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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Herbie certainly didnt deserve the over reaction he got here. Its not like he put up a picture of Shinuke Nakamura and said "he's done well since he left Celtic." I'm familiar with Scurll and I reckon he's took a bit off McGreggor there. If he was a Tennis player fair enough. But he's a wrestler. And generally you follow the cool thing within your Universe (since there's generally a cross over between wrestling and MMA). Nothing wrong with that. It was the same when all those wrestlers started showing up on TV in Affliction knock-offs when that was the cool thing. I'd respect Scurll far more if he's inspired by McGreggor than some tosser from Starbucks.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Here's the recent pictures of Cena. Looks to have dropped a bit of weight, but still looks jacked. Cant help but think he'll be back in the next 6 weeks. He's Superman afterall. I do get the logic, though. Undertaker vs. a 10% John Cena is still 50 times better than Taker vs. Strowman. Being limited is still better than being fucking useless.



Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Cena/Undertaker would be a big addition to that Wrestlemania card.


Fingers crossed they just troll us for a couple of months with threats of a Taker match with Strowman/Sheamus and Cena turns up the week before Mania to save the day.

Edited by Benno
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Dwayne disagrees.


I shudder at the thought of WWE without Cena about - the past few months are probably a decent preview. He's easily been the best thing about the company since I started watching again.


For his own health, he should definitely be looking at big Dave and trying a full time film career.

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I'm exactly the same Branquey.


Well, I'm 28 and full of youth and vitality (this isn't even slightly true), but I own a couple of Cena shirts ive acquired over the years and happily wear them in the gym. He's a very motivational figure, I think.

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