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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I got a Chikaratopia account last week. It's not to everyone's taste but it's right up my alley. I watched last year's King Of Trios over a weekend and enjoyed every bit of it and I'm looking forward to following their story arc linear now.


Does anyone have any good nods on where to start? From doing a Google on it I'm getting every year of its existence dropped as a good starting point. A lot saying 2011 or thereabouts.


I'd rather not go right back to the start. It would give me way too much to get through. And I don't like the idea of watching an indie from scratch in its primordial form before certain chinks were ironed out.


My preference is to sort of drop in slightly before a flash period where the tropes of what I'm watching have been established.


If you're interested in following the main storylines and seeing all the big angles and feuds of Chikara's past I'd recommend going back to 2007. Chikara's first big storyline was around this time: Quackenbush vs Chris Hero. Without giving too much away this sets up something involving Ultramantis Black which snowballs into an amazing invasion angle which in turn sets up the two-year long 'Death of Chikara' angle. Some of the stuff currently happening in Chikara have their origins in these storylines and it's also incredible to see how well Quackenbush plots things out (sometimes years in advance) with minor moments and seemingly throwaway lines foreshadowing and/or setting things in motion that pay off 6 months, a year, even two years later. The aforementioned invasion angle? They spent a year building up to it and it revolved around something that was first mentioned months before we actually saw it in a show. If you're willing to put in the time the investment is worth it.

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If it's his last match, and I actually hope it is, done the purple marigolds and kipper tie I say.


Taker will never be cooler than as the grizzled old last outlaw, sneering at H3 and looking like king of the world. That day is gone though. I don't want him looking like an s&m egg on legs or a fat pastiche of 04 onwards. If he's going out play to nostalgia I say.

Edited by Tommy!
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When did Jericho's tits cave in? Was there a specific time? Is is possible to pinpoint when it happened?


Bizarrely, I think it was around the time Kofi Kingston beat him for the Intercontinental Title.  The wind must have changed suddenly in that match.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the peak of Test's illustrious career:




"The Punisher" Andrew Martin. Easily TNA's second greatest creation, the first being Junior Fatu.

I always forget that every wrestler that ever left the WWE passed through TNA at one point. Had no idea Test turned up there.

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I'm genuinely surprised John Morrison hasn't shown up there. Guy's perfect to lead the X-Division and/or the main event scene there. Looks like a star, has a fan-friendly style.

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