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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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The Austin return seems to have been on the cards for a while. Part of the reason I think he's been away from TV is to build anticipation for a big comeback. You have to think the unreal pay day for doing the main event (and I can't see Austin coming back for anything but the main event) will draw Austin back in. I'd be well up for Triple H v Austin.


'Mania 30 has the makings of something amazing for long term fans. Like a 'roided up Raw 1000.

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You have to think the unreal pay day for doing the main event (and I can't see Austin coming back for anything but the main event) will draw Austin back in.


I think Austin is both self-aware enough and not a mark for the business enough for this to be any kind of factor. You can see from the lengths of his absences from doing anything in wrestling how truly over it all he is. He's been smart enough over the years to always talk up (or at least not write off) the possibility of wrestling again so that his name is still in the minds of the fans that still watch it that were his fans when he was a regular part of the show, so that it would still be a big deal if he decided to come back. If the timing, the opponent, the payout and the result were all agreeable for him, I don't think he'd need to be in or near the main event as long as it was a marquee match that had the suitable amount of TV time to build for it. If it's Triple H we're talking about him wrestling, I think "top four matches" is about right, and I don't think Austin would care much about being lower down the card than guys they still build PPV mains around (and very recently Mania main events) like Punk and/or Bryan, Brock and Rock, and John Cena.


I personally think this talk of Austin/HHH is moot. I think if Austin does wrestle on Mania XXX, I reckon by the time the build starts the fans might have realized again that Punk's a dickhead and they prefer to boo him, and the much-discussed Austin/Punk will take place. Personally assuming they string Bryan/Orton out for a bit longer, once Bryan's done with that you can have him wrestle Cena again when comes back and gets the title back, that keeps him busy, maybe throw out Cena VS Bryan VS Orton on one of the shows, then have Hunter and minions find a way to shaft Bryan out of the Rumble.


So, I'd probably go with :


John Cena VS The Undertaker (WWE Title)

Brock Lesnar VS The Rock

Steve Austin VS CM Punk

Daniel Bryan VS Triple H

Cody Rhodes VS Randy Orton

Damien Sandow VS Dolph Ziggler (World Title)


The World title match borne out of what I think they might do with Sandow & briefcase plus Ziggler if they don't resist the urge to turn him again. The round it out with RVD v Ryback (to continue the "Ryback as Paul Heyman guy" to its natural conclusion and have him lose to the original Paul Heyman guy), Big Show v Alberto just to get them both on the card, then a bit of ludicrous fantasy booking - Mark Henry v Batista.




EDIT - I think all of the above makes sense based on current storylines other than an anticipated return of Punk to the dark side, but if Punk/Austin doesn't happen, my dream opponent for "heel again" Punk would be Jeff Hardy.

Edited by air_raid
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I finally found the King Slim interview with Colt Cabana. For those who don't remember, King Slim was an FWA fanboy. He did one of those "I e-mail you questions, you reply, I'm unable to react to or follow up your responses" interviews and either didn't realise or found it funny that he was getting trolled.


Sadly whoever posted this corrected the fact that in the original, King Slim infamously and mistakenly wrote "Word Assassin" rather than "Word Association."


Who trained you to become a wrestler?

I was trained by Danny Dominion and Ace Steel and Moses (right).


When you was growing up, who where your five favourite wrestlers?


1)"Flippy" Phillop McCallister


2)"Snacktime" Shawn Balboa


3) Ryan "Styl'n" Pylon


4) "Camero" Chippy Lippy


5) "SockerRocker" Skippy McGoo


Have you always wanted to be a wrestler, or did you want to do something else in the business?

No, I wanted to be a ventriloquist when I was very young. Then, as I got older, I wanted to be circus bear.


What is your proudest moment in wrestling for you so far?

I gave some chick a lapdance in the middle of the ring.


What goals do you have in wrestling?

I had a goal in the World Cup. It was against Sweden.


How did the Second City Saints group become reality?

I think it was a reality show called "Wrestling Stables- The Diabolical Truth"


What was your favourite event of 2003 to be involved in?

That would be the Deerfield, IL county fair. I was the guy who was in the dunk tank! It was great.


At the moment one of the funniest parts of ring of honor tapes have been the "Good Times, Great M emories" segments, how did this come about and what are your personal feelings on doing them?

I wanted to have some good times, and have them be great memories. So we came up with the show.


What are your thoughts on the drug trend in wrestling?

I itch all the time. I got crabs...and lobsters....AND LOBSTERS


How deep is this hate for Danny Maff and BJ Whitimer, and how much you looking forward to getting your hands on them?

