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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The problem with the Bray Wyatt character is that turning Fandango and Heath Slater into disciples would just be a bloated, ineffective faction... And Cena/Bryan/Reigns etc have the babyface gimmicks that are too important to deviate from permanently, so he'll always look a twat when his mission is to corrupt the top goodies. Neither the performer or the company have put much thought into making that character fit well as a wrestler.

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They've done real damage to Wyatt and that family of his since he lost to Cena. Considering Bray's limitations, they did a pretty great job building him up for Cena. Since then he's lost too much and now he's got that Jericho thing where if it matters you know he's losing and nobody is really the better for it. It's why this Lesnar feud makes me groan - such a waste of Lesnar.

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Not to hark too far back, but I really feel The Dominator is such an underused finisher now, Owens could embrace that maybe with a slight falling variation.


A big man move with out the need to be 100% a big man.

Edited by Teedy Kay
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Yeah, he's not exactly that tall and he doesn't look that strong. He should be more of a bully in the sense of strikes than someone overpowering people through lifting them up by their armpits and throwing them in the air.


Hence the Elijah Express  :smug:

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I've been thinking about the boos Roman Reigns gets and I think the people who boo him don't even really hate him. It's more that everyone is so fed up with the current shitty product and Reigns in a way has become a figurehead/personification of the current overly scripted forced dull creative that everybody is sick of. I don't get the sense that there's actually any genuine hatred of the man himself. It's more of a "Vince, we hate how rubbish you've made WWE, fuck you for just pushing Roman and thinking we'll just cheer whatever you tell us to" thing than "Roman Reigns is fucking shit".

Edited by LaGoosh
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Tonight I watched all the World War 3 battle royals. I'd heard they weren't much good, but I was intrigued, and ... well, they weren't much good, were they?


Well, no. I mean, Battle Royals in general are shit, so WW3 by it's nature is just shit but three times bigger. Elephant shit.


The only good Battle Royal for me is the one Ciclope won at Slamboree 98. And possibly the "Sunny was still hot" nostalgia wank tag team Battle Royal at Mania XIV only because it will help us all put the unpleasantness behind us and get on with our lives.

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I've been thinking about the boos Roman Reigns gets and I think the people who boo him don't even really hate him. It's more that everyone is so fed up with the current shitty product and Reigns in a way has become a figurehead/personification of the current overly scripted forced dull creative that everybody is sick of. I don't get the sense that there's actually any genuine hatred of the man himself. It's more of a "Vince, we hate how rubbish you've made WWE, fuck you for just pushing Roman and thinking we'll just cheer whatever you tell us to" thing than "Roman Reigns is fucking shit".


Yeah, it's definitely the "don't tell me who to like, Vince, you're not my real dad, I'm going to my room" thing in a lot of cases. And they know it as well, not that it does them any good. You can see that at WrestleMania last year, they thought if they fucked Reigns out of the belt and then did nothing of note with him for six months, the same people would forget he's the golden boy and go "they're burying Roman, he deserves the strap!"


When really, all it achieved was making both Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins less interesting. Ending Undertaker's streak was always a dodgy proposition, but at least there was a future-facing endgame in mind at the time. The second they dropped that, it made a mockery of the whole thing. Undertaker vs Cena at WrestleMania 32 with the streak still on the line would absolutely live up to the size of the venue. Instead, the main event of the biggest WrestleMania ever is a match that we expected to be second or third from the top at SummerSlam 2014.

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