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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I'd have loved to have seen that Doink vs Bulldog match that was supposed to happen at Wrestlemania 9.

That may have been the least subtle feud in the history of the business. Imagine Davey Boy's reactions to Doink's mindgames. "Eh, there's fookin' two of them? How can that be?" with his arms out wide asking for a hint how one of them could remove their arm. Over acting at its finest, I imagine. "Two fookin' Doinks?"

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I'd have loved to have seen that Doink vs Bulldog match that was supposed to happen at Wrestlemania 9.

That may have been the least subtle feud in the history of the business. Imagine Davey Boy's reactions to Doink's mindgames. "Eh, there's fookin' two of them? How can that be?" with his arms out wide asking for a hint how one of them could remove their arm. Over acting at its finest, I imagine. "Two fookin' Doinks?"


"It were the fookin arm the whole time"

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I love that impression Bret does of Davey on his Timeline shoot when they bring up the proposed Doink/Bulldog feud, and it being shot down with Bulldog's courteous and thought out response of




I was pissing myself for hours imagining Davey's mind breaking in two and absolutely losing it when the booking team come to him with the notion of him booting an evil clown up the arse as his big Wrestlemania feud and for weeks after just every so often shaking his head and saying to nobody in particular


"...kin' clown...takin the piss..."

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On Curt Hawkins new shoot interview, he tells a story where Vince McMahon held a meeting. Michael Tarver stood up and asked a question to which Vince said "excellent question Shelton". Fucking class.

Reminds me of when Sir Bobby Robson used to call Shola Ameobi 'Carl Cort'. Good old Vince.

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The Goldberg one was the perfect handling of a star until the finish. Goldberg was like the hardest man that ever lived in that match. I remember spending days and months recreating that match on Smackdown Here Comes The Pain. Goldberg comes in and destroys everyone.

YES! I did this again and again...

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Killer Mike of Run the Jewels and Dungeon Family fame has released a video for his 2011 song 'Ric Flair'. It's a little odd that he's done this now with the song being four years old, but the video features some cool footage of Naitch so enjoy (it's a tune too):



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There'll never be a finisher as over as the stunner (or as utterly perfect for that place and time) but there are plenty I think are on that level. The F5 is a fantastic looking move that has incredible impact and is hit so quickly.


The F5 is a bit hamstrung because of Brock's contract. His matches, rare special attractions that they are, will probably rarely end with one F5. The nights where it takes three finishers to kill someone are the same nights Brock's wrestling.

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I think the disabled wrestling scene in Japan has been going on for years. I remember I watched two Japanese guys with no legs wrestle each other when a tape trader stuck it onto the end of a VHS I bought in 1996. It was well odd.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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