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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He won't ever be a top guy IMO unless he falls in to the Bryan temp main eventer spot but he'll definitely fall in to the Jericho category. I've always thought he takes too good an ass kicking to be a top guy and would be used to put the preferred main eventers over.

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Have started watching 1996 WWF Raws and PPV's on the network (decided to skip 1995 as I remember it being shit, might to back to it at some point though). It seems almost surreal that there were middle fingers in the WWF as early as January '96 though. They'd never do that nowadays would they?



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Not to take away from it, But would he have done so if Brock wasn't the champion and only there every other month?


It's still an achievement to go on last on PPVs where Cena also wrestled. That Ambrose/Rollins and Ambrose/Wyatt were considered more suitable to close the show than Cena/Orton and Cena/Rollins respectively represents at least some level of confidence in Dean.

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Have started watching 1996 WWF Raws and PPV's on the network (decided to skip 1995 as I remember it being shit, might to back to it at some point though). It seems almost surreal that there were middle fingers in the WWF as early as January '96 though. They'd never do that nowadays would they?



Think Nash also visually mouthed the word "bullshit" in a Pay Per View in late 1995.

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For me, the fact that Reigns is still clinging to his Shield identity is a bit of a let-down. I know that people pop for the tune, enjoy the entrance through the crowd and he can't take off his Big Boss Man outfit because he's got a Samoan belly, ]but none of those things are really his. It's a bit like how X-PAC would wear DX colours and kept their theme tune long after the group had disbanded. Made him look a bit small-time.

I wouldn't go so far to call the brother fat. I mean he's got a weight problem but what's he gonna do? He is Samoan.


Weight problem?!?! I wish I was a "fat" bastard like Roman Reigns.

I got the Pulp Fiction ref Mr Danger.



And shamefully I missed it. :(

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I was watching ICW's Square Go earlier. My dad came in halfway through the match and sat down to watch the rest, he generally doesn't like wrestling but enjoys cruiserweights because "they're fucking mental". His favourites were always Jeff Hardy, aka "the wee guy with the mad hair", and the Hurricane, aka "the wee green guy". He changed his tune this time though, marking out for Big Damo, even calling him by the right name. Even non fans can appreciate a good hoss.

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