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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The more, I think about it the more I like it. HHH could have an evelope (like Kaz and Daniel and Flar and Perfect before them) He could show Michaels and he could make goofy faces and cross himself. Wouldn't have to turn him heel just be funny.

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Fanny like Sting's beard is how I remember it. It set a standard that they never quite reached again. Maria's was especially disappointing.


And yes, it was the first thing I searched for as well. "Sable Playboy" and WWF.com were the first two things I looked for in the library at school.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Oh, fuck yeah. It made it's way around year 9 of Ysgol Rhiwabon with great excitement. She had a landing strip as well, and I like them. I don't know why women seldom bother with pubes these days.


Are you all assuming, as I am, that once Sable gets to the age where it all really starts to sag, Lesnar will dump her and move on to a younger model? She's got to be getting close to that age, she's what... 50?

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He's a family man apparently. He likes living in the middle of nowhere working outside all day and being with his wife and kids. They seem built to last.


And if not, I hope he's got a pre-nup, because she knows a good deal when she see's it. Not many people sue WWE for tens of millions of dollars and come back and make six figures years later.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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What's truly strange is that as much pleasure as I got from Sable's first (awesome), second (bestest) and third PB shoots (still good, too much Torrie), they still come nowhere near Sunny in a bikini. Sunny naked when it finally happened was a horrific disappointment though in fairness.


Not sure which Edge DVD air_raid is referring to, but I read somewhere that he and Swinger are pretty good friends so I would imagine it would be along those lines.


Should have scrolled down a couple of posts, or those stones have worked their way to your eyes mate.


Swinger is the ref in a match between Adam Impact and Christian Cage in front of six people in The Middle Of Nowhere, Canada. It's got Edge and Matt Striker commentating and Striker mentions he was known as Parisi in WWE.


It was "You Think You Know Me" which is a belting documentary except it glosses over the Jeff Hardy WHC run and doesn't mention Rated RKO or his big injuries in 2007 and 2009. The talking heads contributions are great as they get in Rhino and Lita for bang up to date interviews and use archive candid comments from Matt Hardy and Batista, presumably for when they were interviewed for their own DVDs.

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Just re-watched the first Taker/HBK Mania match for the first time since it happened. Shawn's entrance is hilariously bad. Fuck, I forgot about that Taker dive. HBK's missed moonsalt looked nasty enough but Undertaker's lucky he's still walking. An enjoyable match but there's a bit too much finisher-finisher-lay about-finisher stuff for me for it to really hold up. The transitions into both the tombstone spots were cool.


I tuned out for a few years and I'm trying to get a feel of it. What were the best WWE matches from about 04-09?

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I tuned out for a few years and I'm trying to get a feel of it. What were the best WWE matches from about 04-09?


Shawn vs Taker is probably the best, so reading your assessment above, you're fucked.

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