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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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They weren't really heels in the match though, they were just teamed up with the Bellas - they were still yelling "Us" to the crowd and whatnot. It seemed like there was going to be some love interest deal between Naomi and one of the Usos, but that could easily be dropped by the next episode.


I've only watched a few minutes of it on YouTube, but the one Uso constantly leering at Naomi seemed pretty heelish. And mental, when Cameron's there.

Ah I didn't pay too much attention to the match, just afterwards Naomi seemed upset that one of the Uso's got beat. And yeah, Cameron's *right* there.


One of the Uso's is engaged to Naomi, so probably some crappy angle made to play on to that.

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Have you seen her Mam and Dad? It figures. Well groomed family. Cheekbones and white teeth all round.


Although Bischoff had false teeth in the early 90s. DDP says on his youshoot they were going to have a scrap and Bischoff took his teeth out and offered him a shot.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I didn't think such a thing existed but I just watched a great scaffold match between Koko B Ware and Bill Dundee. Never seen Koko as a heel before and he's bloody good at it. I'm a few discs in to some Memphis comp and there's little revelations everywhere. Speedy, sleazy Dutch Mantel is one of a kind. That cheeky little fella Bill Dundee may be the greatest wrestler ever that nobody ever talks about. Great hair too. I love Lance Russell, I wish there was an announcer/interviewer around like him today instead of these passive company stooges. He's the calmest guy in the room and takes no shit. He's grandfatherly and to be respected, not an annoying little idiot like David Crockett. Plus his voice is sex. Obviously Lawler is the man. He's incapable of having a bad match. Sometimes all you need is a nice right hook. When his Raw commentary starts to bother me I can just switch this on and all is forgiven. Well, if I ignore the racist bits.

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The Usos are at the level of like Alicia Fox and the Colons in that they switch between heel and face depending on whoever they are facing. Stupid really.


Never happened with The Usos before and there was a storyline purpose to it. Primo and Epico have never been in that position that I can think of. Stupid statement.


I'll give you Alicia Fox though.

Are you sure it's never happened with the Usos before? I thought they'd already played heel at least once or twice on these shows since their face turn.

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Re: Koko as a heel, didn't he work that weird babyface match with Tito Santana at MSG as a heel. I remember really enjoying that match because one of them played a really good, slightly snide baddie, and I think it was him.

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Re: Koko as a heel, didn't he work that weird babyface match with Tito Santana at MSG as a heel. I remember really enjoying that match because one of them played a really good, slightly snide baddie, and I think it was him.


That was the one - it was on Supertape 4 I think or one of the other CHV releases.

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I seem to remember Koko having a run as a heel in Memphis Wrestling that they showed on TWC, and he was really good as well. I think there was an angle where he tasered Corey Maclin or someone where he was excellent.

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I seem to remember Koko having a run as a heel in Memphis Wrestling that they showed on TWC, and he was really good as well. I think there was an angle where he tasered Corey Maclin or someone where he was excellent.

I remember flicking that on and Jerry Lawler was destroying Corey Maclin's watch. Lawler was a cracking heel even in 2004 or whenever that was shot.

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Has there ever been a character trait more likely to get you over than a penchant for dancing? Jig about a bit, and you've got it made.


Wrestling fans fucking love people who dance.

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I think its the opposite. I think he's been great for the Shield recently. The Shield are good, but the thousand six man tags they've had since December have had one continuing factor about them. Its been Daniel Bryan's A-1 performances. He's by far and away the most consistent and best performer in the world right now and the fans aren't stupid. They can see a mile off how hard he works and respect him for it. He's in Benoit territory now, though. They'll put him against Curtis Axel and have him put him over, they'll put him against Ryback next and put him over. Bray Wyatt will probably feud with him on route to whatever big things they have planned for him. He's probably always going to be WWE's Mr. Reliable, but never get a proper run as a main eventer.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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True, they've been great for each other. :love:


It'd be a waste if he spends the rest of his career putting over blands like Axel. They have a load of Mr Reliables on the roster already. He's better than Benoit on every level. He's already popular enough and I don't see no reason why he shouldn't be given a proper shot.

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they'll put him against Ryback next and put him over.


They've already done that and it was fucking amazing. The best WWE singles match of the year, the best Ryback has ever looked and D-Bry looked incredible coming out of it too. Daniel Bryan is an unbelievable talent. So, so good on so many different levels. He'll flirt with the top again, he's far too good not too and far too over not to. He's the best WWE have at making others look great while enhancing himself in the process. If Ryback takes the WWE title he may well be a challenger for it and put him over, i'd love to see that personally. He'd make a great challenger to Dolph too. He shouldn't take either belt anytime soon though, he should be a chaser in the Benoit mould you mention and then one day in future maybe have him finally bag the WWE title after so long of being so close. Hell, fucking re-do Benoits big 'Mania moment with him. He's almost like a mix of Benoit and Foley in the consistent quality of his matches and being genuinely funny and entertaining that you can't help but love him and that he doesn't look like someone who should be as over as he is in WWE Land. He connects with the audience deeply on both levels. That shit can't be ignored and it won't stop either because he's just too fucking good.

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