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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The wrestling fans that post on reddit are my worst wrestling fans, it's unbearable there.


It goes through stages.  A few short months ago I could happily spend an hour on there, but at the moment it's completely unbearable.  DAE ROMAN SUCKS??

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So Joey Ryan just turned up in the odd one out round Have I Got News For You


It was nice to see wrestling shown in a positive light. It was a shame nobody I knew was sat in the same room.


While I'm here, we've just got a few month's free Sky Sports through Talk Talk so I'll be giving Raw and Smackdown a try for the first time in years.

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I wonder if Donald Trump turns up on Raw again anytime soon to campaign. I'm sure Vince will let him as they're allegedly good friends. Plus WWE will do anything to get mainstream attention.

I dunno if WWE really wants to be associated with Trump at this point. Trump's making Hogan's racism look mild.


Also, I'm pretty sure that they'd legally have to offer all the other candidates the exact same amount of airtime as they give Trump. RAW's boring enough without it turning the into a full on politics show.

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As far as I'm aware, the equal time doctrine only affects network shows, not cable. That's why SNL falls afoul of those rules on occasion.


Also, it's not a straight like-for-like swap, with Lindsay Graham tagging with Flair in a North-South Carolina team - what tends to happen is they would either preempt the showin some markets for candidate content, or the candidates who challenged for equal time (which isn't generally notable candidates, because it seems a bit petty) would get some free add time during that time slot in some early states.

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