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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I know to compare FCW and OVW to NXT is apples and oranges thanks ti budgets, autonomy and all sorts more, but is it arguable that HHH may have saved the WWE forever?


Their developmental now vs how it was even as recently as about 2011 are not even in the same galaxy are they?! Horror stories about careers going to die in front of 59 people in one of the shite territories and spewing out a load of guys that have no fucking clue how to get over or some indie ones that DID but had their spirits crushed on the way to the main roster.


Even the intials NXT are stained by the original NXT seasons, which were some weird experimental mess that almost put paid to somebody like Daniel Bryan even nearly didn't break through. Daniel Bryan! Can you even imagine?? It wasn't till they fucked off the original USP of NXT Redemption did that actually become a useful brand, having characters that 'lived' in that show, and could theoretically eventually find their way to Raw. And even then, they lost EC3 and the main roster never got to enjoy the Johnny Curtis sleaze bag character it deserved.



So yeah, can we thank HHH for wrestling enough stroke from Vince to take the reigns and save the mainstream industry forever? Surely it's agreed that the WWE has never been so well positioned to serve all masters? The new system, (as clunky as it can still be) has broke down countless barriers Vince seemed so happy to build up in the post-2001 era.

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Nobody has ever moved as fluently as Barry Windham in the ring. He could have been the man for a few years if he wernt such a chilled out bloke, him Dustin and Eaton were so immense in their day. Where have all the real men in wrestling gone?


Brocks great, i cant believe some people are crying about wellness policy bans being unfair! Let brock wrestle no matter what!

Edited by Porkchopcash
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Is there anyone for who English isn't their first language on here, and has watched a wwe ppv using the other languages instead of English? Just watching summerslam, and wondering whos good or not from international ranks, and do they give all the same spiel as the English speaking broadcast teams ?

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Groundhog Day was released in 1993, so the WrestleMania tickets that Phil buys for the newlyweds on the final Groundhog Day were for WrestleMania IX.



Nice one Phil.


No wonder he felt compelled to murder Superman's Dad.

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