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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Can anyone explain Titanes en el Ring to me? Butch?

Only THE GREATEST WRESTLING SHOW OF ALL TIME. If you like gimmicks and the catchiest theme tune in history, then it's for you.


EDIT: Gallery of Gimmicks


I go through stages of being quite obsessed with this. Probably because if I was booking a wrestling show it'd probably be exactly like this. It just looks really joyous.

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I was about to post the same.


I cant stand Sheamus on WWE TV, he bores the life out of me and i generallly fast forward anything hes in, yet on Soccer AM he came across so charismatic and engaging that i really enjoyed the time he was on there.


20 years ago theyd have been able to transfer that to his character but not anymlre. So frustrating

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Just been thinking about WWE and Virtual Reality a bit earlier. I think it'll be awesome. You can have different camera angles - hard camera, turnbuckle, announce table, stage - and press buttons to change the angle you see. Imagine watching Shane's elbow from the cage from the announce table view.

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