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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Randomly started watching Fully Loaded 2000 this morning and 2 things have got me thinking. First Kurt Angle really had some pretty cool attire just based around red white and blue. The Real Americans should try and copy some of his designs.


Second, the whole ppv is based on a triple main event of established headliner versus the three top upper midcarders. Would something like that work today?

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The other thing with Cena is he could probably scale back what he does. Maybe he does on the road.


I do feel sorry for Punk. I mean he was a bit of a tit doing some of the things he did as an indy wrestler but he must look back sometimes and think about some dangerous bump he did in front of fifty fans and think "what the fuck was I thinking?" now that he's made it to the big time. If its shortening his career (which, by the sounds of it, hopefully it does) that must be pretty soul destroying.

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I'd like to think at some point in the future common sense will prevail and the larger promotions will stop running their wrestlers into the ground, working people year after year litterally until they get injured, and will treat them like actual athletes/fighters.


Would probably equally take a change in the psyche of the pro wrestler though (I.e. the admirable "If I'm not working I'm not making money" attitude and just generally the macho pride side of things).

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I'd much rather work a 5/6 day a week WWE schedule, wrestling a safer style for an average of 15 minutes a pop, with access to physios, doctors etc. then I would a 2/3 day a week indie schedule, where I'm wrestling for at leas twice as long and taking retarded risks in front of ten people.

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I think you can look at both Punk and Cena and see that really anyone who's worked a hectic wrestling schedule for over a decade is going to be pretty banged up. I honestly don't think that the style of match plays such a huge part, as least not these days anyway.


Someone like Lawler was amazing for taking as little unnecessary bumps as possible and working a super smart style, but that just doesn't seem to be an option in modern wrestling. The WWE style is very bump heavy and it always has been. Those old 80s WWF rings ruined everyone's knees and backs, regardless of the style they worked. Hogan was hardly jumping off the top rope or getting bumped around like Hennig or Rude, but he still messed himself up. All the high-flyers fucked their knees.


Nowadays the WWE style is very bump heavy and pretty hard hitting. They've eliminated a lot of moves that have a higher one-off risk factor (piledrivers, vertibreakers and the like) but all their guys still take tons of bumps every single match, inside and outside the ring. There's also loads of gimmick matches these days. It's no wonder Cena is banged up all over, he's been working ladder matches, TLC matches, Last Man Standing matches and Elimination Chamber matches for most of a decade. How many shitty bumps onto that metal grating has he taken, or awkward falls from a ladder!


No doubt there are some idiots that wrestle a very reckless style on the indie circuit, but I bet your more well-rounded journeyman (the likes of Bryan and Punk, back in the day) have a bit more sense a lot of the time. No doubt they did some silly stuff in RoH and places like that, but half their other indie bookings were just regular small shows. Punk probably had about 200 matches with Cabana that involved not a single head-drop or silly bump in from of tiny crowds with no cameras. I think you are just as likely to get banged up or injured working full-time for WWE or working 2/3 times a week at random indie shows. The odd idiot like a Jack Evans may try and kill himself every other day for 50 fans, but most won't.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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Was Raw any good then?

Yeah it was amazing mate. Forum's not stopped buzzing about it.


You already asked this in the Questions thread and got your answers there.


I didn't ask it in the questions thread.

Well you should, because that's the thread for asking questions.

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Come off it. There was talk in here about Raw and, whilst in that thread, I thought I'd ask about it. It was on topic with what was going on at the time. It wasn't particularly out of the blue.


No need to be off with me about that.

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Has there ever been a better collection of LADS than in the War Games match in 96?




Also, whilst we're on the subject, I'm sure it's universally hated but I bloody love the 'Russo's Revenge' War Games match. Perfect WCW silliness.

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I know it's old news but I just watched this weeks NXT and, wow, Bray Wyatt could and should be a star. An actual proper money making star. I hope he makes it through WWE booking in one piece.


It'd be great if the 'Wyatt wave' that the crowd does to his music translates onto the main shows. The sight of thousands of people doing that in their glow in the dark sheep masks would be an amazing visual.

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Second, the whole ppv is based on a triple main event of established headliner versus the three top upper midcarders. Would something like that work today?

It'd be a struggle, they've already done most of those matches on TV loads of times, with a ppv quality and match length. Maybe with...


Cena vs Sandow

Punk vs Barrett

Orton vs ....Someone


In 2000, the upper midcarders were over as hell and bursting into the main event. Now, they're not.

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Nah, I hate that. It's smarky bullshit. These blokes are supposed to be a terrifying cult, not guys you play along with.


Edit: that was re: the Wyatt stuff.

Edited by Statto
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Also, whilst we're on the subject, I'm sure it's universally hated but I bloody love the 'Russo's Revenge' War Games match. Perfect WCW silliness.


I'll echo that sentiment. I love silly-billy WCW because even at it's worst, it was thoroughly entertaining. I generally watch wrestling so I can be briefly nine years old again, because it makes me feel young. Things like WarGames 2000, or the Sting/Vampiro fued with the Graveyard/Human Torch/HIAC matches and the bloodbaths absolutely tick the "nostaglic child mentality" boxes that I look for in wrestling.


On that note, I'd like to nominate

It's an utterly daft match with I think five fake Sting run-ins from different eras. Not much in the way of wrestling, but in terms of mindless overbooked brawling, I love it.
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