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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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He is the one guy who especially shouldn't have something colourful, it's the opposite of his character. Colourful gets you Kofi Kingston.


I think it's also because quite a few guys are dressed kind of like that at the moment, he's essentially dressed the same as luke harper. Colour is great for nutters, if Bray wasn't doing the gimmick I think a hawaiian shirt would be great for Ambrose.

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Both wear a vest and jeans and yet brilliantly they look massively different. Ambrose looks like a reasonably cool guy who's ready for a scrape at any opportunity. Harper looks like a guy who's done a hard day's work in a field and then stepped into a bar in his dirty work clothes looking for a fight every day for all of time without every having had a bath.


I'm with you on the hawaiian shirt though. Always a winner for a nutter. Ambrose makes up for it with the leather jacket. When he turns heel, he needs shades. Not enough shades in wrestling these days.

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That then and now thing shows how much of superstar Christian looks outside the ring, then as soon as he has his gear on he looks fucking shit. Get that guy backstage talking in his own clothes again.

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I think all 3 of The Shield have done well to establish themselves so far, I mentioned a few months back that it would be cool if Rollins did a 'winter soldier' from Cap America type look/character glad to see he kinda has, Ambrose looks great just needs to mix his jeans and tank colour just so its not so uniform if you know what I mean.


Off but slightly On Topic


I think if its not the rumoured Reigns vs Lesnar at Mania 31 I could see either Rollins cashing in around TLC leading to Reigns Rumble win, would have a great backstory and match but thats If Rollins is at that level by then,


Or Reigns vs Cena, if they keep teasing interaction between them like now it could be a huge match and a 'passing of the torch' type thing if there going full on with him

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I think it's also because quite a few guys are dressed kind of like that at the moment, he's essentially dressed the same as luke harper.

Yeah, I was a bit baffled when tiger_rick said Ambrose's outfit is different from anything they've done in years.

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I think it's also because quite a few guys are dressed kind of like that at the moment, he's essentially dressed the same as luke harper.

Yeah, I was a bit baffled when tiger_rick said Ambrose's outfit is different from anything they've done in years.

Yeah, I'll take that. I wouldn't think of Ambrose and Harper's look being anything alike and yet essentially they are vest and jeans.


What I meant was that the last few years they seem to have gone away from anyone wearing "normal" clothes. Everyone wears "wrestling" clothes aside from the occasional suit.


Maybe I'm wrong on that but that's my impression of it. Lots of trunks and T-Shirts.

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Ambrose is the least of the worries. He could come out with the 'Explicit Ambrose' shirt and wrestle topless in jeans and I wouldn't wouldn't complain.


Reigns still feels like a tag team guy with the Shield vest and entrance. The crap new trousers ain't doing him any favours and he needs a haircut.


Seth Rollins whole entire act is fucking awful.

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Roman Reigns going single has really exposed him. That guy might have the look, and he might have the charisma, but he cannot talk for shit. I've yet to hear a single good promo from him, and the one he cut on Smackdown got less reaction than Heath Slater. A shame really, because until he nails that, he'll never be "the guy" and he's already well on his way to being Ryback'd.

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Ambrose is the least of the worries. He could come out with the 'Explicit Ambrose' shirt and wrestle topless in jeans and I wouldn't wouldn't complain.


Reigns still feels like a tag team guy with the Shield vest and entrance. The crap new trousers ain't doing him any favours and he needs a haircut.

You cut his fucking hair and I'll spear you! :) His look is great. The vest makes his arm and shoulders look huge.


Roman Reigns going single has really exposed him. That guy might have the look, and he might have the charisma, but he cannot talk for shit. I've yet to hear a single good promo from him, and the one he cut on Smackdown got less reaction than Heath Slater. A shame really, because until he nails that, he'll never be "the guy" and he's already well on his way to being Ryback'd.

He's done two great promos on Raw that have got a great reaction. He'll never be The Rock but he's got a great tone and what he says sounds real. If they keep it short and sweet, he'll be absolutely fine.


I think they've booked him fine. The only odd thing I've seen so far is JBL's weird comment about why Reigns is getting involved in the Rollins/Ambrose/Orton stuff last week. Hello, they fucking turned on Reigns and Orton beat the shit out of him!

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Its JBL. His job is to make outlandish comments in favour of the heels always being screwed by the faces in some way and annoying the living crap out of you. He's fairly excellent at it too. I find myself rooting for the good guy more just to hear his responses these days.

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Roman Reigns going single has really exposed him. That guy might have the look, and he might have the charisma, but he cannot talk for shit. I've yet to hear a single good promo from him, and the one he cut on Smackdown got less reaction than Heath Slater. A shame really, because until he nails that, he'll never be "the guy" and he's already well on his way to being Ryback'd.


I disagree. He's been getting huge reactions, he carries himself like a star and on the past few weeks his promos have been fine. His staredown with Triple H got "This is awesome" chants...he's hardly on the way to being Ryback'd. His promo on Smackdown was rubbish yeah but there was nothing really wrong with his delivery, it was just a badly written promo. He's slowly but surely growing into his soon-to-be main event spot. Plus, the live crowds are full of Roman Reigns signs each week which shows he's catching on. He's not exposed in the slightest.


And as tiger_rick said, his look is great. I'd hate for him to be another guy in plain black trunks, he looks like an action movie star in his current gear.

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I think that the reason that Reigns is still rocking the Shield outfit and theme tune is because they are just holding off his repackaging for an appropriate big match or moment. He's definitely being primed for a run as a main event babyface. I can't wait for the moment he appears with a new, appropriately epic theme tune and ring gear.

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I think that the reason that Reigns is still rocking the Shield outfit and theme tune is because they are just holding off his repackaging for an appropriate big match or moment. He's definitely being primed for a run as a main event babyface. I can't wait for the moment he appears with a new, appropriately epic theme tune and ring gear.


Agree with this. Similar to Batista, who didn't change to brighter ring gear or change his theme until he won the title at WrestleMania if I remember rightly.

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Is Jim Johnston still working there? Most the new themes these days seem to be done by CFO$ and they are nowhere near as good. Johnston's been doing it awhile, wouldn't be surprised if he's retired/doing less. I'd love for him to do some big epic new theme for Reigns.

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