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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I daresay that Mordecai at some point, being positioned as the "Anti-Undertaker", might have ended up with his own counter-part version of the Ministry stable.


Only other religious storyline I can think of that ran for any length (and it was more based on the character than one particular story) was Kevin Sullivan's diabolist/"Abudadein" thing, which I never managed to see all of.

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I just watched the video of Adam Rose's promo on Cesaro on Superstars. How bizarre, interesting though. And not necessarily good, but he does give it a go. It's a shame that they've got the likes of Rose, Maddox, Slater and Fandango there around the bottom of the card but never put much effort into developing them. With work, they could add some levity and texture to a Raw broadcast every week.



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They had Devon. He was a minister, who was pocketing the donations and all that, but that was shit. And that time Vince was going to church and threatening God to strike him down and acting all anti-religion in his feud with Shawn Michaels. They pushed the religious buttons hard about a decade ago. Either way, they've never cared about whether religious groups would get upset. They had God actually work a match one PPV.


Generally when religion is brought into wrestling storylines it never fails to be shite.

I thought the Vince vs God stuff was hilarious but probably not for the right reasons. It was more a bemused 'where the fuck are they going with this and what is the payoff going to be?'. And the payoff was stupid as hell, but the build was Vince on tv, which I am never upset by.

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that Backlash match was hilarious. God the spotlight comin down to the ring, Vince tells god "cmon god! get jiggy with it!" and starts dancing to Somebody Call My Mama (one of the 10 songs Vince knows personally)

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Hasn't wrestling, predominantly, been on top when there's been a myriad of stables?


I think there's talent there for a few differing stables to be formed, and have always wondered why a jock type stable has never been utilised in the more modern era. The Fraternity is as simple a name as any, with Dolph as the figurehead (and if he blows that push he goes) you can use the likes of Sandow, Swagger, Dallas and a few others that fall in line.


I think the main idea, as seen with New Day, is that by giving a collective of 3-6 guys an actual purpose, then the midcard durge becomes a hell of lot more entertaining, and the three hours could become palatable to endure.

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New Day are an anomaly in modern WWE, though. Chances are that more stables would just be another excuse to kill twenty minutes with snowflake-chasing six-man tags. The Shield spent nearly eighteen months doing that.


There is a case for stables if they would give them a chance like New Day, primarily that the likes of Ziggler and Cesaro might be a bit better in a group setting where they have each other to play off and experiment with their persona within the faction.


I think the guest host thing would work a lot better now than it did a few years ago too. Rose, Slater, Maddox, Fandango etc would be a lot better at that stuff than Chavo was.

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