I hate Ronald McDonald even more. He's such a dumb clown.


What are your thoughts on the Rob Feinstein allegations?

I can't believe it's not butter.


What where your thoughts on working for FWA and will you be planning to come back?

I love FWA. I want to have their babies!


Who is the your current favourite wrestler to watch in the ring?

Popeye (right).


How did the Coca Cola product evolve so much into your character?

Very, very carefully.


If you had the chance to wrestle anywhere and anyone who would it be and where?

It would have to be Moses right in the middle of the Red Sea.


If you had the chance to change one thing in wrestling what would it be?

I would make all main event matches, a midget match.


What are your thoughts on the backyard wrestling scene?

I love it, those

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If a Britwres company gets an evil Soviet communist gimmick in it I'll go to all their shows forever.

Then you need to see Communist Kennedy, currently doing the rounds for All-Star, 1st Class and probably more...

To back up my earlier post:






Comes out to the Soviet national anthem and everything...

He looks magnificent. Does he sing like Volkoff? Thatd be a nice touch.

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A great candid interview with the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on the MLW.com podcast. He's a good bloke. He tells a funny little story of Linda McMahon phoning him thinking he'd nicked the Million Dollar belt. It was in a safe for years, yet they didn't know where it was. Amazing considering how organized their warehouse is, yet nobody knew where the safe was that held the Million Dollar title. Its valued at $40,000, so you'd think it would have been more of an important thing to know the location of over "box of Hacksaws planks of wood" that you see in the warehouse.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Oh, that's just fucking wonderful isn't it?


Though, I may just have my Ryback tinted glasses on.


*edit* just looked at Rybacks twitter page. It would be the best thing on the Internet if he could just learn to retweet properly, so you can follow the exchanges.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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A great candid interview with the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on the MLW.com podcast. He's a good bloke. He tells a funny little story of Linda McMahon phoning him thinking he'd nicked the Million Dollar belt. It was in a safe for years, yet they didn't know where it was. Amazing considering how organized their warehouse is, yet nobody knew where the safe was that held the Million Dollar title. Its valued at $40,000, so you'd think it would have been more of an important thing to know the location of over "box of Hacksaws planks of wood" that you see in the warehouse.


I wonder what it's value was in the early/mid 90's when business was down the toilet. Would Vinny Mac have contemplated selling it to pay the boys wages.

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I wonder what it's value was in the early/mid 90's when business was down the toilet. Would Vinny Mac have contemplated selling it to pay the boys wages.


I'd imagine that there would have been a certain amount of kayfabe breaking involved that may not have been acceptible for the time. The belt was supposed to be Ted's property (even Linda believed it!) so the WWF flogging it off to a fan probably wouldnt be in their interests. I suppose he could have taken it to the early 90s US Equivalent of Cash for Gold to be quietly melted down, but they'd have to be really desparate to do that. As in, you've got about 12 people in good contracts, aand the rest are jobbers you pay week to week.

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Probably should go in news, but its worthy of the type of discussion that goes on in here. The SummerSlam buyrate is in. It drew 298,000. Well down from last year's 350,000. A major disappointment considering how much they paid Lesnar to be on the show and that big long storyline leading into the event. You'd be expecting similar or at least just below last year.


So who we blaming? Bryan because he's small? Punk because he isn't a big enough threat to Brock? Brock because his drawing power isn't what it was?


I blame AJ. I hate her.

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I watched Summerslam whilst the missus was next to me, head buried in a book.


Of the things she saw as she occasionally peered over the pages, the only thing she felt worthy of comment was the fact that it'd be 'bloody ridiculous' if Punk beat Lesnar and that it looked like a 'rat fighting a bear'.


So, erm.. maybe that?


Actually, no, blame AJ. I hate her too.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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A great candid interview with the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase on the MLW.com podcast. He's a good bloke. He tells a funny little story of Linda McMahon phoning him thinking he'd nicked the Million Dollar belt. It was in a safe for years, yet they didn't know where it was. Amazing considering how organized their warehouse is, yet nobody knew where the safe was that held the Million Dollar title. Its valued at $40,000, so you'd think it would have been more of an important thing to know the location of over "box of Hacksaws planks of wood" that you see in the warehouse.


They really missed the boat on selling Hacksaw souvenir planks of wood. They should have a wrestler who always used a clothes pin on his nose, or has a pen for a foreign object, or tags with a slice of bread. Dirt cheap merch - it's a license to print money.

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