fee for being an attraction in the park. That's why they couldn't charge people for entry.


I'm pretty sure we were all sat in this thread a couple of years ago agreeing how TNA just *had* to go on the road. It's just the shame the people whose actually job it was didn't actually look into it any further than that and crunch the numbers and realise just how much they'd clearly lose their arse.


We'd all still be sat here going "they really should try going on the road!" though, wouldn't we.


Going on the road wasn't really a bad idea. Going on the road in massive buildings that even WWE would struggle to sell out and was absolutely suicidal.

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They had to take the Hogan gamble, but it just didn't work out.  As much as I enjoyed Sting and Hogan doing Riggs and Murtaugh, and all the other various Hogan moments, they just didn't use him to establish the brand.  You had Hogan going out and doing media interviews and not mentioning TNA.  Then you had the attempt to jump to Monday nights which felt for a week or two like it might work, but ultimately forced them into an embarrassing backtrack.


I was one of those who wanted them to go on the road, but I didn't expect them to go and try and fill stadiums!  The issue seemed to be that the bottom fell out of their ability to draw crowds on the road just as they made the switch.  


TNA has done well, frankly, to last all these years - even WCW and ECW didn't last as long as they have.  The saddest thing for me though is that it's resulted in a lost generation of wrestlers.  In the 90s, WWE would take good talent from ECW and WCW, but they've fairly resolutely not bothered with TNA.  So you have many of the best wrestlers of the early 2000s that look like they've missed the window for WWE.  Add them to the bunch of guys WWE also wasted in the early to mid 2000s, and you've got a whole generation of wrestlers who just slipped between the cracks.

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  • Paid Members

The only people I can think that they brought over from TNA (who weren't in WWE first ) are MVP, who was a TNA jobber, and Monty Brown. It as if you work in TNA you might as well be on the sex offenders register


Chris Harris ruined it for everyone.

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Full Bound For Glory 2014 card announced (spoilered incase anyone doesn't want to know)





Tajiri & The Great Muta Vs. James Storm & The Great Sanada


Team 3D Vs. Tommy Dreamer & Abyss


Samoa Joe Vs. Low Ki Vs. Kaz Hayashi (X Division Title)


EC3 Vs. Ryota Hama


MVP Vs. Kazma Sakamoto


Manik Vs. Minoru Tanaka


Havok Vs. Velvet Sky (Knockouts Title?)





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