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Article on Cracked today, 6 Pro Wrestlers Who Were Crazier Outside The Ring Than In It: http://www.cracked.com/article_23048_6-berserk-true-stories-pro-wrestling-life-road.html


It's probably because I've lived a sheltered life, but I'd only heard one of those stories before. Mad stuff.

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There is something strangely watchable about the blindfold match at mania 7 isn't there? Compelling 10 mins of viewing.

Yeah, it's tremendous stuff. Never crossed my mind for years that they could actually see. The crowd being completely into the feud really makes it. Screaming themselves hoarse. It's proper work.


No there isn't, it's shite



I'll tell you what isn't shite, the Network login screen with all the event posters. It's beautiful. Would love something like that to put on my wall.

I made a wallpaper years ago out of WWF VHS covers. Bloody loved it. Reminds me of that.



Well, not sure I could watch it again for a while, but I couldn't take my eyes off it when it came on this morning.


Also, nearly 25 years on, there can't be many matches better than Savage/Warrior from the same event?


A great story from start to finish, from Warrior walking to the ring instead of his usual sprint, Warrior kicking out of 5 flying elbows, Warrior thinking his time was up and going to walk out of the match, pinning Savage with 1 foot, Sherri going mental on Savage, all the way to Savage and Liz reuniting at the end.


Brilliant stuff.

Yeah, I could watch that any day of any week. Of the thousands of hours of wrestling I've ever seen, that's still my favourite thing ever. Utterly captivating.
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Raven is a hilarious story teller. "Guido slides out the back with the bags with all the drugs in and takes a face bump in the cement."


Saturn and Raven were also responsible for strapping the dildo on Kidman's head and swinging him leg and a wing style into a stripper's gash, one of my personal favourites.

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Watching Mankind vs Rock from the Royal Rumble '99 again and there's a hilarious line from Jerry Lawler on commentary I'd forgotten about - Rock has been knocked down in the ring in the middle of the match and Earl Hebner asks him over the microphone "whaddya say Rock?" and Lawler immediately says "he doesn't talk in his sleep you idiot, get outta there!", sure enough, Rock says nothing and Mankind continues to beat him up and the match goes on. It doesn't seem as funny written down but it's brilliant, trust me.


I miss the old King :(

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Has anyone been back through the title histories since 2002 and worked out how many true world titles the big players since then should be recognised as having? i.e. how many times each guy held the proper big belt, whichever it was at the time?


I can't be bothered doing it myself but if we consider the Raw belt to be the main one for pretty much the whole time, with the possible exception of the Angle/Lesnar era on SmackDown, the obscene number of titles Orton and Edge have held shrinks to a more palatable number. And JTTSs like Ziggler and Swagger cease to be former World Champions at all.


I imagine Cena's numbers remain pretty healthy. Whichever belt he was holding tended to be the de facto main title, except right at the end when he won Big Gold. I think he'd still be a 14-time champ off the top of my head.

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Well that's my afternoon sorted, subjective as which the top title was it'll still be interesting to look at


From Vengeance 2001


Jericho (1)

HHH (5)

Hogan (6)

Undertaker (4)

Rock (7)

Lesnar (1)

Big Show (2)

Angle (3)

Lesnar (2)

Angle (4)

Lesnar (3)


Then I'd say in the build up to Mania 20 the World title took over as the main title, especially as Benoit jumped to go for it so


HHH (6)

Benoit (1)

Orton (1)

HHH (7)


HHH (8)

Batista (1)


I'd say Cena moving to Raw made the WWE title the main one again so


Cena (1)

Edge (1)

Cena (2)

RVD (1)

Edge (2)

Cena (3)


Bit hard to decide which title was top after Cena vacated but I'd still plump for the WWE title


Orton (2)

HHH (9)

Orton (3)

HHH (10)

Edge (3)

Jeff Hardy (1)

Edge (4)

HHH (11)

Orton (4)

Batista (2)

Orton (5)

Cena (4)

Orton (6)

Cena (5)

Sheamus (1)

Cena (6)

Batista (3)

Cena (7)

Sheamus (2)

Orton (7)

Miz (1)

Cena (8)

Punk (1)

Mysterio (1)

Cena (9)

Del Rio (1)

Cena (10)

Del Rio (2)

Punk (2)

Rock (8)

Cena (11)

Bryan (1)

Orton (8)

Bryan (2)


Orton (9)

Bryan (3)


Cena (12)

Lesnar (4)

Rollins (1)


So there you go, after all that we now know what we already did, Edge, Cena and Orton have had a fair few pointless title runs between them

Edited by DraxSpago
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Cena (11)

Bryan (1)

Orton (8)

Bryan (2)


Orton (9)

Bryan (3)


Cena (12)

Lesnar (4)

Rollins (1)


So there you go, after all that we now know what we already did, Edge, Cena and Orton have had a fair few pointless title runs between them


Is this bit right? Orton and Bryan both appear one too many times, don't they?


Edit: oh I remember now, I wasn't watching much around the time of the reversed title win shenanigans. Didn't realise that counted as a reign for Bryan but Wiki agrees.

Edited by Pinc
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