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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Thinking that the Wyatts would benefit from a female member. Nice vicious Hillybilly hooker looking broad. If they completely changed her character that Bailey from NXT would be a good fit. It would certainly be a whole new anti-diva thing.


A big beast of a woman, preferably someone who can work, possibly called Abigail


I think more a normal size - a sort of jailbait hillybilly type who acts kinda dumb with a sweet little voice but who's nast y and vicious. Kinda AJ lee like but more creepy. I think it'd be a great way of evolving this stable.

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Is this custom figure related Kaz?


The pair I had years ago were made out of shitty gloss reflective sheeting if that helps.


I couldn't possibl... Yes it is. Hart Foundation stable.


The shades sell for double figures on eBay so I though buying a sheet of the material would be cheaper. Never mind, ill find something.


While I'm on, does anyone know what material Matilda was made out of?


Abigal is dead. This has been well established.


And having more than one "anti-diva" gimmick at a time defeats the point. AJ Lee is doing that at the moment.


Fair point... Susan or Sharon will do

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Most of tumblr is pretty shit, but there's some cool little wrestling ones dotted about. idontlikewrestling.tumblr.com is a nice mix of women in next to nothing, cool pictures and gif sets dedicated to matches/angles. There was one that posted a really diverse selection of matches which was great fun to waste a few hours on, forgotten what it's called though. There's a post on there giving shout outs to a few other wrestling themed tumblrs, if you have nothing else to do its a decent little time waster


The one I couldn't remember was shitloadsofwrestling.tumblr.com Worth checking out if you are bored

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There's a buzzer/horn sound that goes off sporadically in my office throughout the work day, I presume it's something to do with transferring things between our building and the museum next door. It is near identical to the one which precedes entrances to the Royal Rumble.


Consequently, I have Booker T's theme in my head all day every day. It could be worse.

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It seems like in every Colt Cabana podcast there is one moment where the guest says something and Cabana totally misinterprets what the person is saying, leading to a moment of confusion (or sometimes longer) on both parts.


I don't know how his mind works.

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It seems like in every Colt Cabana podcast there is one moment where the guest says something and Cabana totally misinterprets what the person is saying, leading to a moment of confusion (or sometimes longer) on both parts.


I don't know how his mind works.


I think a lot of the time it doesn't, which is the main problem. Sometimes he's absolutely thick as fuck, and when it strikes it can have a devastating impact on the podcast and/or rapport with the interviewee. I only tend to listen to it for the guy he's chatting to as it is, so it boils my piss when things head off a cliff.

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I used to think he played a bit daft to encourage his guests to explain whatever point they were making or elaborate on the story they were telling, then I realised that he genuinely is as thick as mince and that so much flies right over his head. Fair play to him for the effort he makes to get hold of a fresh guest each week for the podcast, but he really is an infuriatingly awful interviewer. He's a whole lot less likeable once it sinks in how stupid he is.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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I watched 'The Greatest 50 Finishing Moves In WWE History' this morning.


A few bits of it annoyed me, and I wasn't going to come here and grumble about it until the VoiceOver at the end said "Let the message boards explode!". That smart-arse comment along with the description on the back of the case saying 'This contentious countdown is perfect for the hardcore WWE history buff' convinced me to write what was wrong with it.


I know they replaced the word wrestling with sports-entertainment years ago and have accepted it. But it suddenly dawned on me during this documentary that instead of "wrestling history" they refer to it as "WWE history". Sting never did the Scorpion Death Lock (referred to as The Scorpion Lock in the VoiceOver because Death is not a nice word) on a WWE show in a WWE ring, and Kerry Von Erich's Claw was replaced by the Tornado Punch by the time he arrived in WWE. So that is what made me realise this company now believes anything that happened in any wrestling company is a part of WWE history somehow.


Rey Mysterio's 619 was quite high on the list. Being one of the hardcore WWE history buffs that this is supposedly perfect for, I'm fairly sure he has never used this as a finishing move and pinned somebody immediately after hitting it. There may be one or two instances of this, but not enough for it to merit its position in the top 20 finishing moves of all time.


Yokozuna's finishing move was referred to as the "Bonzai Drop". Never seen it spelled like that before. A bit of a pedantic complaint I know, but it's all part of the message board explosion they predicted.


Still well worth the

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Random thoughts... Would a feud between the Wyatts and Goldy/Cody work with a meaningful outcome, such as Cody falling victim to the brainwashing, leading to the family pleading with Cody and the inevitable rhodes split and a new direction for Cody being all dark an Raven esque?


Or is that shite?

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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