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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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I saw a video on Facebook yesterday of Finn Balor going outside of an NXT live event and greeting all the fans queuing up in the cold, apologising for them being stuck outside for some type of security reason. One fan shouted that he needed the toilet and quick as a flash Finn responded that the talent only had one toilet themselves and Enzo had already clogged it. He came across great.


There's something really genuine and cool about Finn whenever he's shown in that type of setting. On social media and in those short interviews on the Network he always comes across as a quirky, interesting, engaging guy. I've got absolutely no idea how they could transfer that onto television, but I wish they would.


His personality in real life makes me want to root for him infinitely more than listening to his wooden promos or seeing him paint himself up on TV.

Edited by Supremo
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There's something really genuine and cool about Finn whenever he's shown in that type of setting. On social media and in those short interviews on the Network he always comes across as a quirky, interesting, engaging guy. I've got absolutely no idea how they could transfer that onto television, but I wish they would.


For me, this is the single biggest problem that WWE have at the moment- finding a way to make their characters come across as likeable and charismatic on their programming as they are in real life, such that they actually form a proper emotional connection with the audience. The problem extends way beyond Finn and their developmental guys- their current WWE World Champion is in the exact same boat for starters. The solution would seem obvious, loosen the constraints of tightly scripted promos and let the performers be themselves, but the talent has to step up too and I'm not sure the likes of Roman or Balor have the chops to do that in their current roles. I guess there is an element of stage-fright and inexperience to consider, but Finn just never looks comfortable talking in front of the cameras.


Thankfully, in his case I think the answer could be coming soon. Putting Finn into an environment that allows him to feel as comfortable and close to his off-screen persona as possible and bringing that into the show. That's the Bullet Club. I think if we saw him on NXT with his real-life best mate Karl Anderson and the massively charismatic Luke Gallows by his side, it would benefit him immeasurably.Ā 

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  • Awards Moderator

Decent show this week. Nothing outstanding but it did its job of setting up its three major upcoming matches.


- the three guys in the triple threat next week all had matches, and they all won.

- Apollo Crews wants to show he's title material, so he challenges Finn Balor and Balor agrees.

- the Women's Champion and her next challenger team up. They win, but it's the challenger, not the champion, that gets that win.


Quite happy with that as a set up show. Plus Alexa was on.

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It was a pretty stacked show, too, talent-wise: Zayn, Rose, Crews, Dillinger, Joe, Gargano, Corbin, Swann.


And next week we get Lucha Underground back, too. What a time to be alive!

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