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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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One of those was one of Kids last matches in the company. He'd stopped giving a fuck and grown his beard. The more competitive of their later matches was on a pre-Mania XII Raw where Hitman was watching. Shawn would later watch Bret wrestle one of Goldust, Hunter or Tatanka, I forget which.


There is also a match on Superstars which amounts to little more than a fun squash, possibly the only match in which I saw Shawn military press his opponent.

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One of those was one of Kids last matches in the company. He'd stopped giving a fuck and grown his beard. The more competitive of their later matches was on a pre-Mania XII Raw where Hitman was watching. Shawn would later watch Bret wrestle one of Goldust, Hunter or Tatanka, I forget which.


There is also a match on Superstars which amounts to little more than a fun squash, possibly the only match in which I saw Shawn military press his opponent.

If I remember correctly they did the same press-slam spot in the Rumble that year, but Michaels threw the Kid straight out.

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If I remember correctly they did the same press-slam spot in the Rumble that year, but Michaels threw the Kid straight out.


You indeed remember correctly. Kid ate concrete in said Superstars match too.


Speaking of random, trawling YouTube for Michaels/Kid matches (I didnt find the one I was looking for) I randomly discovered that Undertaker and Lex Luger (who I didnt think had ever wrestled) had a match on a house show on June 30th 1993, Lugers last as "The Narcissist." Undertaker by DQ when Lex took off his elbow pad and clonked Undertaker with his forearm (which was naughty at the time) if you were wondering.


Too many brackets.

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One of those was one of Kids last matches in the company. He'd stopped giving a fuck and grown his beard.

Waiting for the Gas-Man, so I looked this up. Kid's last WWF match in 1996 was..


WWF @ Sioux City, IA - April 29, 1996 (4,000; 3,200 paid)

Savio Vega pinned the 1-2-3 Kid (w/ Ted Dibiase); after the bout, Steve Austin and the Kid double teamed Savio, trying him up with the Caribbean strap, and letting Dibiase put the chauffer's hat on Vega's head.

According to Cawthorn's site, the original main event for that show was supposed to be Diesel vs Ultimate Warrior. Didn't happen obviously.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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You know how Bull Nakano put a load of weight on last year for her retirement ceremony and it was a bit silly as she was well into her 40s and it'd be unsafe and a fucker to lose?


Here she is now.




Fucking awesome!

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Marty Jannetty's ankles motherfucker! This is how he functions daily. He's still wrestling as well. I know he shouldn't have blown all his money, burnt all his bridges and did all those crazy bumps and all that, but there's something wrong where he has to live like this and cant afford surgery.



Whatever pills he's taking to get through the day must not be good for him.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That's fucked up. It just goes to show that WWE's policy of helping people into rehab is clearly just for the sake of looking good and not from any true sense of wanting to help most of these people out.


The root of all pain-pill addictions (in wrestling types, obviously) is actual, real pain that they have to work through. It's mad that Marty could get all fucked up on coke or booze and they'd pay for his rehab, but they won't help a real medical issue that is clearly going to (if it hasn't already) lead to Jannetty taking far too many pain pills on a daily basis.


They've spent hundreds of thousands helping Scott Hall (who I fucking love, by the way) deal with his problems, but his issues run deeper than and pre-date his wrestling career. Jannetty is fucked up entirely through actual wrestling matches - most of which for WWF over the years. It's a harsh situation for him to be in.

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That's fucked up. It just goes to show that WWE's policy of helping people into rehab is clearly just for the sake of looking good and not from any true sense of wanting to help most of these people out.

That's not news, Eddie. Vince openly stated as much at the Waxman investigation for Congress.


David Leviss: What led you to make, you the company, to make the magnanimous gesture of offering counseling services to current or former employees or contractors? [He says "counseling services" but the context is free treatment to all wrestlers and followed "And we've been told by Mrs. McMahon that you all front the cost of such counseling or treatment." McMahon acknowledged in the previous paragraph that it also applies to people who haven't worked for WWE.]


Vince McMahon: Two words. Public relations. That's it. I do not feel any sense of responsibility for anyone of whatever their age is who has passed along and has bad habits and overdoses for drugs. Sorry, I don't feel any responsibility for that. Nonetheless, that's why we're doing it. It is a magnanimous gesture.


It's a rotten state of affairs. "Gave X back his mobility" is just as effective for PR as "sent someone to rehab" and, to be honest, not too much to ask of McMahon considering how much he's saved on medical contributions by the independent-contractor farce. It's really not good ... although it markedly is the American way.

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Nice. I hadn't read that before. Vince sure is a lovely bloke.


I agree with you though, helping a wrestler with ankles ruined working for your company is actually better PR (in my eyes anyway) than helping some alcoholic for the 5th time. The stupid thing is, Jannetty is likely to need rehab eventually anyway (which they will pay for), and it could take a darker turn and have him found dead of an overdose - which is exactly the bad press and statistics they are hoping to avoid.


Plus, y'know, it's Marty fucking Jannetty. Help the dude out you pricks.

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Nice. I hadn't read that before.

If you're ever short of something to do for an hour, here's the 122 pages of testimony.


Vince sure is a lovely bloke.

To be scrupulously fair to Vince he really can't say otherwise, even if he wholeheartedly felt that he bore some facet of responsibility. Can you imagine the litigation that would ensue if he were ever on record saying anything approximating "I was in some degree responsible for the courses of actions led by others"?

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Nice. I hadn't read that before.

If you're ever short of something to do for an hour, here's the 122 pages of testimony.


Vince sure is a lovely bloke.

To be scrupulously fair to Vince he really can't say otherwise, even if he wholeheartedly felt that he bore some facet of responsibility. Can you imagine the litigation that would ensue if he were ever on record saying anything approximating "I was in some degree responsible for the courses of actions led by others"?


I actually think I read some of that back when it was released. There is stuff from Stephanie and others too, right? Might have to have another look.


On your second point, again, completely right. I imagine everyone from WWE asked to speak had serious amounts of prep time with their lawyers to make sure them didn't ay anything incriminating or likely to get them in shit.

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I actually think I read some of that back when it was released. There is stuff from Stephanie and others too, right?

Yes mate, though there's nothing of any interest in the others.


On your second point, again, completely right. I imagine everyone from WWE asked to speak had serious amounts of prep time with their lawyers to make sure them didn't ay anything incriminating or likely to get them in shit.

You don't need any briefings when you're as smart and commanding as Vince and have Jerry McDevil on your side. They're quite the pair.


I'm not going to allow you to harass this man. How is that pertinent to anything about whether this wellness program works? And you came in here today professing you have an open mind and you're telling me that you didn't have this in mind when you wrote this list? Bullshit.

I'd want him backing me up too!

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Just asked The Sports Cafe in London if they plan in showing the rumble. Wonder if they will even reply?

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