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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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What does a biker gang want with a wrestling company that's on TV?


The gang is made up of wrestlers..


Exactly. That's why I don't like the Aces and Eights storyline. As its wrestlers in a biker gang in a tv storyline it just feels like another wrestling stable. Basically my point is a gang should feel scary intimidating and they are not. A real gang would be coming in knocking fuck out of people who work for Universal studios smashing up the place attacking fans but we know that if that happened police would be called and real arrests would be made.


Everything you said there is pretty much exactly what they have done though.

In the early days of the angle they were beating up people randomly backstage and in the ring. They kidnapped Joseph Park (Officially not a wrestler) and smashed him with a hammer - Thats as scary and intimidating as a wrestling faction can realistically be these days. They were shown arriving en-masse, 'Dawn of the Dead' style and invading the impact zone. Due to this, Hogan was getting the police involved at points, and they had a lawyer on the case too. They haven't been attacking fans, but what on earth would that achieve anyway?


Granted - it hasn't properly been explained what a biker gang wants with a wrestling company, but as was mentioned - we have seen that they are wrestlers so far under the hoods who dont already work for a major company - makes perfect sense that they have been pushed so far that they have joined a gang to get on TV - At least thats my interpretation.

Not sure what more erratic camera work would be achieving either. You mention that a cameraman should be in the crowd watching them invading them from the back - Why would a cameraman be in the crowd? It would just show that it was planned. Its still TNA's cameramen filming the show, so why would it be less polished? Why wouldnt a cameraman be filming backstage watching them coming in? They do it for everyone else. Would you expect that cameraman to not film things happening in front of him because 'They dont work here'?


Not saying the angle is perfect by any means (And I havent watched the show in several weeks now admittedly) but from what I have seen, it has been handled as 'realistically' as possible

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The "locked the doors" thing killed the angle dead. It wasn't going well up until that point anyway, but that was the nail. Hogan just shut the door and they couldn't find a way in. What a bunch of clowns. Its like that episode of American Dad where they put a phone book on Klauz's bowl when he's making threats. They just turned the key on the entrance and they had to kidnap Hogan and Sting to get a match where if they won "they didn't lock the door anymore". Its like they are a right bunch of hard nuts as long as you don't put the bolt up.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I read a while back (and who knows whether it was bullshit or not) that the usual post-Wrestlemania cull didn't happen this year as the McMahon senate run meant they didn't want to be seen to be laying people off - Job Creators, and all that shit.


Now that Linda has been made humble (again) will they finally get rid of some of the dead wood? The roster is full of rubbish that should be canned, and the NXT/FCW roster is bloody massive.


Chopping time please.

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@Rossi_uk :Heard someone who got signed from the liverpool tryouts last year has quit...annoys me when people quit as there are people who really want it.


Who's he talking about? Who got signed?


EDIT: A french guy, louis fontaine.

Edited by moofasa
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@Rossi_uk :Heard someone who got signed from the liverpool tryouts last year has quit...annoys me when people quit as there are people who really want it.


Who's he talking about? Who got signed?


EDIT: A french guy, louis fontaine.



Is he the prick off the Lance Storm show?

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I think Punk should make Ryback tap out on Sunday, have Ryback powerbomb Cena through an announce table, Punk hits the GTS in the ring and Ryback kicks out twice, then he puts him in the Anaconda Vice and he taps out while Cena crawls back in the ring, then have Cena stare at Punk as the PPV goes off the air


Ryback's basically finished as a breakout star anyway so have Punk look strong by winning by submission and Cena looks unlucky to have not been there for the finish, plus Punk making Ryback tap out while Cena looks on would be a good visual

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Sod that, try and keep Ryback strong. I'm from the oldschool of thinking on this that faces shouldn't submit.


Especially not to a fucking top wrist lock.


Nah he's fucked anyway, even if they protect Ryback to any extent at Survivor Series, he'll be having nothing matches against Ziggler and Cesaro by the end of the year so might as well get some good out of him before he goes cold like everyone else

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Nah he's fucked anyway, even if they protect Ryback to any extent at Survivor Series, he'll be having nothing matches against Ziggler and Cesaro by the end of the year so might as well get some good out of him before he goes cold like everyone else

Nobody is touching his segments as far as viewership goes. He regained all those fans that ran away during that appalling angle they shot on Raw. People like him. 900,000 viewers turned off when they did the heart attack angle and 800,000 turned back on when Ryback turned up and as soon as Ryback left 910,000 turned off again. People like this bloke. He's the type of person people stop when he's on the channel.


Which sort of makes their idea to fuck him out of his undefeated run even more stupid.

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Nah he's fucked anyway, even if they protect Ryback to any extent at Survivor Series, he'll be having nothing matches against Ziggler and Cesaro by the end of the year so might as well get some good out of him before he goes cold like everyone else

Nobody is touching his segments as far as viewership goes. He regained all those fans that ran away during that appalling angle they shot on Raw. People like him. 900,000 viewers turned off when they did the heart attack angle and 800,000 turned back on when Ryback turned up and as soon as Ryback left 910,000 turned off again. People like this bloke. He's the type of person people stop when he's on the channel.


Which sort of makes their idea to fuck him out of his undefeated run even more stupid.


Didn't know that about the ratings, fair enough then, I thought casual fans would've given up on him after he lost (especially in such a hokey, cliched way), fuck knows what will happen at Survivor Series but my idea would be disastrous!

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