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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I've been watching a lot of 1997 WCW, and I never realised the first time round how awesome Alex Wright was. So I looked him up, he's only 41, which seems insane to me. I'd actually be really up for an Alex Wright nostalgia run in WWE now if I'm honest, not that there is much clamor for it I'm sure.


I was into his Berlyn character when he was always in the front row looking sinister, though I don't actually remember seeing him wrestle in that gimmick. Only as the dancing guy in colourful trunks.



Didn't Alex have some sort of stroke or something keeping him from the grappling? I'm also up for a nostalgia run too.

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Christian was 10000x Edge to be fair. Shame he was short. More charismatic, pissed on him as a worker too. Him as the ace of ECW is one of the best runs I've ever seen.


The time to push Christian was just before he walked out, he was massive over and was probably the most consistent, and genuinely funny performer on the roster.


The mini feud with Cena was genuinely one of the most fun things WWE have ever done. I just wish they'd fully pulled the trigger on it.

I loved that little feud but if memory serves me it was one of the major factors in fans turning on Cena. Christian was perhaps a little too good.

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Watching the Cruiserweight Classic last night, and it was my first time seeing Zack Sabre Jr.


Now, his in ring work was impressive, but he looks like Peter Crouch's lankier younger brother.  I think I've seen more mass on people with muscular dystrophy.

watched the match last night with a few boys, all wrestling fans to some degree but a few had a giggle at Sabre's physique, he's not the most imposing guy in the world is he.

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Going back a page or so, the 1st of the Christian themes that Dad posted has always been my fav.


In regards to Alex, i read that he had his dad run a wrestling school or possibly a promotion in Europe. That was a year or so go now though. 

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That one was my favourite too Kaz, but i must confess I didn't even know of its existence until a couple of years ago. I can see why they changed it for a heel mind.

I remember when I first heard it on TV, I thought it was rocking at the time. I also remember being disappointed when it changed. Someone mentioned it on here a few years ago and I was giddy. Cheers for posting it, was great to hear again.



Anyway lads, what's the queen comparison you mentioned? I'm racking my brain but can't get it.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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