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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I read recently that Vickie has been on TV longer than Eddie's WWE career. Absolute madness, especially as she has been fairly useless the last couple of years but she's done a better job than anyone could have expected when she was involved in the custody battle for Dominic Mysterio stuff.

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I think the WWE The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves In WWE History might be the worst WWE doc I have ever seen. Nothing to do with the placement of the actual moves more that its basically just 5 hours of the likes of Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston going 'ohh I love Honky Tonk Mans Shake Rattle and Roll, what a great finish". I am about 10 hours in and I don't think anyone has said anything of interest yet. I can't seem to turn it off though. I am actually hoping Santino turns up, he is usually good value on these useless list DVD's. I feel sorry for any kid who bought this/got it as a present.

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Looking at it objectively, 2012 must be John Cena's worst year since he became WWE's #1 guy.


His performances have been at the same level as every other year but the material he has had to work with has suggested the writers have completely run out of ideas for him this year.


- He started the year in a crappy feud with Kane,

- The build to WrestleMania paled in comparison to last year's as they ran out of ideas to the point where Cean & Rock were almost repeating last year's promos.

- The match with Lesnar was excellent, but the angle was dropped the next night so the entire feud went just 4 weeks.

- Then he was in silly matches with Johnny Ace.

- He became the first man to fail when cashing in Money In The Bank


Then for the last month his main focus is making sure AJ isn't too upset when people are being mean to her.


Makes you wonder what is in store for him in 2013.

Strong rumours of Cena vs Rock: Once In A Lifetime Part 2, but then what?

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It's been mentioned a couple of times, it was Cena's claim to a WWE title match at Summerslam. He was definitely the right man to not successfully cash it in as he has earned his rematches and been screwed along the way but looked the dominant man.

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Just a thought about the whole Aces and Eights. I want to know what does a biker gang want with a wrestling company that's on TV? Has this actually been explained? If they are a gang should things not feel a bit rougher and not too polished and produced for television? The gang members should be intimidating to fans and the venue security in the impact zone and not made to feel like wrestling characters in a storyline on a wrestling TV show to add realism. The camera is too polished of them coming in from a rear exit with a nice red carpet. I know they have access to TNA that they won at BFG but i don't think they should have this at all. I feel the camera should be right in the crowd and that's the shot we get when they make their entrance from random points in the crowd. Keep things edgy and not feel so television show produced.

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What does a biker gang want with a wrestling company that's on TV?


The gang is made up of wrestlers..


Exactly. That's why I don't like the Aces and Eights storyline. As its wrestlers in a biker gang in a tv storyline it just feels like another wrestling stable. Basically my point is a gang should feel scary intimidating and they are not. A real gang would be coming in knocking fuck out of people who work for Universal studios smashing up the place attacking fans but we know that if that happened police would be called and real arrests would be made.

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There's a million reasons I hate the Aces and Eights, but the biker aspect isn't one of them. The group is a gang of wrestlers who have taken on this rouge mentality because someone is paying them to act in this manner. Probably Bischoff or Bully Ray. Devon is a wrestler, they mentioned Luke Gallows previous past with CM Punk, D'Lo is snooping about and he's an agent, Wes Brisco has been acknowledged as Jerry Briscos son, Garrett is no doubt with them, so its not like they are a bunch of bikers from the an area of a city who think they are hard cases and want to take over TNA. I believe the idea is that someone (say Eric) got a group of tough wrestlers with a grudge together and said "this is what I want from you and this is how we are going to do it", so they were dressed up like clowns and started smacking people about.


If they had bigger names and the angles weren't so cartoony, this could have been decent. It started off well.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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